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Everything posted by Luckymama

  1. :( The weather did not cooperate today----only a smidge of gardening and no walk. Sonce I had missed exercising on Monday, I wanted to do a double today. Hopefully the weather will cooperate so that I can walk to/from my training session tomorrow morning. It's supposed to be about 50 F but very windy.
  2. Absolutely :D I am even <gasp> considering catering for The Big Party!
  3. Any recommendations? I just spent 30 minutes making myself crazy, trying to figure out what topics would be necessary. Dd will be taking the SAT Math 2 exam in June. She has been using only AoPS books so she has no idea of how to use a calculator :lol: She can solve all the practice problems (so far) but is concerned about the 60 minute time limit. (MathTutorDvd.com is my backup if I can't find a free source.) Thanks :)
  4. We will have The Biggest Party when dd, our youngest, graduates in three years :party: (We're having a Pretty Darn Big Party in early June to celebrate oldest's college graduation :D)
  5. I have a ninth grader who I began homeschooling in fifth grade. 1) When did you begin giving your child indpendent work to do? I started during her first year home. 2) What independent work did you initially give them? things like---read the next section before we discuss it, do these 10 math problems and we'll check them after lunch, do this mapwork 3) When did you turn over entire subjects for your child to complete on their own? I have YET to turn over an entire subject for dd to complete on her own! (I outsource two subjects, English and Arabic.) She reads, studies, and does writing assignments on her own. (We watch videos together.) We discuss everything! I explicity teach chemistry. 4) What subjects were the first ones you had them complete independently? Next year she wants to self-study Comparative Government and Politics. I am writing a detailed syllabus for her to follow. We will meet once or twice a week to discuss the material (I'll also do the readings and watch any videos). I will assess her progress through the discussions and by assigning/grading released AP Comp GoPo free-response questions each week/topic. 5) What format was the subject (workbook based, literature based, etc.)? For the AP class, she will read a textbook, read each issue of The Economist and Foreign Policy, watch selected videos, read English-language articles from newspapers for each of the six countries (plus EU), and listen to selected BBC World Service and NPR reports. She will also be doing a lot of writing. 6) If literature based (our homeschool style), how did you make sure they understood what they read? n/a
  6. I do the freak-out thing, too. :grouphug: Did 45 min on the elliptical this am at the gym. I have some gardening to do today, and I would like to fit in a 3-4 mile walk. We may get some rain later.
  7. (1) Dd chose the courses for next year :) -- Dd wanted Environmental Science more than physics next year. I insisted on bio first, so we came up with the idea of block-scheduling the two science courses. --She has interests in sooooooooooooooooooooooo many areas---right now she's interested in why individuals and groups such as countries act the way they do (thank you, AP Human Geography!), thus the psychology and comparative government. If she's going to study the topics, she might as well take approved AP courses and sit the exams. --AP calculus is next in her math progression. We already went deeper and wider with AoPS number theory and counting & probability. --Dd's current English teacher assures me she is prepared for the AP English Lang course and exam. --Some students find their appropriate level of challenge through AP courses. Our CC would not be a challenging situation for dd, but the University of Our State will be. We have to pay the full cost of the university credits, thus one class per semester to start. --Dd is aiming for highly selective universities and/or full tuition offers. (2) Others have addressed the AP exam schedule. I am going to begin looking for next year's seats this May, when dd takes her first AP exam, by talking with the very helpful AP coordinator for the school where she's testing. I'll approach other schools beginning in September (I already know some not to ask from this year's search!) One of dd's planned exams, Comparative Government, is only being offered by six schools in our state this year :eek:
  8. Are you looking for something already assembled with assessments and labs (do you want labs?) or are you open to putting something together yourself? I could share some resources I've found if you are interested. I'm designing an AP Environmental Science course for next year, but many of the resources are applicable to a non-AP course :)
  9. Good morning! --gym w dh in a few --school w dd: math, chem, APHG --daily things --Wednesday-specific tasks --check in w dd20 who is registering for fall semester this afternoon --some gardening --schedule dr visit for dd --walk this evening :)
  10. Hopefully all the chemistry will be done by the time dd takes the SAT Math 2 exam on June 6. If not, we'll finish up the following week. We will begin her sophomore year (:eek:) on Monday August 24, nine days after she returns from a month-long Arabic immersion camp.
  11. That sounds like a browser issue. So frustrating!
  12. My dd will be starting next year (10th grade) at the university with a course that is both a strength and a strong interest---Arabic. She will most likely add math (calculus progression), another strength, in 11th grade.
  13. I never sleep well when there are thunderstorms at night, so I'm skipping the gym this morning in favor of a walk later today. Ahead: --wake dd (she doesn't handle storms well either) --school w dd: math, chem, history, APHG --some planting :) --some clearing out of invasives in our strip of woods along the creek --daily things --Tuesday-specific tasks --get remainder of groceries --walk, maybe 4 miles? --dd ballet 5:30-7:30 --read :D
  14. Today's plans: some planting, some heavier gardening (clearing invasives from our strip of woods along the creek), some core work, and then a nice long walk in the late afternoon or early evening :)
  15. 10th grade, version 3.7ish :lol: With me Biology (block; first semester) AP Environmental Science (block; second semester; syllabus for College Board approval) AP Psychology (ditto syllabus) AP Comparative Government and Politics (ditto syllabus) Outsourced Arabic at the University of Our State (won't be certain of her starting level until after the summer immersion program) AP English Language and Comp with Blue Tent Calculus with Derek Owens (self-paced; will take AP Calc AB exam)
  16. We've got a good system going for passwords, warranties, and manuals. Dd and I have been going through her clothes for the past week. I expect to finish this week.
  17. That would be called Comparative Government. There's an AP exam called Comparative Government and Politics. You can find book suggestions on the College Board site to get you started :) Dd and I are designing a course on this topic for next year.
  18. I bought an electric griddle just for making corn tortillas :D I can rapidly press and cook six at the same time. I wrap the cooked ones in a dish towel while the next batch cooks. Since I make either 12 or 18 at once, they don't have a chance to cool down before we eat. Needless to say, everything else is cooked or chopped or grated before I start on the tortillas. I don't fry the corn tortillas into crunchy shells. No need with the warm yummyness of a fresh corn tortilla!
  19. The raim has stopped. I'm hoping for some sunshine later. Ahead: --cancel training session for today (cycle not cooperating this am) --exercise, probably a walk --school w dd: math, chem, history, APHG --library returns and pickups --get books from university library older dd checked out for younger dd's research paper (next year she'll have a university ID and be able to check out her own books) --grocery shopping --get last needed seeds and random garden items from locally-owned store (may do tomorrow) --daily things --Monday-specific tasks
  20. I think I'm going to cancel today's training. I'm at that awkward day of my cycle when I'm a little uncertain of how my body will react to squats and core work----if you know what I mean ;) I don't want any nasty surprises while at the gym. The rain has stopped so I could go for a nice walk this afternoon or evening.
  21. Add the great information from Annenberg Lerner to whatever book version you choose http://www.learner.org/courses/worldlit/gilgamesh/ We watched the video and read just about everything under the 'explore' tab. (Shout out to swimmermom/Lisa who introduced me to the resource :))
  22. Angi, professional development is important! Let's see: --lots of cypress boards for Dh to complete the raised bed veggie garden project ($400) --a load of mushroom soil-topsoil mix to fill some of the raised beds ($100) --a birthday party gift ($20) --two denim cropped pants and 2 workout tanks for me ($60) from Kohls --dinner out last night ($50) Looking ahead for this week: --another 2 cubic yards of soil mix, delivered ($100) (Dh built the beds I thought would be done this fall so more digging and wheelbarrowing for me!) --about $15 or so for the last seeds plus the organic stuff to feed my blueberry bushes for the spring --a small donation ;) to the library, about $.20 if I get there tomorrow :lol: I can go a month without buying anything other than basics (food, gas, toiletries). And then, this happens!
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