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Sue G in PA

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Everything posted by Sue G in PA

  1. Jane, what say we go halvsies on that property in Hawaii? :D That should help my SAD, but probably not do much for getting schoolwork done. The only schooling we'd get done in Hawaii would be surfing, swimming, sunning, making sand castles, etc. :D Seriously...thanks all. I do take Vit. D b/c my Vit. D is consistently lower in winter. I've often thought about a light but wasn't sure it was worth it. And exercise. Yep. I should exercise more. :glare: Thanks!
  2. I know in most areas spring has sprung (or at least is beginning to :)). A recent post got me thinking about those cold, dreary, rainy/snowy, windy, etc. days of winter when you can't or simply don't want to go outside and just want to stay in bed under a warm blanket and cup of hot tea/coffee. I get SAD and since I struggle daily with depression anyway...it is 10x worse in the winter. This winter, I really took a nose dive due to some outside circumstances and challenges with my ds9 (which I have posted about). Btwn the back and forth to the hospital with him and his therapy, school was barely getting done for about 6wks. in Jan/Feb. And then, when we finally did get back into a rhythm, I just wasn't on top of my game. I really let history and science slide and completely dropped LHFHG for my littles and focused only on reading, math, handwriting and lots of reading to them. Anyway, in prep for next year...how do you all beat those winter blahs? If you get them that is. :D I know some of you love those cloudy, windy, rainy days but me? Not so much. And I can't keep letting school "slide" every winter just b/c I'm not feeling 100%. Thanks.
  3. As others have said, there is a ton. Having used MFW and HOD...those would be my top picks and if I HAD to choose 1...it would be HOD. Christ-centered, complete, lots of activities/crafts/projects, Charlotte Mason style, includes spelling/dictation, la, poetry, bible, science, history, geography, art, music, you choose your math but the author schedules Singapore, grammar using R&S is also scheduled, etc. It is complete. MFW is much the same but a bit of a different "feel" and layout. For 1st grade, I prefer HOD b/c I'm not very fond of the phonics instruction in MFW 1st. It is written in to the curriculum. With HOD you can choose your own phonics program. HTH
  4. Have you checked out the placement charts at HOD? It is usually right on. :) IMHO, it sounds like Beyond would be a good fit for your 6yo. If you don't want to run multiple guides, you could put your 8yo in Beyond and just do grade-level math, spelling and la as much of the la that is incorporated into Beyond would be redundant. It starts at the beginning (this is a noun, etc.). Having done R&S, your 8yo would be bored I think. THe other parts...history, science, bible, geography, etc. would probably be okay. It sounds like your 8yo would probably "best" fit in Bigger. There is a big jump from Bigger to Preparing (so I hear) and having used Preparing, I think it might be a bit much for an 8yo (my 9yo had difficulty). HTH
  5. Well, I guess I will be the odd one out. :D I love the CKE series. We did Bio a few years ago and really enjoyed it. I think my kids were about the same ages as yours. It isn't as "meaty" as some but for the ages you have, it would be fine, IMHO. I love most curriculum from BIP. I also found that CKE went along very nicely with MOH (if that is what you are using!). Same "feel" to it, if you kwim. I have Earth and Space and will be starting it shortly to add to the science in Preparing (HOD). I know others have said it wasn't enough, but I found it to be plenty. The projects/experiments were decent, but if you were looking for more of experiment than "project", you might be a bit disappointed. Of course, I've only used Bio and glanced over E&S. Chemistry would probably be very different. HTH.
  6. Sorry to hijack but if you don't mind me asking...did you "beef" it up any for your 13yo, Michelle? We are using Preparing this year with a 11yo (5th) and 12yo (7th). I was going to jump to RtR for next year (both for content...we did Ancients not too long ago..and for placement). Both my boys seem to place in RtR, but neither are avid readers. Could you tell me, how, if at all you "tweaked" CtC for your 13yo? Thanks!
  7. Chris, you might want to PM JohnandTinaGilbert (Tina). She uses PR and LREG. She loves it. Hopefully she'll see this and respond.
  8. If only I could find a way to merge both MFW and HOD! I have used MFW K, 1st and ECC and dd14 is using MFW AHL for 9th grade. This year we are using LHFHG and Preparing (and I've used LHTH sporadically). I loved MFW K and will use it again with ds2 in a couple years. I didn't like 1st as much b/c the phonics instruction just wasn't my cup of tea. ECC looked fabulous and I was so excited to use it. But, it bombed. :glare: As for HOD...LHFHG is okay. I find many of the activities a little "babyish" for the ages indicated. Perhaps I'm just not into the rhymes and play-acting and such. I LOVE Preparing. Love it. Full, challenging, all-inclusive, Christ-centered, engages the child's "heart" and not just the "mind", great crafts, activities, etc. I don't think the science is "beefy" enough, but my guys are really in to science. And that is easy to "tweak". We are moving on to RtR next year and I can't wait! That being said...we will also be using MFW Adventures with my youngers...or maybe HOD Beyond...no, no, no...def. Adv...well...maybe HOD Beyond. Can you see my dilemna? :D I love them both! Anyway, I am rambling. Sorry. Honestly, I wish I could combine both. I prefer HOD for the older years (Preparing and up). That I do know. :D
  9. :iagree: And, again, I have not read his book neither am I familiar with his teachings. I am only going by what I have read in this post and others. It is my belief that you CANNOT teach a child about Jesus without also teaching them about their sin. To do that is to minimize exactly what Jesus came here to do (and who He is) and equate Him with just any other good and decent person! He came to die for our sins! This is just my opinion and I'm not making any sort of character judgement or Dr. Enns or anyone else. I don't know when a child is old enough to be held accountable for his or her acceptance or rejection of Christ but I think it is probably younger than we like to think. I cannot even fathom waiting until my children are "older" (and how old?) to tell them of the immense and unmeasurable love that Jesus has for them that He would CHOOSE to die to save them from the consequences of their sin. Make sense? Clear as mud? :D I'm off to become a bit more informed about Dr. Enns teachings as to not insert my foot accidentally in my mouth. :)
  10. Well, I have a headache now. This whole thing disgusts me. I like Ken Hamm. (throw tomatoes if you want). Yet, I am deeply disturbed by his behavior at this conference. What really bugs me is that he felt the need to "warn" intelligent adults about the content of another speaker's presentation. Can we not form our own opinions? Are we not informed enough that IF another speaker were "speaking against the Christian message" (and I am NOT saying Dr. Enns was) that we could figure that out for ourselves. I pray that Ken Hamm can come to repentence about this and realize where he was wrong. It saddens me that Susan was put through this at the conference. Truly. I am excited about going to the NE convention (AiG or no AiG). There are lots of other fabulous speakers from whom I hope to gleam lots of great little "nuggets". I am young Earth. I believe in literal Scripture, 6 day creation, etc. However, I also 100% agree with Dr. Enns when he said we are missing the point entirely. It's all about JESUS! And THIS sort of disagreement does NOT glorify God, point to Jesus, show love, compassion, mercy, forgiveness, etc. Not in the least. And I am speaking about the treatment of ALL persons involved...even Ken Hamm. He was WRONG, but to speak out against him and slander HIS name on THIS forum is equally as sinful, is it not? Aren't we al doing the same thing to him that he was doing to Dr. Enns and SWB and Jay Wile? 2 wrongs do NOT make a right and we are not to repay evil with evil. And with that I am :auto: so as not to have my face smashed with tomatoes. Love you all.
  11. And chocolate. :tongue_smilie: But, kidding aside...I wish I had a laminator. :tongue_smilie: Post-it flags, tape, computer, good printer, lots of paper (all kinds), extra pair of eyes, extra set of hands...:D
  12. How about Logic using Fallacy Detective and The Thinking Toolbox? My dd14 (9th) is reading through both (one at a time) this semester for 1/2 credit (I think..could be 1/4). Very easy to use.
  13. I am a clown, face-painter and balloon artist in my "spare time". :D Started about 9 years ago when some friends asked dh and I if we wanted to learn how to twist balloons (they owned an entertainment business). I was hooked from that day on. Then, I was introduced to face painting and I LOVE it. I don't clown so much anymore. Anyway, it is a lucrative business during the warmer weather months (about now - the Fall) and it's fun! I used to twist balloons and face paint regularly in restaurants one night a week. I do miss that.
  14. I didn't vote b/c my first did end w/ a cs. However, I was in labor for 18 hours before having it. At that point I don't believe I was even at 10 so labor would have likely gone much longer. 8 hours is short for a first child. My second child was a natural home delivery. I was in labor for 24 hours with him.
  15. One of those days here, too. I told my kids I was going back to bed and pretending that the morning never happened. And I did. :D I took a nice "nap" and when I got up, I wished everyone a good morning (even thought it was 2pm) and proceeded with the day. Thankfully, everyone's attitudes had improved.
  16. B/c she is already enrolled in a private K, I believe that you must file the affidavit when you begin homeschooling her. I know the law says that 8 is the mandatory age but if the child has already been in a public or private school before the age of 8 you must report from then on. Does that make sense?
  17. I second Family Fun's website. One year they had an idea in the magazine for an April Fool's joke that involved substituting sweet treats for typical dinner foods. Something like ice cream for mashed potatoes, green fruit rollups rolled to resemble green beans, etc. I can't remember it all now but wanted to try that one year.
  18. Erin, in reading your reply more thoroughly, I wanted to encourage you and complement you for allowing your son to explore the Bible! IMHO, HOD would be PERFECT for a child who WANTS to learn more about God and enjoys reading the Bible. You do not need to have any prior experience with Christianity or the Bible or religion AT ALL! HOD is so gentle (not "in your face" if you kwim) and such a sweet program. I would encourage you to check it out. It would be such a wonderful time for you and your son to learn together. :D
  19. Just wanted to chime in with another vote for HOD! :D Totally open and go, fun, engaging, easy teacher prep, etc. However, HOD is 100% Christ-centered (no easy way around that!) so if you are not Christian that might be a problem (I don't like to assume that all homeschoolers are Christians). I would recommend Five in a Row if a Christian curriculum won't work for you. FIAR is fun, open and go and totally secular (unless you use the Christian supplement but that is not necessary)! http://www.fiveinarow.com. ETA: Just noticed you replied that you are not Christian, so then I would totally go with FIAR! Just add your own math, reading (phonics) and whatever else you would like! My dd5 loves FIAR!
  20. I just had to back my dd14 up to almost the beginning of Saxon Alg. 1 for much the same reason. She just was not "getting it". She will likely not finish by summer's end but I'm ok with that. She is not heading into a math-heavy career. It is best to back it up and make certain that she "gets it" before moving on. You could try a different program for a change of pace. I would recommend Life of Fred...starting with the Pre-Algebra courses if necessary. Beginning Algebra is the Alg. 1 course followed by Advanced Alg. My ds12 who does not think mathematically at all is doing well with Fred. :grouphug: It's going to be ok. Your dd will graduate. :)
  21. I found TWTM while cyberschooling and would NEVER have had the courage to ditch the cyber and go it on our own had it not been for you and this book. I also had the pleasure to hear you speak and it changed the way we homeschooled...for the better. Thank you for all you do. For this board, for your books, your willingness to teach and encourage and educate and everything else I don't have room to mention here. :D You are awesome!
  22. :grouphug: Susan. We all love you here. I am going to the Northeast convention to hear/see YOU...again! I had the pleasure and good fortune to hear you speak a few years back in Richmond. It changed my homeschool for the better. I am praying for you. You don't deserve all this "junk" being flung at you.
  23. Guest Hollow has a free Amer. Hist. curriculum. There is a schedule, list of books, activities, etc. It is geared toward the 3rd grade level but easily adapted for older/younger.
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