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Everything posted by Luckymama

  1. Not bad :) --gym for bike or elliptical while dh meets w trainer --school w dd: math, chem, history, APHG --daily things --Tuesday-specific chores --freeze red sauce in 1- and 2-cup increments --mail reimbursement form --errands I didn't do yesterday --research for future courses --dd ballet 5:30-7:30 --maybe go for a walk while she's at ballet? (depends on weather)---nope, it rained :(
  2. And adding-- If the NPC was inaccurate, do/did you have any of the factors that can throw off a NPC (according to CC threads) such as owning a business, owning property other than a primary residence, divorced parents, etc?
  3. At gym this morning: 35 min bike, rolled and stretched my shoulder Later today: more rolling and stretching (need to do it 3x daily)
  4. :) Today: --gym for bike or elliptical while dh meets w trainer --school w dd: math, chem, history, APHG --daily things --Tuesday-specific chores --freeze red sauce in 1- and 2-cup increments --mail reimbursement form --errands I didn't do yesterday --research for future courses --dd ballet 5:30-7:30 --maybe go for a walk while she's at ballet? (depends on weather)---nope, it rained :(
  5. Dh and I walked for an hour (almost 4 miles) before dinner. It was nice to have the time to talk :)
  6. Just go over the charts or graphs or maps or whatever as you come across them----anything is fair game for a teaching moment! You could find them in her textbooks, or in the newspaper (physical or online), in something you come across through social media, in the junk mail, whatever. Read the graphic. See how the axes are labeled in a graph? What units are being used? Is this chart answering a question? How does it relate to the story? What if one part of the data was different--how would things change? And so on :) Dd used to love to read maps in her history books. We'd pull out the atlas and compare old boundaries to current boundaries. We'd talk about the mountains and bodies of water, if there were many cities, and speculate about the life of the people at that time. I would search online to find answers to her questions.
  7. After the rolling and stretching of my shoulder this morning, I didn't have any pain at all for four hours :) My fingers are crossed that it's a muscular issue. Dh and I went on an hour walk (almost 4 miles) before dinner. In the sunshine :party: Poor guy had to walk slower than we normally do to accommodate my recovering head :lol: Soooooo nice to have that time together :)
  8. And this makes me nervous. Dd's ninth grade PSAT score put her in the current Commended range. NMSF would open up so many more doors for her.
  9. Will you be running the team? I did the 4-6th and the 7-8th teams at different times, but we had the same format. We only met once a month :( for 90 minutes each time. If it was a competiton month, the kids would do a warmup activity or I'd introduce a new concept or problem-solving technique for about 30 minutes, then they'd do the test. While I scored the test, they'd talk and maybe share a snack (some kids would bring things in around holidays or birthdays). And finally we'd go over the solutions---I would ask for volunteers to explain their methods. It was really helpful for some kids to see that there can be different ways to attack a problem. Non-competition months varied. I'd explain a problem-solving strategy or a concept from number theory or counting/probability which they'd practice, I'd pull out old MOEMS tests and they could work singly or in groups, on paper or the whiteboard, and so on. I'd say only one or two kids in any group really loved math and wanted to be there. The rest were made to attend by their parents :( I focused on number theory, counting/probability, and solving word problems to give the kids exposure to other streams of math they probably didn't see in their textbooks.
  10. My trainer thinks it's my rotator cuff. :( :eek: He wants me to do the same stretches and rolling at home 3x a day as he just did with me. If my range of motion is better on Thursday when I see home next, he's pretty confident it is just a muscular issue and can be worked on at the gym and home. If my range of motion does not improve, it's PT for me. I sure hope it's a muscular issue.
  11. Congratulations :party:
  12. My head is clear and I've stopped coughing. However, the headache persists. I'm keeping my session with the trainer this morning for my mental health ;) I'm worried about my left shoulder/bicep because it is soooooo tight and I'm having pain at times. He told dh that he'd evaulate my issue to see if I need to go to PT. Blech.
  13. Woke w a horrible sinus headache though head is feeling more clear. If I'm not feeling better, I will call the doctor tomorrow morning. Today's plans: --appointment with trainer 11am; hoping ibuprofen touches this headache --school w dd: math, chem, history, APHG --daily things --Monday-specific tasks --drugstore for girl things, yay not, and some Easter candy for dd15 --late afternoon hike with dh????? --reserve one activity for our Alaska trip :)
  14. I like to pull out trig tables every once in a while to show dd just how easy she has it :lol:
  15. You need a lawyer, like now. Can your parents help with the initial fee? Do you know the information for your family's finances? Bank/brokerage/credit card names, account numbers, statements, passwords, and so on? Insurance information---car, home/rental, health? Does he have any retirement accounts, either through work or from a former employer? I cannot vouch for this website, but you may find this a starting point http://research.lawyers.com/life-event-get-divorced.html
  16. I have no words to express how I feel about him right now. :grouphug:
  17. Interesting. Quick glance of the math sections showed only 4 of the 48 problems are related to geometry. Dd will not be happy about that change, though I expect she is a minority.
  18. Oh man, just :grouphug: Those curve balls life throws at us suck. :grouphug:
  19. I spent more on groceries, buying some gluten-free items (pasta, cereal, oatmeal, flour) for this week. Dd20 is home for break and is on her second week of a gf trial (she has been feeling better--yay!). I decided we all will eat gf this week, in part to simplify meals and in part to see if some of dh's issues are due to gluten intolerance (he was tested a few years ago when his father said he was diagnosed with celiac). Dh and I went out to brunch this morning at a newish place on our Main Street. We will return there to try dinner and drinks! Up ahead this week----Easter food spending, some treats for the kids (dd20 is getting a rice cooker, ds21 will probably get a growler from a local pub or the fab growler store---benefits of living in a university town :D), and dd15 will need chocolates :)), and garden seeds and supplies! I may be spending on physical therapy in the near future for a shoulder-bicep issue :(
  20. My day looks like this: --mass in an hour (dh is reading at this particular one) --make a vat of red sauce for tonight and to feed the freezer --buy seeds? --plan week --assign planned meals to days o' the week --chill :) --read a book :)
  21. And from SkateLeft:"I don't. I've graduated one and will graduate my second child next year. My third starts high school next year also. I have a sense of the skills that I want the kids to have before they hit high school, and what I want them to learn by the time they graduate, including life skills, but I don't plan long term. I don't even plan for next year until the summer rolls around, because things change too quickly. My goal has always been to keep as many doors open as possible, for as long as possible, so I've always avoided pegging my kids into boxes ("mathy" or "non-mathy," etc.). A lot of homeschoolers with young kids seem to plan long term without realizing just how much kids can and will change (if you don't box them in)! The non-mathy kid who likes to draw might be tomorrow's computer science major. The delayed reader becomes the kid that's glued to their Kindle all the time. The lazy, unmotivated kid becomes the passionate athlete who wants to pursue ROTC. The traits that I saw when my kids were young don't always mature in the direction that I think they will." (Multi-quote isn't working.) Dd has changed so much in just the past year--heck, since October! Her interests are 135* from where they were at the start of last school year (can't say 180* since she's not a potential English major ;)) My plans for high school are now 4 english credits 4 math credits 4 science credits 4 history/social science credits 4 foreign language credits And then whatever the heck she wants from the above subjects that fills her remaining class slots :lol: Who knows, she might want to do all languages! Or languages and social sciences only! Or more physics than I can teach because she wants to study engineering! Or she may fall in love with comp sci the way her brother did! Or she might want to divide the classes evenly between the disciplines! My head hurts sometimes :lol:
  22. I am not familiar with the US History books, but I am familiar with many other subjects. In general, 5 Steps are really concise (sometimes too concise), Barron's practice tests are more difficult than the real thing, and Princeton Review books are right in the middle.
  23. So we have snow flurries. On March 28. :eek: Ahead: --drive dd to ballet (dh has to attend a funeral for a coworker :() --grocery store --library before my hold expires --shop for needed seeds --future school planning --meal planning with dd20, home for break and on a gluten-free trial (yeah, combine that w a soy allergy---geez louise) Anything else will depend on my sinus pain :)
  24. Woke to snow flurries. On March 28. In the mid-Atlantic!

    1. GailV


      We had it yesterday! Crazy!

  25. Not bad for someone who has been sick for a week :) --need to finish the week's school: math, chem, APHG (though she's on her own for today's assignment) --try to do daily things and Friday tasks (planning for next week, mainly) --Dh is doing the Costco run on his way home, but I still need to go to one store --library for hold, returns --continue w decluttering/rearranging ipad bookmarks --think about what I can do this weekend --stretch? --read :D DH doesn't think I am contagious since he, who shares a bed with me, has not gotten sick (we normally share everything lol). I may go into the gym tomorrow morning for a gentle ride on a bike---hardly anyone is there before 10am in Saturdays. That is, if my head isn't hurting too much. I just downloaded a new book for my kindle. Good night :D
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