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Everything posted by idnib

  1. I had to kill 9 hours once at Heathrow with an 18 month-old. Which is definitely easier than 4 kids, but it was after an 11-hour flight and before a 7-hour one. Ugh. Bring a read aloud. Find a place where you can watch planes take off and land, if possible. Pack a few surprise snacks or small toys (cheap new or used, but new to the kids) that you can pull out at strategic times. A deck of cards is useful. Make sure you can re-charge batteries. While books bought at the airport are not as cheap as used, at least the price is on the cover so it's not 3x expensive like other airport things are. The two oldest kids can go explore stores and gates on their own as long as you remind them not to go out of secure areas. (Show them the exit to baggage claim.) Spend a lot of time at the play area. The Airspace Lounge is $25/person instead of $50. Description: Entry fees start at just $25 and no membership or long-term commitment is required. Entry includes complimentary espresso, cappuccino, Peet's Coffee and Tea, soft drinks, small snacks and fruit, printing and scanning, use of house computers, Wi-Fi, use of private restrooms and shower facilities, plus a $10 credit to purchase items from Airspace’s premium menu including alcoholic beverages. ETA: That was a cut and paste, I know you don't drink alcoholic beverages. :laugh:
  2. I've made the carrots with both fried and fresh oregano. I think if would pick fresh if I had both. I bet you can get away with the wet ginger if it's not preserved. But I think the oregano is sounding better to me. I went through a phase of adding fresh dill to all my ferments and I later regretted it as their flavor profiles were too similar.
  3. Another option is a Mexican-style carrot pickle with a spicy pepper and oregano.
  4. Had to look what "manky" means. No Google, I don't mean "lanky". Is it powdered? Wet or dry?
  5. You had no choice growing up but to be exposed to her, but you have a choice whether your kids are, and if they will suffer the same damage. They're not going to feel any better about her than you do. And I agree they deserve better and I'm sorry. :grouphug:
  6. Ginger is a good flavor for the 3rd. It's one of my favorite ferments!
  7. Seconding Malala and adding The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind.
  8. :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: I agree this is completely screwed up and I feel nothing but compassion for all of you. No judgment here.
  9. Sir John Soanes Museum is a bit off the beaten path.
  10. If he's having anxiety about how advanced things are or are not, do you think he might read a book like The Smartest Kids in the World? It talks about how kids are educated in different countries with very different paradigms, and kids in Finland are doing a bit better than kids in South Korea even though they start later, let younger children play more, and are more relaxed about it in general. There's more to it than that, but that's the gist of it.
  11. Sometimes I think all the trouble of moving is a way for the universe to ease the sadness when you actually put out of the driveway. Fewer tears and more sighs of relief. ;)
  12. I went to the HSLDA web site and one year is $120. Why not keep the money and hire a local attorney to write a letter if you have a problem you cannot solve?
  13. I didn't read the other thread. I avoid those because every time I read them I find new things that annoy me! I only get asked this question a few days a week. It doesn't always annoy me, but when it does it's because some amorphous thing in the future I was going to figure out later becomes a concrete pressure, while I'm still enjoying my morning snuggle with my kids or sipping my breakfast coffee. I am working on coming up with a weekly menu plan, but first I have to get over my desire to always cook what's inspiring and my boredom at eating the same things too often.
  14. Another "not a fruit" suggestion: If you like bleu cheese, it's really good with cherries.
  15. Canned salmon or tuna mixed with a little mayo and use the cucumber slices as crackers for the topping or for scooping. You can also cut a cucumber in half lengthwise, scope out the seeds with a spoon, and fill with the salmon or tuna salad.
  16. After this is settled, ask your doctor for a one-time prescription for the same medication and fill that outside of the normal cycle so you have a buffer. Important not only for these situations, but vacations, natural disasters, etc.
  17. I am also not talking about taking her against her will. But she should be strongly urged to get correct information and be fully informed. Acting on it is a entirely different matter.
  18. I would also take her to the ER and get her the info she needs. Making an informed decision to refuse medical treatment is a world away from what's happening in this situation. I think you need to not worry about the SIL and really think about the ethics of the situation. Sadie's right that you're going to have to do the easier thing and go along, or the right thing. A capable adult is having medical information withheld from them by a cult member. Consider if you were the person having medical information withheld even though you are of sound mind. This is an abuse of a power of attorney. Was this document drawn up by an attorney or was it a DIY form? because I'd be letting the attorney know as well. Sorry I can't find a way to put it more plainly than that. And I'm sorry you're in this situation. :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:
  19. How scary! I'm glad they issued the alert. :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:
  20. No, this sounds terrible unless they are reserving them for people who have particular disabilities that make it difficult to sit in the car for a long time, and the line makes it hard to get to disabled parking. I could also see giving it out to carpools, where parents are picking up 4 or more kids. Yes they could all be from one family, but likely they would be picking up at least one non-family kid and reducing the line by a car or two.
  21. Thanks for the update. I'm happy to hear the worst care scenario did not come to pass. :grouphug:
  22. It's not uncommon for people in Northern CA to spend more than 50% of their income on rent or mortgage. That said, it's not that big a deal for a kid to wait an hour, Yes, it's a bit of a pain, but he can read or do homework in the meantime. And if he's anything like many of the teens in my high school, he'll eventually meet someone who gives him a ride once in awhile, or he'll go to other kids' homes to hang out after school, or he'll join a club or activity.
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