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Everything posted by Luckymama

  1. I've given up writing a plan for the four years :lol: This child keeps changing her focus, dragging me behind. Had you asked me even a year ago, I would have bet she'd still be on the Math All The Time train. I had a super comfy window seat on that train! Instead, she's taking a second Arabic credit this summer, wanting to study psychology and comparative government/politics and take two Arabic classes at the university next year (in addition to English and calculus, biology and environmental science :eek:)
  2. I did a load of laundry, turned on the dishwasher, folded said load of laundry, lounged on the couch with my kindle, stretched out twice, read an entire book, drank a pot of decaf by myself, and ate dinner that dh planned and cooked. I hope to feel better tomorrow. If I don't, I'll just repeat today :)
  3. Yay for you, Katie! My youngest sister is so happy with her decision to have surgery nine or so years ago.
  4. I wish I could play the piano. Lessons are part of my post-homeschooling plans :D (I do play percussion, but not so much anymore.)
  5. The way to create a STEM-heavy (or arts-heavy or English-heavy or language-heavy) high school career is to focus all available elective slots to that end. Every (strong--ie competitive for scholarships and/or admission to selective programs) student should have 4 English credits 4 history/social science credits 4 math credits 4 science credits (some w labs) 3 foreign language credits That adds up to 19 credits. A strong student should take 6 academic credits per year (minimum), which adds up to 24 credits over the four years. Someone interested in a STEM field would pull those 5 other credits from additional science classes, additional math classes, computer science classes, and so on. Doubling up on interests is very common. Think of all the WTM kids who study multiple languages. It makes sense for a STEM kid to study multiple sciences or multiple streams of math or various topics in computer science :) Of course, this is all my opinion :) I have yet to homeschool a high school student as my older two attended traditional schools. However, they doubled up on their interests (STEM for one, English for the other) to fill "elective" slots.
  6. My dh does the same thing with recipes. Sometimes I have to interrupt him to ask if I need to pay attention or if he just needs to talk aloud. When he is troubleshooting a computer issue, he narrates his steps... (He processes info orally. I have to read something for it to stick. Makes for an interesting marriage :lol:)
  7. My list: --drink lots of hot beverages --try not to talk --find someone else to cook dinner --read --nap --read --get better
  8. Definitely sick. My exercise may consist of putting in my contacts and changing out of my pajamas. It will definitely involve "turning pages" on my Kindle.
  9. The IBC website is wonderful! Not all the books are little-kid-ish :) I'll spend some more time investigating the options this weekend (Greek myths! Magic Tree House! Eric Carle and Disney movie storybooks for nostalgia!) Now to find comics or graphic novels or puzzle books in Arabic! I cannot send her anything in English language when she'll be at camp.
  10. Can you elaborate more on your question(s) so others can help?
  11. Voted and shared on social media. 'cause I'm like that :D
  12. --school w dd: math, chem, history, APHG --exercise here, may or may not --daily things --Friday-specific tasks --return library book due today which cannot be renewed --some research --supposed to go to dinner and a concert; we'll see if I'm up to joining dh and friends Went to dinner but am skipping the concert. I was afraid I'd either fall asleep or cough/sneeze through it. Am home with a nice cup of hot cocoa and a book :)
  13. Older dd decorated hers with various shades of sparkly nail polish :lol:
  14. I have an English major dd who attended a high school with very tough English classes. She easily spent two-credits'-worth of time on her one-credit English classes during ninth, tenth, and eleventh grades (time spent in class plus time spent on lit/writing outside of class). She had two credits of English during senior year, AP Lit and Creative and Critical Writing. Both had literature and writing assignments that added 8-10 hours per week each to the time spent in class.
  15. What the absolute heck?! I'm concentrating on the very faint haze of green in the grass and ignoring this crap falling from the sky.
  16. We skipped the gym this morning. I'm either coming down with something or my spring allergies are beginning a month too early. I would like to do some body weight work today, maybe Fitness Blender or Blogilates. I definitely need to stretch. It's snowing. What the heck?!
  17. I subscribe to the 80:20 school of thought. I do the "right things" 80% of the time. These are part of my 80%: --sleeping 7-8 hours each night --eating 5+ servings of fruits and veg a day --strenuous exercise with sustained heart rate for at least 30 min (usually 45 min, according to my FitBit stats) each day --drinking more than 64 oz of unsweetend, decaffeinated beverages a day --quiet time for myself every single day to read without noise or interruptions These are part of my 20%: ---alcoholic beverages --cheesecake or a bagel or dark chocolate or ... --lying around like a slug --giving into stress, sigh Sometimes all the 20%s happen on the same day. Sometimes 20% of my day will be the "wrong" stuff. I've been gradually moving into this way of thought for four years. The strenuous exercise part was the last piece of the puzzle that is my life. As long as I keep that balance, I feel strong and healthy and happy :)
  18. Blech. Snow started. I'm either suffering from spring allergies a month early or I'm coming down with something. Yay. We skipped the gym this morning. For me: --school w dd: math, chem, history, APHG --exercise here, may or may not --daily things --Friday-specific tasks --return library book due today which cannot be renewed --some research --supposed to go to dinner and a concert; we'll see if I'm up to joining dh and friends Wish I could go back to bed!
  19. :lol: Dh and I sleep as nature intended ;) At least once a week he complains about the green light emanating from my wrist at nighttime...but he doesn't want me to cover it up with a shirt :lol:
  20. Ahhhhhhhhhhh :) --exercise at the gym w dh --school w dd: math, chem, history, APHG --daily things --Thursday-specific tasks --more research --cook white beans for fake hummus --make hummus, pitas, tabbouleh, kefta for dinner --dh Chinese 5:15-7, dd ballet 5:30-7 --read :D
  21. :eek: That much snow? :eek: Not wanting to see that tomorrow!
  22. Forgot to say----I love, love the book linked above. In fact, I have it sitting next to me right now :). The trainer has introduced me to about half of the moves (with others that aren't in the book) so I feel more confident knowing which work for my shoulder and which do not.
  23. 40 min on the bike while dh did his weight routine. Not exciting but I listened to NPR and watched the sky lighten :)
  24. I've been lifting at a gym for almost two months :) We have a bench similar to that third link at home, w a bar too heavy for me and lots of weights. We also have a few sets of dumbbells, a Swiss ball, an adjustable step, and lots of various bands. I squat a whopping 35 lbs but deadlift 60 lb and bench press 50 lb :D Yesterday I leg-pressed 270 lb, the same amount my dh does :D I have a tricky shoulder and cannot fully extend my arm above my head nor do fly-like moves with weight higher than 5 lb. Because of that, I work with a trainer. He's helping me get stronger all over while not hurting myself :)
  25. The usual: --exercise at the gym w dh --school w dd: math, chem, history, APHG --daily things --Thursday-specific tasks --more research --cook white beans for fake hummus --make hummus, pitas, tabbouleh, kefta for dinner --dh Chinese 5:15-7, dd ballet 5:30-7 --read :D
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