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Everything posted by Luckymama

  1. Slept better last night than I have in a week---progress :) Still nasty sinus pain etc, but it seems to be lessening on one side---more progress :) Ahead: --need to finish the week's school: math, chem, APHG (though she's on her own for today's assignment) --try to do daily things and Friday tasks (planning for next week, mainly) --Dh is doing the Costco run on his way home, but I still need to go to one store --library for hold, returns --continue w decluttering/rearranging ipad bookmarks --think about what I can do this weekend --stretch? --read :D
  2. If he were taking those classes in person at this age, the teachers would remind him (and all students) to write down assignments, deadlines, and future test dates in his planner. Every single day. Middle school kids need this kind of scaffolding to learn how to plan. They need daily reminders to write down their homework. They need reminders about longterm assignments. In a school, students would most likely be using paper planners. As a homeschooler, our kids have the option of using a daily/weekly paper planner, a huge monthly calendar stuck on the wall/fridge/bathroom mirror, or something like Google calendar or iCal. Seventh and eighth grade is a good time to explore the different ways of planning, to see which method the student prefers and uses effectively, before jugggling the demands of high school :)
  3. I gave up. She'll do double Potions chemistry tomorrow. The sun came out and it's lovely and warm. Alas, I do not feel up to either playing in my yard (read: gardening) or going for a walk. Sigh. (Please excuse my crankiness. I'd have some cheese with my whine (or wine!) if only I could taste something.)
  4. Have done too much today and am feeling beyond beat. Just need to power through chemistry until my day is over. Dd20 is home for spring break :) but is sick as well :(
  5. This, only with whiteboard markers, the skinny type :rolleyes:
  6. Nonfiction WW2 Hitler Youth: Growing Up In Hitler's Shadow http://www.amazon.com/Hitler-Youth-Growing-Hitlers-Nonfiction/dp/0439353793/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1427377080&sr=8-1&keywords=hitler+youth+growing+up+in+hitler%27s+shadow Beyond Courage: The Untold Story of Jewish Resistance During the Holocaust http://www.amazon.com/Beyond-Courage-Untold-Resistance-Holocaust/dp/0763669288/ref=sr_1_2?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1427378081&sr=1-2&keywords=jewish+resistance The combination of both books was stunning. We paired chapters about similar regions/times/events as much as possible, reading one from HY and one from BC. The books focus on teens and young adults, so dd was able to relate to them on a more personal level. They were emotionally difficult reads at times. Highly recommended And dd's other favorite book from that era was mentioned above, Bomb: The Race to Build--and Steal--the World's Most Dangerous Weapon by Steve Sheinkin http://www.amazon.com/Beyond-Courage-Untold-Resistance-Holocaust/dp/0763669288/ref=sr_1_2?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1427378081&sr=1-2&keywords=jewish+resistance Dd was so fascinated she read it in one sitting.
  7. I'd love to help you, but I'm not familiar with any of those options!
  8. The sinus pain is now on one side of my face. That's progress, right? :lol: Canceled my training session :( Ahead: --school w dd: chem, math, history, APHG --continue working on this week's project: cleaning up my iPad bookmarks :eek: --laundry --daily things --work on APHG review ideas if I can think clearly --Dh Chinese class, dd ballet
  9. Derek Owens seems to be very popular. http://www.derekowens.com
  10. Done: school, drugstore run, crockpot I wiped down the powder room. And made an espresso :D (decaf but still yummy) Now to drive dd to ballet. I think I may have to do a load of wash...
  11. I like to top salads with salsa instead of dressing.
  12. Yeah, it's either 1 or 2, not both. Students going into STEM fields should take Math 2. Since we're not sure where dd will end up, she's going to take Math 2.
  13. The nearest StarTalk is not residential and is four hours away. She'll be at Concordia Language Villages. She chose that over the only other residential option for her age (most places require students to be 16+) because it sounded more fun with cultural activities and traditional camp things mixed in with the three classes and evening study session each day. There are a lot more language study options available for her next year. (Will return to add links here)
  14. It's only been the last couple weeks that so much time has been spent on homework. Dd says the teacher sounds frustrated with these particular students. Usually they'd just spend 5 minutes at the start of class to go over homework---kind of the "does anyone have questions?" thing. The students are supposed to look at the corrected homework before the class begins, assuming they turned it in the day before class (it's technically not due until right before class begins). Dd spends about 3 hours on the homework. She has perfectionist tendencies ;) so she likes her writing to be perfect. Some of the characters are really tricky. Added something to the list above about the writing....
  15. Back with a mini-review of TPS Arabic: Pros • teacher is a native speaker, so important for learning an accent properly • twice a week live class meetings for 1.5 hours each time (she does the "optional" speaking class) • that optional speaking class is fabulous for extra oral practice • the curriculum covers Modern Standard Arabic (MSA; formal written Arabic) and the Egyptian and Levantine dialects • grammar is covered extensively • they use Arabic script, with very little transliteration after the first few classes • both written and spoken practice during every class • both oral and written midterms and finals • Arabic 2 and 3 are offered with the same teacher, good for continuity Cons---which could happen with any class • dd is not being challenged at all. A grade of 99.87% is unacceptable to me. I cannot tell if she is just grasping the language easily or if the class is moving too slow for her. • some of the kids in the class just are not getting the subject--several still do not understand/apply basics from the first several weeks • an inordinate amount of class time is spent on going over the homework and reviewing---a few weeks ago dd said the entire class period was a waste of time • because of the TPS class format, the teacher and kids are automatically kicked out of the classroom and practice rooms at a specific time, which means the teacher is unable to work separately after class with a student having issues Dd wil not return to TPS for Arabic 2. This summer she will be attending a month-long Arabic immersion camp, equivalent to a full year of high school language. In the fall she will begin studying Arabic at the university (one of the benefits of living next to the state flagship university!). We won't know which level she'll be placed into until two weeks before the start of the semester because of the camp dates. I also don't know if it would be better for her to begin with the first class in the sequence (for an easy first class, because it will mostly be a repeat) or the second (for a better challenge), a tricky decision to make considering we have to pay the full cost of the credit-hours and the class will be on her permanent record. HTH :)
  16. Feeling every-so-slightly better. Sinus headache is still very nasty. I still can't taste a darn thing. Up ahead: --drug store run for more "real" sudafed --start crockpot for dinner (a vegetarian lasagna) --school w dd: math, chem, history, APHG Anything else is gravy, including house things.
  17. Another day without exercise, but I'm going to attempt gentle stretching. Nasty sinus headache will interfere with some of my normal moves----no downward facing dog today!
  18. For your reading pleasure :D https://sat.collegeboard.org/about-tests/sat-subject-tests Some universities and colleges require subject tests from every applicant. Since we have no idea yet where dd might wish to apply, we are hedging our bets and having her take three subject tests as they match her course of study. The closer the test is to the course's finish, the better. She will take the Math 2 test this May or June after finishing precalculus. She will take one of the two biology choices after finishing a block semester of biology next fall. Her third exam will come from US History or World History or English, her choice, whenever the timing works. Dd's language (Arabic) does not have a corresponding test, otherwise she might do that. A math, a science, and a humanities test shows ability across disciplines. It will also validate her transcript grades. The subject tests are given every SAT test date but for the March date. Languages are not given as often, so one needs to be aware of the schedule.
  19. Yeah, it is http://getcollegecredit.com
  20. Dd is taking Arabic 1 from TPS (and a friend's son is in Chinese 2). I had a difficult time finding a live online class for dd. TPS and CTY were the only real options. CTY didn't work because the classes are in the evenings, our time, when dd has ballet. I also wanted a native speaker for dd's teacher to get the accent as correct as possible. I read somewhere this week that another school is starting Arabic next school year. TPS uses the most common Arabic curriculum, Alif Baa followed by al-Kitaab. Those texts and subsequent volumes are used in the Arabic program at the university in our city. I wanted dd to not have to change curriculum if possible. I have to run dd to the studio, but I'll be back to give you the pros/cons of dd's Arabic experience w TPS :)
  21. Have fun with your mom and auntie :party:
  22. Was this the ER doctor or your regular doctor?
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