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Everything posted by 2cents

  1. I've been to both many times and I vote DisneyWorld!!!!
  2. While I do believe that there are things that are hard to explain and I don't completely disbelieve that ghosts could exist, I think that many hotels and some b & b's these days are finding that having a ghost is profitable. If I was to open and B & B, I'd find a ghost too! ;)
  3. It all depends on the school. In my own experience, at a 4 year I found some of the professors were just going through the motions and were downright unprepared etc. and some were quite inspiring and it appeared they enjoyed their job. My son has has the same with his CC. The instructors are just people. Some are good at their job and some and better. I strongly believe that with the cost of tuition and books that people should expect competent instruction whether it is a 4 year of CC and if a professor is not living up to that expectation the school needs to be informed so they can correct the issue. IMO there should be no excuse for subpar instruction at any college. :001_smile:
  4. Fantastic!!! Thank you so much for posting this!!! :thumbup:
  5. My girls are currently in FLVS Middle School Spanish II and a few times they have linked to the UnitedStreaming middle school Spanish in the lessons. We also did the UnitedStreaming MS so that was a pleasant surprise! The US Spanish for Middle is a very traditional approach, especially if you do the worksheets. :D
  6. My son used this in 6th and it was a lot of work. He liked it and it is something I'd recommend but not for 4th. The girls are doing it after they finish Lit Lessons from LOTR and they are in 7th & 8th. Lot of writing and detail to this study but it's a keeper when the time is right! :thumbup:
  7. I don't see how castration absolves him from the sentence he deserved for the crime he committed. If I was his victim, it would be a slap in the face for him to be offered this alternative. He deserves to complete his sentence...then they should castrate him. :glare:
  8. We monitor and limit access. Haven't installed parental controls (other than limiting the browsing, no nanny programs).
  9. It sounds like a typical 3 yr old and actually I'm impressed that he doesn't just grab the toy. I would be concerned about the 'hostile' label too. When I think 'hostile' I envision a kid running around clubbing his classmates with toy trucks and pails. Maybe the teacher is just semantically challenged? I don't see anything odd or wrong with him being in daycare or preschool. It is a personal decision and IMO doesn't have that much to do with why a teacher would react in such a manner.
  10. The ModuMath site has a 'video lessons' list and that helps. The videos aren't numbered when you pull them up in US and I wish they were. The names seem to be the same though.
  11. I bet the Heart Attack Grill is kicking themselves for that advertising plan. It is likely the man was overweight way before he ever ate there so it is a coincidence. Unfortunately for the business, people may really believe the restaurant lived up to it's name. 29 is so young. It is really sad. I wish that instead of capitalizing on his condition, he could have found someone to help him.
  12. I just realized that Discoverystreaming (aka Unitedstreaming) has the ModuMath videos. We've been supplementing with these. You can get them if you search 'ModuMath'. I have Plus but hopefully they are in basic as well. I went to the ModuMath site and they charge $2000-$4000 a year!!! :eek: (Honestly-the videos are good but not that good).
  13. I'd do it. We like chili. I'd do it with the chili that doesn't have the beans though because we're trying to do lower carb.
  14. UC Open Access has one and it is free. You would probably want to get the text though. I get the texts for these classes on Ebay, Amazon or Half. http://www.ucopenaccess.org/course/view.php?id=81
  15. I was never taught diagramming in school. I am doing it with the dc though. I started with a book called: The Complete Book of Diagrams by Mary Daly and then we worked through Rex Barks by Davenport. We worked through those books as additions to grammar. It was actually fun. The girls like diagramming. I do too. I wish I had done that when I was in school. Now our grammar program has diagramming in it so that's how we're working it into the schedule now.
  16. Penmanship. My youngest writes like a caveman. Well, maybe not that bad but it is pretty bad. :eek: Guess we'll add that to the summer list too.
  17. I'm so sorry!!! I was hoping little Pongo would make it. You all tried so hard. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:
  18. We did private school and it was expensive and we weren't happy with the level of academics. We prefer homeschool.
  19. I've never been to a religious one. I've been to one that was secular though. It is a huge one with an enormous curriculum hall. I was in curriculum junkie heaven!
  20. Mine take FLVS Spanish. Since both do it and are in the same class, we watch the lesson on the big TV via computer and they each do their interactives and assignments on their laptops in the same room. Sometimes I check their submissions (if they have questions) but I urge them to be independent since they have a FLVS instructor. I routinely check their pace and grades via my parent account.
  21. Let's see... 1. Annual Testing will be over and we get to start summer school. 2. Going to Universal Orlando. 3. Warmer weather. 4. St. Patrick's Day 5. Spending more time outside.
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