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Everything posted by mysticmomma

  1. We are using the prairie primer for literature etc. we are not formal grammar people (please don't shun me)! After reading some of her recent writing I think she does need some spelling.
  2. I've been out sick for two months and not much schooling has been done. Oldest is a reluctant writer and was struggling with EIW fourth grade. Come to find out it was too slow. I thought this looked good as a break and then we may even jump to trade 6. I'm thinking she still needs a spelling program and to get back in the habit of working on classical roots. We don't do formal grammar. Thoughts?
  3. If you aren't married, how is he your "dh" and how are they your in laws? I'm confused... Sorry I realize this is off topic.
  4. Face paint kit? Legos? Crayons has a neat art kit suitcase my dd loves. What about snap circuits or m&d suspend? Little passports? Craft jars? Paint your own piggy bank? Model magic?
  5. She really likes EIW. We did about half the year last year and slacked off. Her writing could use some work, but not because of skill, more because of habit. She quickly looks for the easy answer and gets it out in as few words as possible.
  6. Doesn't LOF recommend starting all students with apples?
  7. We are very relaxed homeschoolers... close to unschoolers. DD is a rising fifth grader. She really wants to go to school, but it is not the right thing for her this year. I gave her the option of working hard to be ready academically (not hard) or staying relaxed. DD has asked to work harder this year at math at language arts. I am ok with her going to 6th the following year depending upon her maturity. She hopes to place into grade 6 GT classes in Fall of 2016 if we decide to send her to school then and if she still wants to. Math: Life of Fred (new to the series... so apples?) Khan Academy Arithmetic skills and grade 5 Math Mammoth 5 Language Arts: EIW 5 Vocabulary from Classical Roots 4/5/6 Spelling Power 6 Is there anything else you would add?
  8. We are very relaxed homeschoolers... close to unschoolers. DD is a rising fifth grader. She really wants to go to school, but it is not the right thing for her this year. I gave her the option of working hard to be ready academically (not hard) or staying relaxed. DD has asked to work harder this year at math at language arts. I am ok with her going to 6th the following year depending upon her maturity. She hopes to place into grade 6 GT classes in Fall of 2016 if we decide to send her to school then and if she still wants to. Math: Life of Fred (new to the series... so apples?) Khan Academy Arithmetic skills and grade 5 Math Mammoth 5 Language Arts: EIW 5 Vocabulary from Classical Roots 4/5/6 Spelling Power 6 Is there anything else you would add?
  9. I don't think the grammar is all up front. It's spread throughout the year appearing in most weeks.
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