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Everything posted by Tammyla

  1. Your baby needs you to be the momma bear... I wouldn't take him out and I wouldn't discuss it with an unreasonable / unmovable person. She wants what she wants, but you know what is best for your child(ren)... Just don't do it; it sounds easy and put into motion actually is. (I've found the secret to dealing with pushy, bossy, demanding people is to put on my rhino-skin and ignore it/them.) You can be a loving person and not be a doormat. Just think how awful you will feel if you little one picks up the flu and you could have avoided it. :grouphug:
  2. No, they have a new jar of Hope in a jar for dry skin.
  3. :grouphug: I hope he's better by Christmas too.
  4. I wouldn't consider a personal phone part of parental consent, and it would make me uneasy. I think I'd have to discuss this with the teacher or principle. Now of course, I'm probable out of date and behind the times, but personal and professional should be separate imo.
  5. Hope in a jar, now comes in a creamier/heavier dry-skin formula. I'm very sensitive too, but I'm able to use it along with the EyeBelieve no longer available, but I'm happily using EyeHope..
  6. I'm so sorry for your loss. :grouphug:
  7. :grouphug: I'd let it go...Send a lovely thank-you and let it be. In future, ask what and how she'd like you to help or not help. OCD and no kids might make her a bit stressed with people invading her space....I'm sure she loves you, but she is just used to things her way.
  8. I'm glad he's home; I can't imagine how frightening this was :grouphug: . Door and window alarms is where I'd start too. A trained service dog, sounds like a good idea to investigate.
  9. Tammyla


    I donate them every year, but I buy them new.
  10. Dh is watching football, dd is out for a walk and ds is on his computer.
  11. I'm looking forward to downsizing. I've watched too many family members struggle to maintain and stay in a property that simply sucks the life and joy out of them. The homes and property were once wonderful homes that as they aged became a huge burden in so many ways.
  12. Does it have a sell-by-use-by date? It might be fine or it might not be and make you sick. When in doubt, I feed the adults and skip the children. Dads can be like the canary in the tunnel...
  13. A tight spanx-like tank-top, will gently squeeze it in and avoid the pop-overs.
  14. A delightfully-tacky lady on our library board always brings toilet paper. She's brings it to wedding showers, white-elephant gift exchanges etc. I would never have the nerve, but it does crack most everyone up.
  15. I'd wait for her to contact you guys, she may have local help and options. It's seems pretty strange that you have to contact her.
  16. :grouphug: I'd be tempted to pardon me them to death or ask them to MYOB. Congratulations!
  17. We all watched the news yesterday at lunch time. If they were little ones, I'd shelter them from it if possible.
  18. We ordered an engraved ipad earlier this month and it arrived 3 days early.
  19. :hurray: Awesome! Rubbing alcohol can tidy up her face.
  20. I'll pray for the three of you, and I'm in agreement with Chris and El.
  21. I love it because it is such high drama. I agree, you must watch from the beginning. This spoof is super funny.
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