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Everything posted by Luckymama

  1. I think every school dd looked at had a study-abroad program! Either it was one entirely run by the university or they we a member of a consortium. The information was easily found on the schools' websites. There are other study abroad programs to which colleges direct their students if they do not have their own program. I think using your own school's program would be much easier than using another school's, as there would be no difficulties with credit acceptance and transfer.
  2. Happy birthday Tammy! :party: Saturday has tackled me with cramps :( Not up to the gym with the Saturday crowd of guys in their 20s, you know? So a mellow day ahead: --some house stuff --decide on a new recipe to try for dinner --some school planning for next year --order more pointe shoes for ds --some pilates stretching, I think --quality time with a library book :D
  3. We had some pipes freeze again, so no gym this am for us :( I did basic core work and stretching once the water was flowing again.
  4. We have running water. School is done. The house things are completed. We discussed plans for next year. Again. Dd compared books and course descriptions for three different AP English Language classes. I ate dark chocolate. Have to drive dd to ballet in an hour. Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!
  5. And this is why many of us use college textbooks, written for non-majors, for high school science. The ones regentrude listed in the other thread (like Earth Science by Tarbuck) are great options. The diagrams and photos are necessary, though they still have the possibility for distraction.
  6. We did not. Honestly, there are so many primary sources throughout the series that the extra volume was not necessary.
  7. I can't help as we used them in combination, and the library has all the OUP. It might be more cost effective to use Human Odyssey as a spine and use whatever you can from the library or online resources if you want to go deeper into a topic.
  8. :eek: So jealous. We'll be paying, oh, 20x that for dd's Arabic next year.
  9. I haven't experienced burnout. But --I homeschool one kid --we started when she was in fifth grade --she is our youngest --and,now for high school, I outsource the two classes that were stressing me out in middle school, English and foreign language.
  10. I am so happy for you about the job news :grouphug:
  11. Hot water feed is thawed. Hopefully the cold is not too far behind. It's 4F now outside w bright sunshine.
  12. https://www.fiestafactorydirect.com
  13. Master bath sink pipes froze despite leaving the water dripping :( Between tending to that and the obscenely cold temp, dh and I are not going to the gym early this morning. I'll have to go later or figure out something to do at home (too cold in basement for our elliptical). So: --school w dd (math, chem, history, APHG) --finish emails from yesterday --house things; Friday chores --troubleshoot why bio textbook is not downloading to iBooks --other stuff I can't remember Ttyl :)
  14. Agreeing w momling. We used many of the American Experience videos last year as a supplement to dd's book (8th grade using the k12 book American Odyssey). Our library system carries almost all of them :)
  15. A school-sponsored or -sanctioned event (like the swim championship mentioned above) would be totally different than something the student just wanted to do. I cannot imagine the later scenario working out well.
  16. I didn't finish all the emails today, though I did do some things not on my list :)
  17. (shhh that's why I saved my college freshman general chem book :D) (and all the calculus books ever used by anyone in the family)
  18. Gym with the trainer this morning, followed by 30 min on elliptical. I didn't go as fast or as hard as I usually do on the elliptical, out of concern for the healing/ed Achilles. The weight workout was awesome :D He upped my weights each set for four of the five exercises! The exception was the reverse fly (5 lb each) because of my past shoulder injury. Hey, I couldn't even do 2lb a year ago, so that's progress :)
  19. We did in 5th, 6th, and 7th grades (started homeschooling in 5th) because her same-age cousin and the little cousin would come over to sled. They live about a mile away, so as soon as my sister could get out of their street, they'd come over. Last year (8th) we just had sooooo much snow and half the time it was too cold to sled. Some days we took off; other days she'd have a 3/4 day, depending on what was happening. There's been just one snow day this year, this past Tuesday. Alas, as a high schooler now, dd doesn't get s snow day. Her cousin has a snow day schoolwork schedule, as well.
  20. The OM guidelines would make me crazy. State word count or page count with a range, please, for an assignment. Dd has been using MLA for several years which requires double spacing.
  21. Feel better, everyone :grouphug: I am so over the frigid temperatures. So over. Today: --meet w trainer at 11 --my portion of school (math, chem, history, APHG) --bake baguettes --submit scholarship application --daily house things --more emails, sigh --continue school planning for next year --some garden planning! :)
  22. Apparently alternate labs are suggested with the virtual labs. Of all things, I am least worried about bio labs :lol: There are so many possibilities for good, inexpensive, hands-on labs below the AP Level! We also have a good microscope :D We're using The Illustrated Guide for chemistry this year and may or may not use the bio version. Last night I found even more websites for Dragonfly. I think I'll have plenty of reading to do :eek: Campbell is a great book (older dd used it for AP bio) but it would be overkill for this dd as bio is her least favorite branch of science. Why on earth would you go through Campbell twice? I can see a student with a good life science background, very solid chemistry, and lots of motivation being able to attack AP bio without a plain bio course first.
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