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Everything posted by Joyofsixreboot

  1. This is the one I have http://m.jcpenney.com/sunbeam-premium-heated-mattress-pad/prod.jump?ppId=pp5001950053&catId=cat100250071&deptId=dept20000012&Ntt=
  2. An aside-I used cascade and dry Clorox 2 in a bucket of hot water when the kids were little-poop, spit up, mud, blood, beets- it took all those stains out.
  3. I bought stocking stuffers at 50%-75% off because stocking stuffers don't really change here. Gifts are harder because I don't know what they will want. I lol admit to picking stuff up at thrift or garage sales that sometimes becomes Christmas though might become birthday or just because presents.
  4. This has been our plan. I might suggest a better wording, double check for mistakes but the idea and thrust was theirs.
  5. It's not that our debt is huge but that we need to be more mindful of just where the money is going. Goals 1. Figure out the best way to invest my small inheritance from my dad for kids college things-help with books, groceries, etc. the college itself in on them. 2. Make a list of what is going to need replaced and plan for it.- dead tree and rotting shed removal, another ancient car to replace even more ancient car, etc. 3. Budget for the little things we never want to spend on- new paint, curtains, a new clothesline, etc. The newest things are 11 years old we figured out. We just can't bring ourselves to spend but need to fix stuff if we are going to sell in about 10 years.
  6. Run Lead a mother's meeting Make dinner ahead Try to finish organizing bedroom Drive to ballet It doesn't sound too bad but there's 2 hours of wasted time driving. Girls will read and listen to history in the car.
  7. I am trying to be more mindful this year which for me means overcoming my natural tendency to put off buying anything ever and making do with really unsuitable stop gaps so....yesterday after 20 years I replaced the ugly pink emesis containers from the hospital that I keep my socks, underwear and camis in with a couple cloth storage bins. It looks like a grown up closet now and only cost $11.00. What was I waiting for? I got hit by a guilt wave about it so posted here so I could see how stupid that sounds. $11.00 won't take food from my kids' mouths. Here's to mindful spending 2016.
  8. Early morning yoga which was so gentle it doesn't really count and then an hour on the elliptical because it was 12 and I wimped out.
  9. Glad I'm not alone on the laundry. I forgot... I keep cleaning stuff in each room ( in a drawer). If I see something I zap it quick. Sadly if I have to go through the house to get cleaning stuff I just won't. Yes, apparently I AM that lazy.
  10. Mine are probably repeats...I've always been a cash carrying, car tampon stowing, trash can in every room, secret battery inserting ( and twist tie removing) mom. My favorites are- everybody has their own towel color- yep 9 different colors and everyone has their own clothes basket kept in their room. Bring down, do your laundry, dump it in the basket and return. No laundry sorting. And yes, I taught the 8 yo to do laundry. If she can navigate technology she can start a washer.
  11. We would be of no use. We're not too relaxed not too strict, not too tidy not too messy, involve kids but not overly involved as a family....we're pretty much boring. I guess they could pair us with a small family but that's about it. BORING!
  12. So now you pick yourself up, dust yourself off and continue. You're human. It happens. I had a mini fail. I was at a meeting. I avoided the cookies but grabbed some trail mix. I didn't even think about those raisins and M&M's until I chewed a mouthful. I picked the rest out so I'm considering it an absent minded misstep.
  13. I continue the things we did when I was a kid which I suspect came from my German grandma. All the nativities stay out until the 6th. We will have small gifts for the kids, have cake with a bean in it. (If you get it no dishes for you the next day) and chalk the door with C+M+B.
  14. When I physically don't have enough time to complete all my tasks that is busy.
  15. I got yesterday under my belt. I actually eyed the Diet Pepsi at the grocery check out and then remembered I've quit. Good save. I avoided tha pancakes I made the kids ( first day back to condition owning, they needed to eat!) and had chicken and broccoli from the freezer for dinner. Refined sugar would have been yummy though.
  16. Sun-ran Mon-yoga Cleared Christmas clutter and took care of a blue million issues today. Oy.....I hope it's just the post-holiday catch up and not a portent of things to come.
  17. I hadn't thought about it but....stretch would work. I have maneuvered myself into a lovely life with lovely hobbies, and people but...I don't want to be one of those people who go to the same store, the same resort, the same hairdresser, whatever for 20 years and miss great new stuff. So I will Concentrate on dh more- he is in a rough patch career wise and could use some " atta boys" Complete my Level 2 Yoga Certification Become more involved in a local group Possibly take improv classes Connect with friends more-it's so easy to get by on Facebook and a cup of coffee now and then but deeper would be better
  18. I'm going to stop eating C-carbonated things ( I only have when out but I try to stop completely.) R-refined sugar A-artificial foods P-processed food Continue working out running, yoga and weights. Duct tape-quit rushing in to help, suggest,inform...my mouth is sealed unless asked.
  19. I make this minus the pork. I sub whatever beans I want. http://www.tasteofhome.com/recipes/hearty-minestrone
  20. Dh refuses care, medication or counseling. In some ways when he has an episode I disengage and the kids do too. It is sad but he doesn't see it.
  21. Not fair. Guess which thing I really like but it gives me a migraine. Why couldn't liver or Lima beans give me a headache?
  22. For fluffy, retro fun I really liked The Man from U.N.C.L.E. Very light. I didn't think too much if it when I watched but Me, Earl and the Dying Girl has stuck with me.
  23. Yoga and Costco. Enough for me today. I may walk while ds has indoor soccer tonight.
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