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Everything posted by mysticmomma

  1. In some counties they do at times review in your home. It is up to you and the reviewer to choose. You don't get to choose your reviewer in any county.
  2. Sorry, I know why they are, but have never heard of them being needed for soccer.
  3. I've never heard of them observing instruction. What reviewers like to see: All texts A planning/lesson log/calendar. This is especially important if you don't date your papers. A physical activity log 1 page per subject per week of instruction.
  4. I'm sure there are issues regarding this. She is seeing a counselor, but IMO needs a new one.
  5. I'm open to anything. Grandmother is already convinced it is aspergers.
  6. I will mention it though. She is on Medicaid, so the chances they find a doc with knowledge is small.
  7. Nimh says "PANDAS is considered when there is a very close relationship between the abrupt onset or worsening" This does not fit.
  8. Mental illness, yes. Depression, gad, bipolar, addiction. Her mom is a drug addict, so she certainly could have been exposed to benzos or opiates(moms fav) in utero.
  9. The custody situation is not new. I'm not discounting the effects, but they have been with grandmother for almost 5 years now legally, and she has been with her most if her life before that as well. They have had strep, however it's not correlated to the timing of the symptoms.
  10. I'm not sure. If they are psychogenic (non epileptic) then not necessarily. I have seen her have emotional meltdowns where she suddenly drops and cries for nothing, just never this screaming stuff with violence.
  11. Thank you. Keep em coming. She is in counseling. They are doing an asd eval soon.
  12. A young child in my family is having trouble, and I'm hoping someone can offer some ideas. She is almost 7 years old. She lives with her grandmother and younger sister. Mother is. Ot in the picture. Father is in jail. She is homeschooled because of anxiety (and grandmother is a conspiracy theorist regarding public ed... So am I to a point). She is socially awkward, and what I consider to be average intelligence. She does a lot of acting out towards her grandmother, but not when in my care, nor when in another grandparents care. Grandmother is awaiting an appointment with the Kennedy Kreiger Institute, the two grandparents think she has aspergers. I disagree. She is having rage attacks. During these attacks, she just screams. About nothing in particular. If grandmother approaches her, she kicks, and punches and pinches. She screams that she has to pee, but cannot. After the meltdown, she has no recollection of the behavior. I saw a video of her during a fit, and it almost looked like a night terror to me, although she had not been sleeping and was walking around. My first thought was that she's having a seizure. Then I remembered seeing this: and it was very familiar to what was on the video of my family member. Please add thoughts.
  13. http://www.amazon.com/gp/help/customer/display.html?nodeId=201588170
  14. Wondering the same thing. Kindle unlimited, right? Haven't found a place to cancel yet.
  15. Generally I'd say they need to be able to safely get out of the car if they got too hot or scared, and mature enough to know how to find me in the store (find a young lady or customer service counter).
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