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Sue G in PA

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Everything posted by Sue G in PA

  1. Have you looked at HOD (Heart of Dakota)? That is another Christ-centered all-in-one curriculum. It is a bit like MFW but has a different "feel" to it. Depending on how advanced your Ker is, you might be able to combine in HOD. I combine a Ker and 2nd grader in HOD LHFHG b/c my 2nd grader is not quite up to grade level in reading and my Ker is quite advanced. HOD has a placement chart that is very helpful when choosing which program to use for your dc. It is really right on target. HTH.
  2. I have both programs. Rainbow simply cannot compare to Apologia PS, IMHO. Apologia PS is so much more involved, challenging, rigorous, etc. I purchased Rainbow Science for my ds12 who is not a real avid reader but loves science. My dd14, otoh, uses Apologia PS and does not have a problem with it at all. She is a good reader, though, and also very good at math. Ds...not so much at this point. So...it all depends on what you are looking for. There is a experiment kit for Apologia PS...costs way less than the Rainbow lab tools. :D HTH
  3. FLL or GWG would be my first and second choices (not in any particular order of preference). You would need the text and workbook for GWG. You would also need a writing program (or incorporate your own writing assignments or copywork/dictation into your curriculum).
  4. You are quite right. I never sat down and added it all up to compare. I think there is a reason for that. :D
  5. Jane, I have not. I would be purchasing the HomeStudy set that includes both the Writer's Jungle and Help for High School. It is only on sale through this evening! AAAAGGGGHHHH!
  6. I have looked at TOG extensively over the years and it is always a temptation. However, I get very overwhelmed looking at it and all the planning involved and especially overhwhelmed looking at the pricetag. :D
  7. while it is half off on HSBC, right? :D I'm trying to justify spending the $. So, I will regret it, if I do NOT buy it, right? :D
  8. That's a tough one. :D I would say if you are loving SOTW then continue with it. Don't fix what ain't broke, right? MFW RtR might be a tad over a 2nd grader's head, IMO. I suppose it would be helpful to know what is drawing you toward MFW? Is it the all-in-oneness, the Bible aspect, or something else? It is also important to remember with the elem. years that History study is really just about giving them "pegs" on which to hang more in depth study later on. Your dd will do the "cycle" again in middle or high school (depending on how you tailor your future studies, kwim?). Personally, I think taking a year to study Amer. Hist. is a good idea and I LOVE the look of Adv. :D I am still trying to decide btwn. that and HOD Beyond for my dd6 and ds8 next year. Both cover Amer. Hist. and use similar books. Good luck with your decision...I know it can be tough!
  9. I believe that there is a thread (perhaps a "sticky") on the HOD board that talks about the reason for separate levels as opposed to keeping all kids together. Combining is terrific and MFW does it very well. I used ECC with 4 children a couple years ago. I found that my youngest was always getting "lost" and disengaging from dicussions, etc. This year we went with HOD and I am using 2 guides: Preparing and LHFHG. I will add that I also have a 9th grader using MFW AHL. :D My 5th grader is virtually independent with Preparing. My 7th grader "could" be but works better when I am around and guiding him. Ds9 (4th gr.) is doing Preparing 1/2 sped. Dd14 is completely independent except for daily discussions and weekly "check ins". LHFHG does not take a ton of time at all. We save Storytime for bedtime, do Bible at lunch, etc. Preparing takes more time, but my dh does Storytime with the boys before bed. Next year I will be doing RtR, finishing up Preparing with my 4th grader and using Beyond (or MFW Adv.) with dd6 and ds8. I like how HOD is set up. I like the "box" format, the inclusion of dictation and copywork, poetry, art, music, etc. I like how each each guide included books that are specifically geared toward the age-range specified. I like how it is "open and go", no tweaking necessary (unless you want to :D). I don't have to worry about watering down for the littles or beefing up for the olders. I found I had to do that with MFW. That being said, there are some MFW programs that I do prefer over HOD (K and Adv.). There are many families on HOD who use multiple guides and have shared their schedules on how they make it work. I am a PR user (level one so far) and I don't find a conflict so far (b/c LA/spelling) is not included in LHFHG...you can choose your own Phonics. I guess it is all a matter of preference b/c both MFW and HOD are fabulous programs. MFW high school fits my dd14 very well. It would not however be a good fit for my ds12. He is not as avid a reader as dd14 and would not thrive in the program at all. I can see him, however, thriving in the future HOD guides. I am so grateful that there are so many great curriculum options out there!
  10. Manicures...when I was a teen and had money to blow. :D Now? Are you kidding me? I barely have enough money to feed my kids. I'd love a massage, though. My dd14 gives me pedicures and manicures. She is AWESOME!
  11. I am planning something like this with my kids. We still have a good month or more before the last frost so I am still toying with ideas. I am letting each child (we have 7) have a square or several of their own to tend (depending on age....ds2 and dd5 can share 2...ds8 gets more, ds10 still more, on up to dd14 who can tend an entire 4x4 or 3x3. Anyway, my idea was to have each child decide what to plant. The older children will research the plant (how to plant it in the square foot space, type of soil preferred, pest to watch out for and how to get rid of them organically, harvest time, etc.). They will draw a picture of their plot and note important info. like time from seed to harvest, illustration, etc. Of course they have the daily responsibility of tending to their own section of the garden. I thought of keeping a journal of daily drawings of the plants growth. I'm anticipating some damaged crops b/c this is our first real gardening endeavor :tongue_smilie: and I think it will be a good learning experience for us all to research reasons why a particular crop failed or didn't reach full potential so we can do better the next time. I'd love to hear more ideas!
  12. My ds is almost 10. He still sucks his thumb quite frequently. He also carries around, "what's left of a blanket". Both are for comfort and I am guessing some sensory thing. We always ask him to take his thumb out when we catch him and don't allow him to take the blanket out of the house anymore. It worries me, but I know it has a lot to do with psychological issues. Don't blame the parents...it's too easy to do, I know. Have btdt with myself...lots of guilt. But, as I've posted before about ds9...he does have some psych. challenges. And honestly, I kept a blanket all through college and didn't let it go until I got married. I still like to sleep holding onto a section of my comforter or sheet.
  13. This is actually my plan, too. I am still trying to decide btwn Adventures and Beyond. i have Beyond and it looks great. But, I have had my eye on Adventures for years now. I'm thinking about combining but not sure how. I'd probably go crazy trying.
  14. Let me clarify...I don't try to engage in the midst of the "meltdown". That is futile. :D I mean, when she has calmed down. In the past, this has really helped. A hug, holding her, a simple, "I'm sorry you are feeling this way", etc. Nowadays, it's just met w/ more drama. :glare: Ah well...thanks for the sympathy/empathy. Yes, it shall pass. FWIW...my oldest boy is heading into the teen years in a couple months. He doesn't have the hormonal meltdowns...just the "know it all", defiant, aggressive, major attitude junk. Not sure which I loathe more. :glare:
  15. I think that my "gut" reaction when somebody says they are religious or that somebody is religious is that, yes, they are Christian. However, I realize how erroneous that is b/c there are MANY people who are NOT Christians who are very religious/spiritual, etc. So, no...I do not think that religious necessarily = Christian. :D
  16. Yep, I'm in that boat, too. Was just telling dh (who left for NY again this week :glare:) that I have lost all motivation to finish out this week. And we are already behind. And I am tired. And my house is nearing "disaster" status very quickly. And dh is gone...but I already mentioned that. :D :grouphug: I took the kids to the library and rented a few educational DVDs for tomorrow and Friday. I'm just praying I find my motivation by Monday.
  17. No real advice, just :grouphug: and encouragement that it seems like you are handling it beautifully. Just keep calm when he is like that, as hard as that is sometimes. I will recommend a book called, The Heart of Anger that has just been a real blessing to me in my own struggles dealing with LOTS of strong-willed children. :D It is Christian, so if you are not of that faith, it might not be a good fit.
  18. I am NOT going to survive dd14's! :001_huh: Everything is a crisis, a tragedy, the end of the world, etc. Talk about making mountains out of molehills. I try to understand. I try to sympathize. I listen. I do not judge. I offer advice. I'm there for her in a way my mother never was for me. I engage in the mess instead of ignoring it or withrawing like my own mother did. And yet, I hear my voice coming out of my daughter's mouth saying things like, "You don't understand anything!", "You don't know me at all!" "You don't even try to understand!", "You never have time for me so how could you know me!" :001_huh: Ummm...really? Wow, 'cause last time I checked I was with you 24/7 and we go out together at least once a week if not more, etc. Please tell me this is going to get better b/c if not, I'm going to need to take out a second mortgage for my therapy bill. :glare:
  19. I have only used the Life series but, IMO it is meaty enough. HOD also schedules the Weather book from the Heaven and Earth in the RtR program which is geared toward the 10-12 age range. I will be using that with my ds13 next year.
  20. That lifts my spirits tremendously! I am rejoicing with you. :D
  21. :lol::lol: That is exactly what I was thinking, but dared not say it!
  22. Today has been one of those days. I have them less frequently than I used to, but today has been bad. It shouldn't have been feeling so low, b/c I had 2 friends from high school over (one of which I haven't seen since graduation!) with their 2 youngest kids. It was a wonderful visit. Then they left and I crashed. :( We didn't get any schoolwork done, the kids were at each others' throats, disrespectful, nasty, cranky, copping major attitudes, etc. If dh wasn't working from home today, I would have fallen apart. And I'm struggling with grief over something I should have let go long ago. Anyway, I have to find some good to focus on otherwise I am going to succumb to self pity and negativity. So, today I feel good that... 1. I was able to get out and mail some packages I needed to mail. 2. My room is mostly clean. 3. I got to reconnect with a good friend. 4. I did a load of laundry. So, how about you? What do you feel good about today? :D
  23. Have you looked at DITHOR? You can use any books you want with it (any level). You can look at it at http://www.heartofdakota.com.
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