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Everything posted by Luckymama

  1. Different thread (let'S see if I can copy on mobile) http://forums.welltrainedmind.com/topic/630977-list-view-of-class-of-2017-college-acceptances
  2. We work to mastery (but back up my grades w AP exams (can use SAT subject tests), DE classes in other subjects, and general ACT/SAT scores). That being said, I evaluate D based on • oral discussion • written cumulative tests • papers, short and long • lab reports • problem sets (math and science) I don't count participation or homework or other schooly things.
  3. Our stainless steel fridge doesn't get smudgey. Of course, the youngest person living here is 16 :lol: I also have a French door, bottom sliding drawer freezer. I love it! I can fit anything on the shelves because they are so deep and are easily height-adjusted. Mine has a full width drawer at the bottom where I keep dairy products and meats. Above that I have 2 produce drawers. The freezer has a top shallow drawer and a lower much deeper drawer (w an adjustable divider).
  4. I'm looking for restaurant recommendations near downtown/IU, locally-owned preferred, extra bonus points for vegetarian friendly since D will be with me one night (she'll be on campus for the rest of the weekend). Thanks :)
  5. ED? So he's all done then? Congratulations!
  6. PM me your email so I can send you a copy of D's. I'm not comfortable posting it online, even a "scrubbed" version.
  7. ^^I saw that article earlier today. If they weren't so expensive I'd buy sone for my dh.
  8. You know what D is taking. She spends between 5 and 10 hours a week, outside of class, on each language.
  9. Kareni, thanks for the patent prints link. Two are perfect for dh and ds!
  10. Thanks everyone. I appreciate the help. After a lot of searching and measuring and reading reviews, I ordered some Ariats from Amazon (free returns). I'm hoping they will fit properly!
  11. I''m trying to find replacement Western-style boots for the ones that are now dead. There are no stores in this area where I can try them on. I have very muscular calves so I need a circumference of 15" for boots 11-12" high. Can you suggest websites (other than Zappos, which is open on another tab lol) or reputable brands I can look at? These will be for everyday wear. Price isn't a huge consideration as long as the boots will last for years with proper care. Thanks!
  12. I treat 3 and 4 credit university classes as 1 high school credit. Much simpler than dealing with fractional credits.
  13. On- and off-campus dining, grocery store locations, and transportation are big considerations for D in her college search. She has multiple food allergies and intolerances that may not be served well (heh) by campus food service. Sure, there will be food she can eat at every meal but it might be the same items over and over again. Even working with the registered dietician during her 8 weeks on a campus this summer did not increase variety. She ate plain grilled chicken, "sad" lettuce and tomato, veggie and chicken stir fries, and rice from the dining hall, bagels from the on-campus Starbucks (food service bagels contained dairy), and grilled nuggets and fries from the on-campus ChikFilA. I shipped food from Amazon (cereal, Kind bars). Once a week she took the bus to Walmart for hummus, berries, carrots, almond milk, and safe chocolate. The summer was rough, food-wise, but useful in that she had more questions to ask about dining services at the schools on her list. D has been offered very large scholarships at one school where the food situation is less than ideal. If she attends there we will be paying for as many Uber rides as she needs to get to a proper grocery store and a natural foods store because the bus device is quite limited on the weekends. We're flying out a day early to a scholarship competition Weekend just so we can drive around town locating places where she could buy food or go eat off-campus via the buses or by walking. Google maps only tells you so much. So yeah, the cost of eating off-campus (this includes buying groceries) and getting to those places are definite considerations. The cost of studying abroad is a major consideration for us. D will be abroad every summer for language acquisition. She will also spend a year abroad interning in her chosen language.
  14. Some subjects are easier to score than others. It's very uncommon to retake APs.
  15. This is where you can buy packs of released exams https://store.collegeboard.org/sto/catalog.do?category=259 More released exams are available to teachers whose courses are approved by College Board. All past FRQs for all exams are available, with scoring rubric and actual example answers, plus sample multiple choice questions: http://apcentral.collegeboard.com/apc/public/exam/exam_information/index.html (choose the exam). Adding for those who are unfamiliar w AP exams: most of the exams consist of multiple choice sections and free-response sections. Music, art, and languages are a bit different.
  16. If you create your transcript by subject instead of by year, it's not going to matter. The only exception would be in the case of subject matter that is important for a future major (i.e. math for engineering). D is not taking any math her senior year after AP Calc last year w a 5. She is not going into a STEM field. She has doubled and tripled up in social sciences and languages during high school. She'all be studying International Relations plus continuing Arabic and Chinese next year.
  17. We've decreased our frequency of eating meat so that we can support local farmers (i.e. the $15 chicken once a month). This year we enjoyed a local turkey (omg), $3.79. We only had 10 people to dinner this year and we have lots of meat left from the 15lb bird.
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