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Everything posted by anneofalamo

  1. just to add, I love crochet dish cloths!! you will get better and better and wind up carrying a ball and hook with you everywhere!! lol!
  2. homeschool happy the news reporter said something about it being the first dynasty successor in Korea's history and my girls knew it was a family...thank you Story of the World 2! woot!
  3. as a momma to 4 thru foster, thank you for loving him and helping him in this transition! I so hope the forever family hold you in high esteem and continue to keep in touch! :grouphug:
  4. we used to raise leopards and bearded dragons. My son at age 6 won a science fair on Which makes a better pet? He went with the Bearded because they love to be held, are up during the day and are not so squishy. Bearded Dragons are so cool to get young, and grow up with you. They look forward to you coming home and will lay on the bed while you do your homework. as to crickets, we had a lot...argh and they do escape, but all 1000 of them will return to box if you place a fresh couple of oranges in the box with calcium vitamin powder on it! Think wall of crickets and screaming mother. Good luck and I like the idea of visiting a pet store and learning about the responsibility of a pet too!
  5. well, I was on thyroid meds (generic pig something?) about 5 years ago, after a hysterectomy...I had to go to the hospital for blood work every 30 days. it was a pain and we had insurance we moved to california, no insurance, I weaned myself off the pills. The ONLY symptom for being on was blood. Yep, I know, may still have the symptom in my blood, but I am not taking pills from a pig and getting stuck like one every 30 days. now my kid? egads, I would have to have major talk with dr. and others before I went any route.
  6. we tithe out of a grateful heart, we read about it and studied it in the bible, and love giving. we give with a cheerful heart We have never gone hungry, cold or without. We give more as an offering of worship. God doesn't need our money, but He does want our worship and service. He made money come out of a fishes mouth. I serve the God who died for me, took my sins and gave me life! the government sure takes a whole lot more and they don't care about my groceries or rent, and they didn't die for me! ♥ if it came to groceries or tithe we choose to continue to give our tithe every time and love it when the door bell rings with a friend or neighbor who just happens to give huge bags of rice, oranges and even Elk meat
  7. we came out of public school, and my youngest three were so far behind in math. We thought to stay with Saxon (my reasoning, who knows, they were using it in public school and were floundering) We actually had a bonfire and burned Saxon! Enter MUS. I would watch the videos, then teach them at first, then we would watch and pause them together. Math began to click. We actually did two years in one year to catch up the youngest three, and my older son (one year ahead) opted to do one more that summer, and moved a grade ahead. my oldest (who math comes natural) did Teaching Textbooks for pre alg, alg and geometry. This year, we opted for Algebra 2 to do MUS! He loves it, says the mastery is so important in the problems. The blocks? naw, never used them. oh yeah we did, my son played with them like legos once. I like the layout. A B C D E F test. If they are "getting it" we skip C and then if with the systematic reviews of D E F, they do well, we might skip one or two and then test. I have even when they totally understand just done A and D and not tested.
  8. Go immediately to the courthouse! or Call!! Talk to the clerk, find out if you must go before the judge. Go now, take your kids, go in your robe, whatever.... tell the clerk who has heard a million stories (excuses) but they do have hearts! YOU probably have a bench warrant for your arrest. Which means the police officer could have hauled you in right then, or another police man could come to your house and arrest you. Homeschooling moment I would like to not teach. :tongue_smilie: Waiting any longer is not recommended. Sometimes when you go before the judge and claim pure honest "duh moment" they are lenient. But every day you wait, oh it gets ugly!
  9. thank you for your response! Due to being in Public school, where History was not taught, SoTW is perfect to bring it in for my 6th graders. Oh how I wish I had begun in 1st grade, but I struggle with that guilt enough...lol!! :D I think it is me. My girls do so well, finding the answers to the review questions, I read them and they narrate back to me. But they are 12 now. I have all 4 SoTW and even in the last version, the questions have the answers right afterwards. We are "turned to HSers" late in the game, so narration is a tough one for me to 1. Teach 2. them to get? guess I am not a classical educator, but I think we may be a classic...lol We were doing SoTW with all my children at the same time. But my older boys caught it quickly, and enjoyed History, so moved on to more intensive curriculum. I guess, I will just maintain the slow and steady pace; me read, they take notes, I ask questions, they ponder and respond. Activities when the are applicable and not take too much time. Do Map work, and then test for retention. We were doing M, W, Friday, but we will never finish this volume at this pace. I let them use their note taking for the test.
  10. yeah, yeah, I bought the test, they do the test. but the questions in the book, I am about to sit and type out all the questions in the AG...so they can read and find the answers, then do a narrative. My girls are 12 and this is our 2nd year of SoTW (we like it and the stories actually work for them). I have book 3 and 4 and plan on moving and grooving with them thru it, but wonder.... am I missing a key part? worksheets for the older kids? thank you from this mom who can't believe she is a homeschooling mom and loving it so much!
  11. The recruiter is not being truthful. He has no guarantees of leave. I would wait til he completes basic and his training and gets to his duty station. He can then talk to his supervisor in his chain of command about time he is allowed to take. The mission comes first. prior military (and did a stint as a recruiter) The only other sure fire way, is tell the recruiter he wants to delay his enlistment til he gets married. That will fire the recruiter up, but it is legal and can be done. Don't be intimidated by the recruiter, go up his chain of command!
  12. in the "olden days" I would go thru magazines, find recipes, or photos of clothes, painted walls, decorating tips, how to do, or crafts and cut them out of the magazine with intentions to file them to look at later. With pinterst, you go thru the magazines and PIN the items you like on your own album. Others can follow you or you follow them... I enjoy it. You have to be invited via email, I don't know why, but that is the deal. You can post it here, or PM me, and I will invite you.
  13. oh I love that!! I have adopted twin girls that are Zuni Indian with lashes so long they get stuck on their glasses...and soft mustaches too...so I will use this as they get older and we decide our options...
  14. many of our friends, and my pastor conceal. I live in the old west, and have seen peeps in mcdonalds with a gun strapped, not even looked at twice. We are in foster system, so under different rules for our home now, but my hubby will have one once the process to adopt is complete. My boys are hunters, been through extensive safety courses and will conceal I am sure as soon as old enough. As an American citizen, it is our right, and you can choose not to have one, but isn't that the best way? To have a choice?
  15. woo hoo it wasn't anti drug, it was say no to cigs! I found it! http://showurno.com and my kids loved it! yeah!
  16. I listened to Water for Elephants and the narrator was so wonderful, thinking back, I don't think I would have read it. Red tent, ugh, The Shack-really? just plain yuck to me, and the dragon tattoo series, the books looked so way cool, I wanted to read them...I felt very dumb, kept losing the plot and the names, couldn't push it through. But we love Jodi Picoult's, my son and I read at same time, one book hidden from the other...and have the best discussions about the issue of the book. but I have to admit I read the first Harry Potter and was like meh? barely finished. but the book that grabbed me The Hunger Games so enjoyed the twists and turns and I agree with the Christian fiction(I am a born again bible thumper) but the bad girls in the book are the ones I relate too, and they are treated like lepers? Glad the Christians around me weren't like the peeps in these books. lol hate romance inspired evangelism... but that is a whole nother topic!
  17. I so needed that guilt lifted from my head! el crap OH day poooof another insane thing I would ponder about....thank you stranger for posting something that makes me want to be your best friend forever!
  18. Each child with hamper and day and time to do their laundry(since age 5) from sorting (with help) and folding and put away! Each has day and morning or afternoon time! helps so much! but the best thing that has happen for us, is letting them start school before official start time! I have an on-line job, so I get it all done prior to 9am (usually 6am to 9am) and then can do corrections, help teach new concepts in math, etc...but I was having them wait to start school. We are all early risers, so now they are working on the independent work prior to mom's available hours. This makes our day done by 11am and that is a huge help We also take one hour every Monday (before school starts) to deep clean the house. Each child has a room...and I go from room to room and help teach the task or help them. This makes the house smell good and helps our week.
  19. we just had a huge bible study, I made chili with elk burger. It was so yummy, everyone raved about it...I then told them it was elk! The folks were so amazed, some (game lovers) were mad at themselves for not realizing it, and the ones that hadn't had it were more amazed! One girl, said, whoa...I would never have eaten it had I knew and I would have missed out on delicious! :lol: Enjoy your yummies this evening!! sounds fantastic!!
  20. we had one in Cali(from our charter) and had to give it back.. when we got here to New Mexico, I thought we would have to buy one...but found we can check one our for free at the library! I did pick up cheap one at a garage sale...never opened..
  21. we have been keeping an eye for a used or new to us ping pong table for a while. They have been over $100 from the used. Walmart had one for $67 last night for a brand new one. So, last night at 10pm, we thought we would go pop in and pick one up. Oh hey, lets make it a family affair. We took our van and my hubby's truck. The weather was beginning to cloud up, and although tired from the day... we headed to our Walmart. We came to the light to go into the parking lot, and a sea of cars....I have never ever seen that parking lot filled to the brim. I quickly phoned my hubby who was a few cars back, told him what I was seeing! We made the decision the ping pong table was not to be had. Then this morning, my hubby went over to see if they might have any left. They were all there,in the garden department and they had gotten wet (the box only) so they gave a bigger discount! woot!!!:D
  22. a quick and fun addition, lasagna noodles broken up, make the most delicious thick and yummy noodles. I love the humid feel of chicken carcass boiling in my house! I blogged on how to's with pictures HERE
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