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Everything posted by Luckymama

  1. Perhaps the women who lift are there later? I go in the mornings, half the time at 7am and the other times at 11am. I went once, just once, at 7pm and it was crazy busy :eek:
  2. Already worked out at the gym :) Ahead: --a hot shower :lol: --more decaf, please --school: math, chem, Science Olympiad quizzing --daily things; Wednesday tasks --a few emails --sort team tshirts for those picking up later --gather all paperwork for Saturday's competition --more research --library run --dd ballet 6-8
  3. Gym for elliptical and arms/shoulders weights. Once again I was the only woman in that area of the gym. Tomorrow I have training scheduled--and snow in the forecast. I hope the roads will be ok by then.
  4. We did three years of world history (5th-7th) and one year of US history (8th). Why? 1. We started homeschooling in 5th grade. I gave dd the choice of beginning with ancient world history or US. She chose ancient history because she found it more interesting. 2. We did three years of world history because she preferred the three-book K12 Human Odyssey series to the four-book Story of the World. She found SOTW 1 to be babyish.
  5. I just spent an hour looking at Bora Bora resorts with overwater bungalows... The ice is nasty. It will be all rain soonish, but snow is coming. Again. I told dh this morning that I'm calling an in-service day the first really warm day :lol:
  6. The PSAT score that "counts" is the one taken in 11th grade.
  7. I am out of likes (I flung them wantonly this morning ;)) so consider yourselves liked :D Those who lift--do you wear gloves? After a session with free weights or even just inclined push-ups against a bar, I get small painful calluses-that-might-be-blisters at the base of my ring fingers. Slache, 10000 push-ups? :eek: My shoulders can't take flat push-ups yet so I'm stuck with the inclined type. Yesterday I managed 4 sets of 8---woohoo!
  8. My Tuesday list: --gym at 8:30 (dh has a training session then--I don't like going by myself early in the am when no on else is there) --school: chem, math, Science Olympiad event quizzing --daily things; Tuesday-specific tasks --grocery run --pick up new SO team tshirts at the shirt place --email team, parents about shirts and send maps and schedule for Saturday's competiton --update dd20's FAFSA w final numbers --some research --read :D
  9. I got up early for our 6:45 gym visit, forgetting that dh has scheduled a training session for 8:30 this morning :( Sad about the lost extra sleep :( So I'll go to the gym later w him and do some cardio and core work. I am feeling yesterday's workout in a good way :)
  10. Last week I bought 2 pair of pointe shoes for dd. I did get them on sale from Discount Dance, about $10 lower than their regular price which is $20 less than the local-ish store. But still, $135 :eek: They might last through April... Did the taxes. No matter how dh adjusts his withholding, we still get a substantial refund. It's a factor of how his industry works and the fact that we have two kids in college (those tax credits). I paid $17.99 for TaxAct. And then groceries and a drugstore visit. This week? I just wrote a check for dd's outsourced English class for next year ($650). I have to pay my $1.15 library fine. I need to pay a performance fee for dd's next ballet, Cinderella--$105, I think. I have to go grocery shopping tomorrow. We'll be at the state Science Olympiad competition on Saturday and will buy some lunch there (I'll pack some things.).
  11. Yay! Time to read :party: --gym w trainer --school w dd (math, chem, some Science Olympiad quizzing) --daily things and Monday-specific tasks --submit the federal taxes --do our state taxes --register dd for next year's English --bit of school-related research --drugstore run (might walk there if the sideways are ok)
  12. My father died quite suddenly 18 months after my mother's death. Dd and I found him in their house. I had to deal with my grief, serving as the executrix of the estate, and selling the house. We still did school except for that first week. Some days it was only math, literature, and a history or science dvd. Some days she did her work in a lawyer's conference room. Some days we sat together on the couch. And other days we did a full complement of school work. But school work still was done.
  13. I have never seen PE as a requirement for admissions. And I have looked at many, many websites over the past six years... We won't be putting PE on dd's transcript. Her eighty gazillion weekly hours of ballet will be listed under extracurriculars.
  14. Registration opened yesterday. As of 9pm Eastern, there are *5* open seats remaining in the class for next year! I guess lots of English 1 kids are staying with Mrs. Proctor :) (For anyone following my which-English-for-next-year saga, dd went with Blue Tent AP Language over PAHS AP Language and other options. She prefered a class without daily assignments and a class without live meetings (optional chats are ok). Maya Inspektor's class was a very close second, but dd was afraid she'd not be able to get to the daily message assignments multiple times with her schedule next year.)
  15. Against my better judgement, I stress-ate Ghirardelli dark chocolate chips while finishing taxes today. Oh well!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Peaceful Isle
    3. Kerileanne99


      Dark chocolate is not stress eating but therapeutic ingestion of invaluable antioxidants!

    4. Space station

      Space station

      That's the only way I can imagine getting through taxes! Good for you!

  16. :party: HUGE congratulations!!!!!!!!
  17. Weight training is so empowering! I am woman, watch me lift :D Good session w the trainer today, followed by 30 min elliptical and stretching.
  18. A slow start in our house---dh will be going to the office late today because of the icy roads. I don't need to leave for the gym until 10:45. All the schools are on a 2 hour delay. Up ahead on this (potentially sunny) Monday: --gym w trainer --school w dd (math, chem, some Science Olympiad quizzing) --daily things and Monday-specific tasks --submit the federal taxes --do our state taxes --register dd for next year's English --bit of school-related research --drugstore run (might walk there if the sideways are ok) Ciao :D
  19. But sometimes the FAFSA is due (by the college or university) before all the tax documents are in. We had to have dd's FAFSA submitted by Feb 15. Some of our 1099s weren't even mailed by then. For anyone reading in a similar situation, choose the "will file" option wrt federal taxes on the FAFSA website. That will indicate you are filing an estimate; you just have to return and update the numbers once taxes are done (we've done it as late as April 1 because of paperwork issues). I use the previous year's numbers to estimate, even when I know the numbers will be far off.
  20. We're expecting a lovely wintry mix all day into tonight. Happy March! Today is my rest day--no gym :) Up ahead: --enjoy the blueberry coffeecake :D --finish taxes (just have to add charitable contributions) --cook a turkey from the freezer --prep the week, life- and school-wise --register dd for AP English for next year :eek: --check budget for Alaska trip (no kids!!!!) Good enough :) Enjoy your Sunday!
  21. I rocked the weights at the gym this morning :D Dh hadn't seen me lift that much ever. He was all :eek: and :party: I got some head nods from the 20something guys :lol:
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