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Everything posted by fairytalemama

  1. 317AM here in Detroit. Can't sleep. I had a fight with my sister last night. Stupid bridesmaids dresses...;)
  2. I never realized everyone was up so late (and crazy! :lol:) until tonight! I can't sleep...sigh...
  3. Does anyone know if there are any other secular groups similar to Girl Scouts?
  4. You'll have a lovely time. My sister in law studied bassoon there and she gave a concert there as an alum a few years ago. It was fantastic. Bottom line---sisters are crazy. I have 6 of them and one or the other of us is always going at it. :boxing_smiley:
  5. What about Singapore with the Rightstart card games? That way you get the ease of the workbook, but get to break it up with the fun of the games.
  6. Don't you love it when the husband has a stroke of genius!! :D
  7. We keep a ton of rice cakes on hand and slather them with everything from hummus to cheese to nut butters to honey. I also try to keep veggies cut up which are dipped in peanut butter or hummus or Italian dressing. I'm always slicing up fruit too.
  8. We use our HSBC card that gives 5% back on groceries, gas, drugstores & Target (they consider Target a grocery store) for those categories and then use our Chase Freedom for everything else. My dh is always on the look out for new credit card deals that give back the most money because we pay off every month.
  9. I second the breakfast casserole idea. It can be made the night before and you can vary the ingredients. You can use bacon or sausage or even make it vegetarian. For our church's Palm Sunday breakfast every year they have breakfast casserole with sausage, fruit cocktail, and pancakes.
  10. :iagree: Me too. :grouphug: I have had more sewing disasters than I can count over the years!
  11. Once I started reading Chapter 4 last night the pace really picked up! I actually started liking it. He flash forwarded 5 years at the point I left off. Why Charles? Why did you have to flash forward just as I was getting into it!?!? :banghead: A type of gun. My favorite word from last night was incommodiousness. My dh and I took guesses of what it meant before I looked it up. He said "Not a crap house?" (I think he was thinking of commode being in the word ;)) I was closer when I guess that it meant not accommodating. The meaning actually was inconvenient.
  12. Not far...I'm like in Chapter 4. I need to be reading like 40 pages a day between now and the book club meeting if I'm going to make it. :ohmy: And the print size in the book is really super small...sigh.
  13. It's not a co-op, but a group I used to belong to has its policies listed here.
  14. How old is your child? We tried every method under the sun with my son until one day he woke up and decided he was potty trained. Here's a link to my celebratory thread. If they're older, sometimes you just have to wait for the kid to decide to do it. He's had some accidents since then, but for the most part he has been dry day and night since he made the decision on his own. Potty training is so hard. I hear you. :grouphug:
  15. I feel like a bad kid because I haven't finished anything since the 14th of March! Eek! I'm toiling through The Tale of Two Cities with a dictionary (nope, I didn't know what a blunderbuss was before this ;) ). I really want to start something different, but I'm the one that suggested to my book club that we try some Dickens and now I feel obligated to finish. The meeting is on the 13th.:eek: Somebody tell me that it gets easier...or that I can do it...or something.
  16. Ooooh! I had never heard of the Buckle. Now I will have to make a pilgrimage too (I'm 5'11"!).
  17. A Little Garden Flower has lots of Waldorf resources that are economical if you want to integrate Waldorf with things you already have. I've purchased some items from Melisa Nielsen (the owner) and she is absolutely delightful.
  18. This is definitely my current favorite. I think I embarrass everyone who is in the car with me when this comes on the radio. :lol: My all time favorite though is Dancing Queen by Abba.
  19. :iagree: Just do what feels right as a parent and let her go at her own pace. I started OPGTR at 4.75 with my daughter. We went in dribs and drabs. Sometimes we would do a whole bunch of lessons at once. Sometimes we would take a month off. She'll be 6 in June. We have about 40 lessons out of 231 left to go now and she's reading like crazy and comprehending (and we're talking Magic Treehouse and Chronicles of Narnia!). You're the mama. You know your child. Trust your instincts.
  20. My mom's tried and true chocolate eclair cake. Here's a link to a blog post where my kids helped me make it for my book club. The recipe link is embedded in the post, but her variation to make it cooler looking and better tasting is there. Everyone always asks for the recipe.
  21. I think you just need to go on vacation by yourself. Then you'll REALLY like it. ;)
  22. Mine watch two PBS Kids shows in the AM (usually Cat in the Hat and Super Why) and PBS's Wild Kratts in the afternoon during the week. Sometimes instead of Wild Kratts they'll watch an episode of Bill Nye. On Thursday nights, they watch the entire This Old House line up (i.e. This Old House, Ask This Old House, and whatever filler show they have between the two) with dh. Usually, they watch one movie on the weekend. If I'm sick, all rules go out the window and they pretty much watch whatever PBS shows or kids movies they want. ;)
  23. We have a 2007 Ford Freestar and it's been doing great for us. If you're a cool mom around here, you drive a Ford Flex. :D
  24. I'm in the same boat with my dd who is nearly 6. :grouphug: I found the Love and Logic book to be helpful. Unfortunately, we end up doing a lot of time outs. What really is most effective for improving behavior is spending more time doing fun activities with her. If I read her a book or color with her or do an art project and at the same time keep my demeanor even (I find that yelling is the kiss of death discipline wise---it has absolutely no effect), then her behavior stays good. The last two days have been awful here. Then this morning I was ill. We just hung out and read books. I gave them a bath. It was the best behavior I've had from them all week. Now I need to go take a nap...;)
  25. This is me too. I had a FB account about 4 years ago before it got really big. I closed it and haven't regretted it. It is the BIGGEST time suck for my younger sister. She is on that thing all the time! I don't have enough time as it is. I'm too busy trolling this forum. :tongue_smilie:
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