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Everything posted by Tammyla

  1. Nan...great post. Thanks... You inspired me to get my highlighter out and go back through TWEM. Marking up that lovely book felt shameful and wonderful.:smash: I want my dd to feel comfortable using books, so I need to set an example. :grouphug:
  2. Oh, gross...too funny:ack2: . I can't stand stinky towels, they sour if left too long in the washer...or you have a smelly washer.
  3. I own both editions too! I've read both and refer to them as a resource books.:cheers2:
  4. I didn't/don't live near family. There were no long breaks when they were young, but dh made sure I always had a little me time. My kids are older and we have plenty of time now:D. Mine grew up so quickly.;)
  5. Busy, busy, busy is what I think this time of year, and then there is the weather. No more snow here, standardized tests to take, curriculum to wrap up, vacations to plan, fresh air and sunshine are calling many of us.
  6. We have an honesty policy here at all times. I think how you respond to them teaches them when to come to you.
  7. I've found being close by within ear or eye shot, keeps everyone on their better behavior. Sorry for your little guy, some kids are just mean.
  8. Yes. Homeschool Tracker (both free & plus) will track the hours for you. It will even track each subject/hours, total hours, average daily hours and so on. I used the free version for a few years, loved it and upgraded when my oldest hit middle school. Their customer service is the best for the free & upgraded version.
  9. Ah, Nancy. I'm so sorry and will be lifting you and your family up in prayers.
  10. That is a lot of money per tank. I guess I'll be more content with our natural gas bill when it arrives. I do use our small electric fan/heater for room heating here and there. They work well for those days when you don't need to heat the entire house, but want to take the chill out of a room. We also have a gas fire place, but it doesn't get used as often. Hope your temps are up there sooner rather than later. We have snow in the forecast....AGAIN!:smash:
  11. :lol:LoL. You really tasted it. A little spritz for you (sink) and a little spritz for me. :cheers2::lol:
  12. You be careful!:lol: Wow, I wish we had a local hs store here. If you fall in love with some books, ask them to hold your stash. I've found waiting 24 hours pushes reality into the picture. Then of course who wants to live in the real world when we can surround ourselves with lots and lots of beautiful books.
  13. (((Hugs))) I understand, but sweetie lets be real. You are moving and you got too much stuff:grouphug:. The easy way to slowly reduce anything is to use the one year rule. If you haven't used "IT" in the last year, it's out. Please remind yourself, everything (thing being the operative word) can be replaced, and in a matching set if you like.;) I don't worry much about those once a year meals. Enlist help, pans and just enjoy your day. Get rid on a few things, and it will be OK...I promise.
  14. Here is my short list in no particular order. (I've used Seton's CAT, BJU's ITBS and the FLO testing.)hth:D http://www.pesdirect.com/itbs.html http://www.setontesting.com/ CAT $25 http://www.familylearning.org/index.html http://www.bjupress.com/services/testing/ http://www.baysideschoolservices.com/ http://www.hewitthomeschooling.com/test/tmain.asp
  15. I'm in the middle here. My teen doesn't deserve a car, but will likely get one after proving she is a reliable, responsible and safe driver. And there will be rules! Hahaha, my rules.:auto: Parenting doesn't end when they become teenagers, and in some ways it gets harder. Part of the job, I guess.
  16. Enjoy your beautiful day. We are still patiently waiting here. Snow yesterday and again sometime tomorrow. My poor, poor tulips.
  17. I'm so sorry for your loss. Prayers here.
  18. What good news. Our test are coming up, and I hope mine feel the same way when they finish. Hope those test results are happy ones.
  19. They are still using your over generousness against you. I'd simply turn the phone off for today and let them take care of their families. I'm going to recommend you not let them take advantage of you. They are counting on you to give in again. Hope ya'll feel better. They don't sound worth worrying over.
  20. Oh, I've been wondering about you and the little one. I'm sending out some hugs and prayers for the two of you. :grouphug: Take it easy-easy, rest, eat well, drink plenty and we'll be wishing you the very best.
  21. I'm compiling a high school list of accredited school options. The following are Christian based programs. Abeka Alpha Omega Bob Jones Seton (Catholic)
  22. I live in a big corn producing state, and imo there are lots of reasons. Here are a few locally known in my area. 1. Crops must be rotated. 2. Soybeans are easier. 3. Some families are selling while the property values are high OR they simply are retiring and no one is in line to take over. 4. Last year was a bad year. 5. Producing feed corn (for animals) or bio corn might be less costly. 6. Some fields rec. govt. stipends if left fallow or unplanted. (?) I'm not sure if that is the right word. I gotta run for dinner.
  23. Ah, my little girl started at eleven. For me it felt way too early, but it was just her time. We talked openly about it, read a book and went on with life. Now it's just part of life. They do grow up too quickly.
  24. I'd let the owner know that based on the fact that it happened at the center, I'd have to take my business elsewhere if he was readmitted. It's just bad business and reflects on his judgment to even consider it. Imnsho, he knows this if he is fishing for an ok. To me it looks as if he is trying to cover himself if something else takes place under his roof. kwim?
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