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Status Replies posted by ScoutTN

  1. Survived my first day of homeschooling two kids!

  2. Went to the grocery store with kids and was irrationally jealous of the lady behind me, about my age, obviously professional, single, no kids, well put together buying salad and kitty litter. I know I know...count my blessings. Perhaps she's jealous of me too. i just imagine her returning to a peaceful apartment in the city, alone and peaceful.

    1. ScoutTN


      Her peaceful apartment may be a lonely place. Perhaps she noticed you and was wishing that she was a mom!?

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  3. Free theater tickets and dinner! Woohoo, a date!

    1. ScoutTN


      Thanks! Max McLean does an excellent show and we have not seen the new one, about C.S. Lewis' conversion, yet.


      Dh is not big on planning dates, and we are seriously no-spend this month, so this is lovely all around.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  4. Who made up "Giving Tuesday" anyway? Bah Humbug.

    1. ScoutTN


      Well, my inbox is full of "Give us money!" pleas from organizations I have never supported and have no wish to support. Some I have never heard of. I find it irritating. We do give generously and thoughtfully already and haven't any extra funds this time of year. Our Christmas is extremely simple with surprise hike in property taxes, old cars needing repairs and medical bills.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  5. How I love Quizlet. Thank you, teachers and students who make these study sets!

    1. ScoutTN


      Dd uses the ones for Latin and Science for review and they are helpful. She spends about 20 minutes 2x a week. Interactive review is good.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  6. Bravewriter podcast with SWB is great! JB is an excellent interviewer.

  7. Anyone else celebrating Bilbo and Frodo's birthdays today? We just finished Second Breakfast; one hour 'til Elevenses. :)

    1. ScoutTN


      Yes! We had second breakfast too! It is hot here and we discussed how The Shire has proper fall weather.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  8. I can't believe my daughter is getting married today!

    1. ScoutTN


      Just now seeing this. Congrats! I hope it was lovely!

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  9. I'm missing being able to celebrate my mom's birthday today. She would have been 76.

  10. Homeschool fail: no dear, not the Calamari Desert.

  11. We still have dogs, novels, and dancing.

  12. Rotten cold. I have a week off and it is going to be used up by the time I am better. Pass the whine.

    1. ScoutTN


      bummer. hope you feel better soon! get a movie and some good chx soup.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  13. Yikes! Major gas shortage here.This week's activities may need to be re-arranged.

    1. ScoutTN


      Oil rigs off the Tx coast have been down because of hurricanes so production is off some. Then a pipline burst near Birmingham, AL. Many gas stations here are closed and others have very long lines. Prices have gone up over 40 cents in two days.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  14. Brag alert:Dd got a 5 on her AP World exam! It all started with a love of history aquired through SOTW! Thanks, SWB

  15. So have now been through the second coup where I am in the country at the time ...

  16. The saddest day in a pet owners life (sigh). RIP Hunter For 15 years you worked on our farm keeping rodents under control and feet/laps warm as needed. Now it's time. I wish it weren't. Love you kitty. May the Rainbow Bridge be all it's supposed to be.

  17. No, DS9, Sudden Onset Math-Induced Fatigue is not an actual condition.

  18. Can I just say how much I love the boards? You guys can answer a question faster than I could ever research on my own, and I get the benefit of lots of different perspectives to give me things to think about that I would never have come up with on my own. Thanks Board!

  19. You might be a homeschool mom if you McGyver your child's swimsuit to fit using a spare binder clip in your purse.

    1. ScoutTN


      "McGyver" as verb!Excellent!


  20. Seed catalogs are here! I

    1. ScoutTN


      Dh had a major haelth crisis last summer so I grew mostly weeds. Hoping for good health and lots of veggies this year!

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  21. My beautiful girl is 13 today. Happy birthday, love of my life!!

  22. How was the Roman Empire cut in half?

  23. Proud of my big girl - she just came home with a blue ribbon from her first horse show!

  24. Ordering IEW SWI B for my kids. . .best homeschooling choice EVER!!

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