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Sue G in PA

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Everything posted by Sue G in PA

  1. Why oh why did I open this thread? :glare: Some threads really do need to come with a warning label..."WARNING...this thread might be hazardous to your wallet. Proceed at your own risk".
  2. Pop psych would like us all to believe that ANY form of punishment will damage our child's fragile little egos. And pop psych is only hurting our children...NOT firm, Biblical, consistent discipline from loving parents. Anyway, off my soap box. Been reading the Heart of Anger and feeling very convicted of my OWN sins in parenting. But, on to your question. :D I don't think sentences will destroy the love of learning. I also don't think that sentences get to the heart of the issue. Not to say I wouldn't make my dc write if the crime warranted that, kwim? Am I clear as mud? :D Sometimes, I will make a child copy certain scriptures that pertain to the crime committed if I feel like they need it to 'sink in' a bit more. As the crime is often recommitted...i don't think the sentences are really working. But I persist. Something has to work, right? :tongue_smilie:
  3. I think it depends on how involved you want the sheets to be. Are you just looking for basic info. like the outline of the state, capital, flower, flag, important landmarks, etc.? Or, do you want multiple pages that cover it more in depth? Hold That Thought has a US Geography CD with notebook pages for each state (4 per state I think) that cover the basics as well as more in depth. It is suitable for 4th grade an up. I think Trail Guide to US Geography has a CD with notebook pages as well. You could also take a look at the Student Pack from MFW Adventures which is basically just notebook pages on all the states. Those are pretty basic I think as they are geared toward 2nd/3rd graders. HTH a bit.
  4. There was a girl named Harley on the soap opera I watched as a teen. I really like that name for a girl. My dd14's best friend from a few years back had a little brother named Harley. So...both!
  5. I have the book and have used it with ds12..just a few chapters so far. I am not very well-versed in the sciences but I haven't come across anything blatantly wrong so far. So far. I'll do some more reading ahead before I present the other chapters. Perhaps we should just stick with Apologia. :glare:
  6. My fave! Saw it live in London when I was in college studying abroad. Excellent. :D
  7. I paid a boatload of money via Paypal for a curriculum set that never arrived. It's been months now. I corresponded with the seller who said she shipped it. No tracking number or delivery conf. (I didn't pay extra for that so I didn't expect there to be any). I asked her to pay me back half of what I paid her but never heard back from her. Honestly, I only asked that hoping to recover some of my $ so I could buy the program from somebody else. But, I never really expected the seller to reimburse me. She did her part...she shipped it. The PO obviously lost it. That is not her fault or mine. It just is. I'm sorry Paypal made you pay her back. That is ridiculous. I learned my lesson...buy insurance for expensive curriculum.
  8. This is what I have so far for ds11: HOD Rome to Reformation which includes science, Bible, some Art & music, Geography, Literature using DITHOR, poetry and History Singapore Math 5A/B R&S English 5 SYRWTL Spanish (possibly) I would like to add some sort of music appreciation...perhaps just a composer study Phonics of Drawing That's it so far.
  9. Where can I buy cursive first and can I teach it even though they already know manuscript?
  10. :grouphug: Thank you for letting us know you are ok. We have been so worried and praying for you constantly.
  11. My immediate thought was Titus Jeremiah. I also like Titus Joel, Titus, Alexander, Titus Malachi, Titus Josiah.
  12. Ummm...this assumes I ever did it to begin with. :tongue_smilie: I really never clipped my kids' nails except when they were babies.
  13. I like the white board idea. Thanks. I'll have to keep this a secret from ds8, though...just another area in which dd5 is leaps and bounds ahead of him. Would cursive help a child who has poor manucript writing? Ds8 has really improved in this area over the past 6 mos. But, his writing is still very illegible and "messy". Wondering now if cursive might help that. Any ideas?
  14. My Ker just asked me if she could learn "real handwriting". When she pretends to write, she will use scribbles that mimic cursive letters (just a long line of loops and curves, etc.). That is her "handwriting" she says. She already knows her print letters well (except she often reverses letters and number..like a mirror image). Wondering if cursive would help with that? If so, what should I use? I have A Reason for Handwriting. Thanks.
  15. This really made me cry and cry. Right on the heels of another tragedy involving an Amish family in KY where a buggy flipped in a flooded road and 4 kids died. We have good friends who are Amish & it is possible they knew the family. Our friends are also dairy farmers. Just so sad.
  16. Kristin, I just signed up under you. Here is my referral link once you get your 4! https://www.plumdistrict.com/?ref=ua4fc6d3f119
  17. I did this last year. My mental health was fragile and I was no good for any of my kids and I needed the time to focus on my challenge child and the littles. It wasn't a break. I traded one type of chaos for another. :D Having to keep track of school lunches, homework, papers to sign, field trips, gym uniforms, projects, etc. made me crazy. Blech. I'd rather keep the chaos I know than try to learn an entire new set of chaos. :D
  18. I am Christian. They can choose to sell what they want, but I can tell you as other PPs have said...the business won't last. Around here, I think about 90% of the homeschoolers are Christian and use Christian material. Foolish business practice. I would feel the same way, btw, if a particular homeschool business refused to sell secular material or Muslim material or whatever.
  19. It would bother me. My husband's step father couldn't remember my 7th child's name when we visited at Christmas. We don't see them but once a year, but we do communicate. It bugged me. My grandmother, before she passed, never spelled my dh's name correctly...no matter how many times she was corrected. AND, I have other relatives who consistently cannot pronounce or spell my last name (which is only 6 letters). Aggravating.
  20. Would never let my elem. aged children make a decision like that but we are in the middle of debates with ds12 over going back to ps for 8th grade on up. So far, he hasn't convinced me that ps would be of benefit to him but dh disagrees. He thinks we need to let him test his wings...feels we are "clipping" his wings by homeschooling him when he obviously wants to go to school. Ugh. Anyway, I do feel he must have some say...but not final say. It IS his future.
  21. I personally prefer the Hand of a Child lapbooks to the FNLs. Yes, they are a bit more pricey. But, they are much more involved and have a lot more to them. We don't do one for every book...just the faves. :D For the others, we use HSS. For ex, we just used All About Ping from HOAC and LOVED it! We also have Mike Mulligan from HOAC and love that one, too. I try to purchase some when they are on sale. :D
  22. MUS. I like how place value was taught FIRST...before even getting in to adding/subtracting, etc. Like the legos idea...have used that idea as well as using regular Base 10 blocks, Unifix cubes, cuisenaire, etc.
  23. Wouldn't bother me one way or another. Having lived on campus at Gettysburg for 4 years and hearing the ghost stories about most, if not ALL of the buildings there...it just doesn't bother me much. :) Not sure if I really believe in ghosts anyway...cept the Holy Ghost. ;)
  24. Too deep for m at 11:24 pm, Aubrey ;)...but if eating chocolate is a sin then dear LORD, have mercy on my SOUL! :lol:
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