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Everything posted by Luckymama

  1. Another beautiful day :) --wake dd (her alarm is broken and she sleeps through her phone alarm) --school w her: math (finishing book!), chem test, history (finishing!), APHG test review --daily things --Wednesday-specific tasks --gardening --walk late afternoon or early evening; 3.5 mile loop --errands not done yesterday: library, groceries --dd ballet 6-8 Good enough!
  2. For some courses, the curricular requirements are really simple, essentially the major headings of the course outline, so those are easy to keep in mind while choosing resources. Others are more tricky----or are spread throughout the course material---so I keep a printed copy of the listing of curricular requirements next to me while I research and write to make sure I cover everything in the planning stage. The pacing is for me and is pretty basic, like '3 weeks' or 'October'. When I go to submit the syllabus for approval, I scrub it for any identifying information as Jumped does. I may or may not remove the pacing. I submit the scrubbed syllabus, but use the original syllabus for teaching. The whole process sounds onerous but really isn't :) Once the syllabus is written I am intimately familiar with the course material and well-prepared to teach!
  3. I've done this twice and am working on four more syllabi :) I first choose a main textbook. Then I go through the course outline, point by point, to match up the textbook sections. I look at the sample syllabi and google for other syllabi (I search the textbook suthor's name plus the course name plus syllabus). I look for pacing suggestions. I create a broad outline for my course. Sometimes I follow the order of the course outline and sometimes I follow the order of the textbook. It depends on the subject...and on how well I know the material. I add in secondary sources---books, articles, news sources, documentaries, YouTube snippets, etc. I add in interesting activities that I find through my searches. Dd has no patience for "busy work" so I need to be very careful with this. And then I go through the syllabus to make sure I have covered all the required points. I note the curricular requirement in bold parentheses (like (SC 1)) at the beginning or end of the paragraph or outline point. Some people put those in the margin.
  4. Strong blood, strong brain, strong breathing :grouphug: Strong baby! :grouphug: Strong mama! :grouphug:
  5. Do you work out at the same time each day? I am much stronger when I lift or do bodyweight exercises in the late morning or afternoon compared to those 7 am sessions.
  6. For all subjects? Or math? Or sciences? Or English? Or history? Or ... ?
  7. As Kathy said, AP scores are not sent as part of the appliation process. They are sent after the student has been accepted. They would need to be sent officially even if you place them on the transcript.
  8. You're going to have to spend some money for an effective study of Mandarin. There are online classes. I know CTY and The Potters School offers some--I'm sure there are others. Look for a native speaker as the teacher. You could pay a tutor for once- or twice-weekly sessions. A tutor who will also assign written work is best, because then you wouldn't have to supplement. You could look for a local Chinese cultural center that offers weekend classes. You'd have to supplement that, though. Dh has been studying Mandarin for years. He's used DVD/workbook combinations, podcasts, one university class during a winter session (our friend was the prof), weekly discusssion groups with Chinese language partners (he would help the Chinese economics grad students with business and financial English), and now is studying with free classes at the university for faculty (our friend got him hooked up at first), with one structured grammar class and one more casual speaking class a week. Dh does best when he can hear the tones in person and have immediate correction. Dd is studying a difficult language (Arabic) with an online class. The class also has a dvd component. She says at times it is difficult to hear exact inflections and pronunciation over the computer (a new apple laptop, so not an equipment issue). Next year she will begin in-person classes.
  9. Dh (who is working from home today) has a training session scheduled for 8:30. We're going to walk to/from the gym together :) I'm not sure what I'll do while he's working out---maybe pilates or straight core work, definitely not cardio lol.
  10. Looks like a nice day! --walk to/from the gym this am w dh (he has a training session at 8:30; I'll do pilates or something for the half hour) --achool w dd: math, chem, history, APHG review --daily things --Tuesday-specific tasks --gardening --return library books --groceries from store too far to walk --dd ballet 5:30-7:30
  11. I drink 75-100 oz of water or decaf coffee/tea a day. I go to the bathroom a couple times in the early morning (i drink the first cups of coffee quickly, plus I prefer a totally empty bladder when I work out--sorry, tmi lol), then lunch-ish, then midafternoon, then a few times before bed. It's not like I live in there.
  12. A break is preferable to suffering from burnout! :grouphug:
  13. So do you want a listing of online AP classes? Therre are many more available than those posted above :)
  14. SAT II subject tests are run exactly like regular SATs, in that you register online and choose your testing site. Easy peasy :) No need to call around for a seat.
  15. Walked to/from the gym for my training session :)
  16. Melissa :grouphug: A somewhat-regular Monday here: --walk to/from gym for training session --school w dd: math, chem, history, APHG review --daily things --Monday-specific tasks --dentist 2 pm --stop somewhere on the way home for dd to choose flower seeds (she'll be filling the two beds which will eventually be used for asparagus and rhubarb) --gardening: plant a run of lettuce and carrots --make sure dd writes her thank you note for scholarship
  17. :party: Congratulations!!!!!! :party: Today I helped dh for a bit with the garden screen walls. I walked to the grocery store about 2 miles away, then walked home carrying two bags of groceries. I still didn't walk as many steps as Laura---just 12805 right before bedtime. 552 active minutes this past week :eek:
  18. Maybe this is regional? All of ds's and dd20's schools used the Common App with or without supplements. The schools ranged from NY state to Virginia, 10 in all.
  19. Cash for a college graduation gift! Our high school graduation gifts are cash or gift cards to places near the student's intended college.
  20. Good morning :) I'm not sure what I'll do today. I may just mess around in the yard and garden. I could continue to clear some invasives from our stretch of woods---easier to do before everything leafs out!
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