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Everything posted by Tammyla

  1. You mention swelling and a bruise, that sounds like an injury of some sort. The RICE suggestion is a good one. You might also call your dr. or nurse if things don't improve soon. Hope you feel better soon.
  2. Welcome back. Sounds like things are looking up down there. Blessings~
  3. I've got one here. She didn't read well until almost 9 and still didn't love it. Then by age ten she became our reader. Honestly, we have to tell her to put the book down to eat, go to bed, take a shower you name it. I'll admit getting kind of worried around age 7, but she was compliant, doing her lessons and making slow progress. We just stayed the course as there were no other red flags. Once her small motor skills became easy with writing her reading took off. ;) Blessings~
  4. It is free in a few states, or access is through the school district at no cost. Others have joined through a homeschool co-op. The home access fee is lower than the school district, but the home version has less available. Right now I think it is a little under $300. You can check the web site and find out if your state has free access. Way back on the old board some dear woman complied a list of states with free access. hth
  5. Thinking about the two of you here Q. Hope she is feeling better and gets the all clear from the dr. Blessings~
  6. Could you call the office and speak with a nurse or the dr.? We've had our share of rashes around here, and they stink. Lots of sympathy and hugs. The burning part of it coupled with the feeling of being hit with a truck would make me want to call at least. Hope and prayers you are feeling better tomorrow.
  7. Under the Welcome... in the right hand corner is Private Messages: It shows there, but you have to look for it.
  8. Oh, gosh. I just glanced back and read many (Not All.) of the responses and posts. (I do and did respond without reading the entire thread.) My not so clear post was meant to answer the original question. I do leave my kids alone now, and in the past with sitters. I've always made an effort to make it a good time for them too. I leave a craft, special dvd, pop-corn and pizza to make it a fun night, morning or afternoon. The effort makes it a win-win for me, my date(dh) and kiddos. If it's a night out, we are always home to tuck them in. Kids are different, families are different, and we all know that. You gotta to find what works best in your home. ;) Blessings~
  9. DiscoveryEducation/Unitedstreaming has a large number of these available if you have access. My dd and ds enjoy many of them.
  10. I agree with Momof7. Unless she asks for your help, don't bud in. You just don't know. I'm sure you mean well, but it could potentially hurt deeply. If and when she asks, then you help. Until then, just be her friend. There have been many times in my life, I've thought I knew better or had the whole picture only to later see the light. Wanting to help isn't wrong, but it isn't always helpful. And there are many ways to help her out by being a loving supportive friend.
  11. Garlic, parsley, salt, chicken stock or bouillon, butter, carrots, celery and any other veggie that sounds good. Add the noodles or rice at the end. Hope your little guy feels better soon.
  12. Do you have a nurse line, or could you call the Dr.? They will ask you a number of questions and help with the decision. Some things they might (most likely will) ask are. 1. How is she now? Normal heart rate, accelerated pulse, does she feel dizzy? Is she sweaty, does she have a fever or any other symptoms. 2. Is she menstruating? 3. And of course they'll ask if anyone else is experiencing similar symptoms. Do you have a gas heater or fire place? I'm sure they'll have a better list of questions. My dd has fainted more than once and man is it scary. Prayers she feels better and hugs to both of you.
  13. My 7th grader (challenged speller) has done one lesson/page a day in addition to our core program. We are approaching the last quarter of the book, and I see the cross over (improvement:)) in her written work. The lessons are short and sweet, usually less than 15 minutes. I do plan to continue on to book two. However, I'm not sure it will actually be necessary ;).
  14. You said, "I am with my kids, except every other weekend and poker nights 24/7 unless it is a child centered activity... It's been building; I have felt resentful and smothered and under appreciated that I can't *go* without a call about some form of tattling, a stupid question, "I just called to see how you were doing". Feeling resentful is a very normal feeling, but you changed their lives almost 100% and iah, need more time all around. So do, MAKE the most of your EVERY OTHER WEEKEND. That is a lot of time:) Do try to be home before bed as some other poster mentioned. AND another biggie, why shouldn't/couldn't your date time be their time be fun too? (((Hugs,))) but you are getting all the warm fuzzies out of date night and they are getting the short end of the stick. Changes are hard on kids even good ones. You know your life is happier, better ect..but their lives may be harder, with more rules, less mom time, love and attention. To a kid, even a teen this is a loss that needs to be addressed. And we moms sympathize, empathize, understand and are often in the camp longing for me time.
  15. Beef tacos, enchiladas, or chimichangas (sp?). Add BBQ sauce & serve on rolls. Beef stroganoff Served over rice So many possibilities.
  16. Colleen, I was thinking this sounds like Germany (Europe) while reading through your post. I think they have a good model system.
  17. I use it, and enjoy (free access) here. However, the access isn't instant imo. Each video must be "streamed" before you can view it, and that can take some time. Now, for me it's worth it, but I don't pay for it.:rolleyes:
  18. Grammar & Composition Apples Spelling & Spelling & Voc. Of People Literature Saxon Math STOW 4 History w/ Kingfisher Apologia General Science Spanish Discovery Education Critical Thinking Reading Detective A Healthier You Art outsourced lessons weekly Music Piano lessons (The critical thinking, art, health and music lessons are rotated.) EFTRU
  19. Oh, you poor thing. I'm not going to make any suggestions, except if you're near me...bring the baby over. My kids are so big now, I could enjoy a night up with a baby. The little dear will grow, and you will sleep again. I promise.
  20. (((Rhonda))) Sending out big hugs of encouragement. Now, go back and reread your post, the answer is in there. Allow yourself to do it... Teach him where he is. Throw out grade levels and even your idea of what a prefect home education is. There are kids in ps/private school & hs who are in grade X, but working above, below or on the actual grade level. Do you have any tutor options available? There are a number of computer based curriculum programs now. Keep going, winter is hardest. And ask yourself, what would we do if he was in school? How would they/we/he tackle this?
  21. My girl was easier, but I think it is an individual thing with each child. Is she showing signs of readiness? (Waking dry, looking for a private spot etc.?
  22. I would ask for the refund of both. It was completely their error. Even with the policy in place, they should make it right.
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