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Everything posted by idnib

  1. If you need a fix there's a nice PBS documentary about the making of Hamilton. Some wonderful soul with foresight got the PBS filming started before the musical even opened and became a hit. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t4olBWuRJkk
  2. Can't say I disagree. I forced myself through once for each child and I'm done. It's the only book I've ever read that makes me feel somewhat unwell. Added: "You'll need a line item in your budget for books and related items." :D
  3. We used a list like this, but for Disneyland: http://www.glutenfreedairyfreewdw.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/Gluten-Free-Products-v11.16.2012.pdf The one I linked is from WDW 2012, but maybe it will be useful as-is or perhaps you can ask them for an updated copy.
  4. Now I'm going to be up all night thinking! Maybe Catcher in the Rye, and the toddler is complaining that the Duplo are big fat phonies. Thank you! The linked excerpt has several good quotes I've captured for my own list. :svengo: This could be a game changer if I can wrestle the iPad from DS. He's been using it to work on his novel since NaNoWriMo and has become rather possessive of an iPad that doesn't actually belong to any of us!
  5. I bought a large plastic bin and each day I put an item from our usual dish rotation in there. I could have done multiples at once, but I sort of like these kinds of experiments. Anyway, I kept putting an item in there each day until the dishes were manageable. I only take out the bin when we're having guests. So I guess my answer would be to not have 24 cups available in the first place, but I don't have a dishwasher so I'm a bit of a meanie about it I guess. Btw the answer ended up being about 6 each of each type of silverware, glass, mug, and china for a family of 4. Sometimes you need an extra fork to grab some meat out of the pan, or an extra bowl for chicken bones or whatever.
  6. "We were somewhere around Barstow on the edge of the desert when the teething tablets began to take hold. My parents sighed in relief."
  7. DH recommends starting with the first book, Killing Floor. I recommend Bad Luck and Trouble, just because that's the first one I read and it sucked me in, plus some other ancillary characters who join the series later are not there yet. Last year's Make Me was rather intense and disturbing as far as Reacher books go. Not sure I would start with that one.
  8. Stacia, yes, of course. I couldn't remember and chose the people I know are on the water the most! I do love the cover of Euphoria. Not just the oil paint, but the typeface that looks like handwritten journals from that time period and earlier.
  9. Happy New Year, everyone, and thank you Robin for setting us up for another BaW year! I sort of dropped off the plan and threads sometime in the fall, I think, but I am planning to be more diligent this year. I'm happy to be back! I am currently reading The Plover and I love it. I'm not sure who mentioned it first (Jane? Nan?) but I'm grateful to all who've suggested it. It's such a poetic and lovely book. My DH and I don't overlap much in what we read, but I think he might also read it for the seafaring side. I am also reading Night School, a Jack Reacher book I gave DH for Christmas and he finished. Reacher books are a guilty pleasure for me. I used to give DH grief about them and then got sucked in as well, so now I keep my mouth firmly shut when he passes them to me without comment. Lastly I am reading Euphoria, a really well-written work of fiction based loosely on the life of Margaret Mead. I purchased it for a BaW "buy a book based only on its cover" challenge a couple of years ago, but am just now seriously reading it after a couple of false starts.
  10. Remember what SWB says: sandwich, nap, shower, exercise. Apply one or more for the child (or you!) as needed. :grouphug:
  11. Don't have concerns that it's somehow wrong or immoral to ask the cc company to cover you if they will. It's built into their business model and this protective feature is one of the reasons people use cards. The cc companies know that sometimes they will have to pay out even if it's not their fault, but that is more than offset by people swiping cards and paying interest and fees. It's like buying insurance. Just mentioning that because I've seen elsewhere people saying it's wrong to hold the cc companies responsible.
  12. Maybe, although I'm not sure how any adult who received credits in their Landry account would think she still has the money and it wouldn't be coming out of her pocket.
  13. I was just thinking about your family this week. :grouphug:
  14. I don't have a dog in this fight at all, having never even visited the Landry web site. Just unbelievable someone would do this. Let's punish Alison, who is in the hospital for Christmas, doubly. Let's go after her for something she had no control over and because she was trying to help others . How shameful.
  15. http://letmegooglethat.com/?q=carol+dweck+scholar+papers It's tongue in cheek, but really if you know the person's name and affiliation, you can get the info if you want it. It might be better to do that and then approach the conversation than to argue about the woman's easily researched background and work.
  16. We do too. My worst domestic experience was in Minneapolis last year, and for abroad, Amsterdam in 1989.
  17. People speak Arabic on flights all the time, but once in a while there is a meeting of someone who is paranoid and/or uneducated and/or xenophobic and usually the Arabic speaker gets the losing end of the stick, although not always. The one that has always astounded me is the economist who was solving math equations.
  18. This is what Iw as going to suggest. MIL volunteers with a charity that helps refugees resettle and they would undoubtedly have a local list. Not sure about any statewide or national resources. ETA: Check with International Rescue Committee (IRC) as well.
  19. You are absolutely not being overly dramatic, really. Sending hugs and good thoughts. :grouphug:
  20. Did you read that entire link you posted? It pretty much says what the rest of us here are saying, that CO2 matters. You can talk about what a small amount of temperature change it is, and how it doesn't go very deep, but taken as a whole the amount of additional energy in the system is very large. The global temperature was not much colder ~20k years ago, but what we know as Boston was then buried under ice.
  21. I would give anything to have a way to clearly determine when things head in that type of direction and to send a clear signal, but I doubt it works that way. Therein lies the problem and the need for vigilance. Check the link in my signature.
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