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Everything posted by Luckymama

  1. hj, as someone who has seen you in person, you do NOT look like you have 70 lb to lose!
  2. I only bag produce that comes in small pieces, like beans or loose mushrooms. I do bag meats. I use the self-scan checkouts exclusively. I bring my own bags. I use the two-tiered shopping carts linked above or just a hand basket. No chance of leaky diapers there!
  3. Session w trainer followed by 35 min elliptical. Today he had me leg press 270 lb :D I also did stupid one-legged bridge things (hate those) and twisting planks (w straight arms), lat pull downs, some fly things w the cable machine to strengthen my shoulder, and a balance step-up move leaning forward (he called it a 'swan'). 3 sets of 12-15, rotating through. Is it nap time? :lol:
  4. Good morning :) My day looks like this: --meet w gym trainer at 11 --school w dd: math, chem, APHG --daily things --Wednesday-specific tasks --continue looking for new articles for APHG --look for additional APHG review materials --grocery shopping --dd ballet 6-8 --buy seeds?? --read :D
  5. The OUP ancient history series is called "The World in Ancient Times"---here's a link to the Greek volume http://www.amazon.com/Ancient-Greek-World-Times/dp/019515696X/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1426678413&sr=1-1&keywords=world+in+ancient+times The later middle school OUP series is called "The Medieval and Early Modern World". This is the volume on Asia http://www.amazon.com/Asian-World-600-1500-Medieval-Modern/dp/0195178432/ref=pd_sim_b_3?ie=UTF8&refRID=1YNHHY7ZETJHHDDRJ14H We used both sets in fifth and sixth grade. I discovered a third series from OUP last year called "Pages from History". Perhaps that's what an PP was referring to http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_ss_i_0_10?url=search-alias%3Dstripbooks&field-keywords=pages+from+history&sprefix=Pages+from%2Cstripbooks%2C272 We used the United-States-specific volumes last year for US History in 8th grade.
  6. I'll let you know when it gets better. Just yesterday dd showed me the Palm of No Talking after asking for my help :rolleyes:
  7. You can still get a good idea of "fit" by just being on campus, especially since you're not making a special trip! Older dd thought one school was perfect for her. It was, on paper. Then we visited and she discovered that, while the profs and the program were excellent and engaging, the physical campus and environs were not. There was no place within walking or safe biking distance to get pizza or a salad, to pick up OTC medicine, or to nurse a cup of coffee while writing or studying. Dd had no idea just how important the "nearby" factor was in her college-decision-making process.
  8. Gym for bike and stretching while dh had a session with the trainer I am definitely feeling yesterday's workout in my quads and back. Who knew there are so many different back muscles?!
  9. Happy birthday Jen :party: :grouphug: to all who are in need :grouphug: Done so far: --gym w dh --all the daily and Tuesday chores Still ahead: --school w dd: math, chem, history, APHG (and she's in a mood :rolleyes:) --research Comparative Government and Politics for next year --gardening planning, yay! --look for some new articles for APHG --start pizza dough --dd ballet 5:30-7:30 --read :D
  10. Pistol squats :eek: I can see myself falling over :eek:
  11. Dd wishes to study AP Psych next year. I'll be designing the course and seeking College Board approval to list the course as such on her transcript. So far I only know we'll be using Psychology by Myers http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_ss_c_0_9?url=search-alias%3Dstripbooks&field-keywords=myers+psychology&sprefix=Myers+psy%2Caps%2C1932 probably the 2009 edition unless I can find the 2011 edition at a good price. My college kids used an older edition for AP Psych at their high schools.
  12. Gym today: training then 30 min elliptical Today I bench-pressed 50 lbs :D (3 x 12 reps). I also did reverse lunges w 10 lb dumbbells, back extensions holding 35 lb, a standing oblique twisty thing using bands, wide-grip lat pulldowns (only 20 lb---that was difficult), and finished w planks, lifting alternate feet (3 sets for 45 sec, ouch). I am tired in a very good way :)
  13. A typical Monday here: --gym w trainer at 11 --school w dd: math, chem, history, APHG --house things, including lots of laundry --Monday-specific chores Plus --continue working on transcript --continue research for next school year --order leotards --go see Cinderella tonight w dd :D
  14. We used K12's American Odyssey in eighth grade. It is accessible for the right student before ninth grade (which probably isn't the OP's dd). I think if a student had read through books of increasing complexity in earlier grades, like the three Human Odyssey volumes, American Odyssey would be a natural progression. My dd will not be doing DE for high school history (we have to pay for DE, so I prefer that she studies higher math and languages at the university instead of a community college). She most likely will just take the SAT subject test in US History to "prove" her mastery of the subject (after a quick run through of AO) or she may want to take AP US History instead (in which case, the AO background will be very helpful as she tackles deeper material).
  15. Nothing today--we slept in after the St Pat's thing last night, then went to see Swan Lake in Philly then out to dinner in our town. It's good to have a total day off, right? Right? ;)
  16. I wish I could go back to 2009 and 2011 to spend more time with Mom and Dad before they died. Sucks.
  17. A different kind of day :) We'll be driving to Phily to see Swan Lake this afternoon. After we'll go out to dinner. The tickets were dd's birthday present (she's bringing a friend). Other than that, I need to --do some laundry --plan what we're eating this week --write weekly to-do list
  18. This past week was not my best. On Wednesday dh and I attended a political fundraiser for a friend running for city council. We live across the street from the district line so we can't vote for him. On Thursday I succumbed to the siren call of ChikFilA lemonade while driving to the PA WTM meet. On Friday I bought a Kindle book. Tonight we attended our parish's annual St Patrick's Day dinner dance. Money for the tickets, for the raffles (won a gift card for the homebrew store!), and for the obligatory 50-50 :rolleyes: And tomorrow we'll be taking dd and a friend to see "Swan Lake" in Philly (the tickets were dd's bday gift), followed by dinner out. Whew!
  19. During my super-stressed period a few years back, I needed (1) time to myself during the day, (2) all the stupid house-related things to be done right after dinner, and (3) for the kids to not "need" me after dinner. If those three conditions were met, then I was more likely to be relaxed, mentally and physically, to be ready for a nice pot of teA. I also told dh that I needed closeness first, you know?
  20. Lit unless that's part of the writing class Something he'd like to study as an elective could be added after he gets into a rhythm with the class schedules.
  21. My day: --make soda bread --make soda bread --drop dd at ballet for 11 --make soda bread --make soda bread --make soda bread --make soda bread --pick up dd at 4 --slice soda bread --w dd, deliver soda bread to church hall by 5:30 --fill bread baskets w soda bread --eat soda bread and salmon, ignore corned beef --dance w dh :) I have to make 18-20 loaves :eek:
  22. Dh and I have to cook all day for a St Patrick's dinner thing at church tonight---he and a bunch of guys are doing the corned beef/cabbage/potato/salmon thing while I get to make 18 or 20 loaves of soda bread. :eek: Not sure if any exercise will happen today :lol:
  23. We used CPO for Earth and for Life :) Here's the publisher's site for Earth http://www.cposcience.com/home/ForEducators/MiddleSchoolEarthScience/tabid/261/Default.aspxClick on the "ancillaries" in the right column for labs (called 'student record sheets') and other extras.
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