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Everything posted by Luckymama

  1. I had mix-matched Pfaltzgraff for years. One set was curvier (for the want of a better term); those plates always flopped forward in the dishwasher while the others remained upright. It was a pain! The Fiestaware we now have stands up beautifully in the dishwasher. When we have to replace this machine, I will definitely take plates with me into the appliance store!
  2. Turquoise Scarlet Lemongrass Tangerine Marigold (no longer in production; I weep) I just love the color names :D And I love my dishes! I smile every single time I open the cabinet :) (I had plain white dishes for more than 20 years!)
  3. Sorry I didn't reply while I was cooking dinner. I am not familiar w TPS classes except for the Arabic my dd takes. I am not familiar w TT either. Honestly I'm not familiar w any of your choices, which is why I read but did not reply.
  4. Awesome, thanks! I might buy the syllabus and the answer key book, and then add my own hands-on labs and other activities. It's kind of silly to spend that $70 just for six exams and answers to selected textbook questions...but I really don't want to have to write exams :rolleyes: I may have to find my big girl pants to put on :lol:
  5. :lol: I think Lisa's supposed to be working on course descriptions. I have been (successfully) putting off my transcript work by researching biology, history, and English options for next year :D
  6. Answering my own question from above (because I know you all are waiting with baited breath :lol:) Kolbe regular syllabus (Dragonfly) skips chapters 6 (humans in the biosphere), 25 (plant adaptation), 27 (worms and mollusks), 28 (arthropods and echinoderms), and 33 (comparing chordata). Kolbe honors syllabus (Dragonfly) skips chapters 6, 25, 29 (comparing invertebrates), and 33. The East Lansing High School link from above (Macaw) skips chapters 6 (humans in the biosphere), 15 (genetic engineering), 17 (evolution of populations), and 21-29 (everything plants and animals :eek:) The McCarter Bio link from above (Macaw) skips chapters 4 (ecosystems), 5 (populations), 6, 8 (photosynthesis), 9 (cellular respiration), and 20-35 (plants, animals, humans :eek: :eek:)
  7. Thanks! I'm curious to see how they compare to the full Kolbe syllabus (since I only have the sample). Anyone? Fwiw the "regular" bio at my older dd's high school was way above the honors bio at the local public school. She was in the highest honors level but had friends in both the other classes, all of them using M-L dragonfly. There was much comparison...
  8. These are Macaw-specific websites: This is the most complete website I have found-- http://mccarterbiology.edublogs.org She gives assignments by week which could be a good pacing guide. There are assignments links, videos, labs, review links, etc. I will need some time to dig through all the information. This http://elps.k12.mi.us/education/components/links/links.php?sectiondetailid=13493&gives the schedule with assignments and assessments for the entire year. Another potential good pacing guide. I do not know at what level (regular or honors) those two classes are taught. Ideas? This one is the second semester of a regular-level class at a pricey private school I know (it's not the honors level because that has weekly labs): http://wiki.archmereacademy.com/users/jchristy/weblog/95bce/BIOLOGY.html And then this is the authors' free companion website for Macaw (not the publisher's paid version) http://millerandlevine.com/macaw/index.html But that's all that I've found specific to the Macaw textbook that is more than just a quick schedule. I may, just may, end up doing bio on my own instead of using the Kolbe syllabus. Gulp.
  9. Thanks Penguin :) Did you look at both bio tests? I found a syllabus w labs and everything except tests. I will share that as soon as I can link.
  10. Discussion w more links on High School board: http://forums.welltrainedmind.com/topic/542654-is-anyone-watching-the-news-in-ok-about-ap-classes/
  11. I rode the bike 35 minutes with no pain and full range of motion---yay! My trainer told me to stop while I was ahead and to go home to stretch and ice again.
  12. --gym --school (math, chem, history, APHG) --usual house things --emails du jour --church at some point --dd ballet 6-8 --get final copy of scholarship essay from dd Dh Is waiting for me to be ready for the gym... Ciao!
  13. Off to gym. We'll see how the Achilles feels---so far, so good this morning. I think the icing and stretching worked :)
  14. The first two books have just been requested from the library :) Awesome, thanks! Dd read a chunk of Equiano's memoir last year during US history.
  15. Like Katy answered, most of these high paying internships are through on-campus recruiting through either a job fair or postings from the department. Some are advertised on the university website under the student section. Ds's department sends students to the same internships every year. These are large and small tech firms (very much household names) and banks, to name some. Other departments have similar relationships with companies, which are advertised beginning in the fall for the following summer.
  16. They exist. Ds has had two. The one between junior and senior years offered him a full-time job after graduation (he accepted another offer). Lest you think they are only available in more lucrative fields like computer science or engineering, I personally know students (at the University of Our State) majoring in history, political science, and English (yes, English) who held paid internships last summer.
  17. Adding to say---as a student in the engineering college at his university, my son was not allowed to fully place out of calculus. He would have been able to if he had been in another college, like Arts and Sciences or Business.
  18. Regular calculus or AP? Ds (computer science major) scored a 5 on the AB test. He placed into the second semester of the calculus sequence for engineering majors...and had an easy A.
  19. :grouphug: Oh, I remember that feeling :grouphug:
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