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Everything posted by Tammyla

  1. Anything scheduled to last 3 hours on a Saturday here would hard for me and many in my area. That may have been a big factor in the attendance.
  2. Thanks for updating us, Aubrey. I'm wishing you a nice and easy day...and a peaceful rest of your pregnancy. Take care of yourself and let everyone pamper you.
  3. Kay, Isn't there a board rule about recipes?;)~
  4. Ouch! That is some price jump. I'm searching and hoping to find a local co-op. I've always purchased at the local grocery stores and their prices are jumping too. I haven't been able to find bread machine flour locally for weeks. Jean, thanks for the storage ideas.
  5. I save after browsing on-line for the best deal. I'm almost able to compare on-line deals to my local retailers and looking on-line save me, time, gas and money. I also appreciate all the reviews.
  6. How sweet. Sounds like he is going to be a special husband to some lucky lady someday.
  7. :auto:I'm on the waiting list at our library for Who Killed The Electric Car. Thanks for the rec.
  8. Oh, and just so you know...You have our permission to be grumpy, emotional, hyper-sensitive, teary, giddy or any other way with no guilt. You are making a baby and it's a big job 24/7.
  9. I missed last night's post, but at 6 months I'd call her and hubby. Then you can rest easy. Prayers for you and the little one.
  10. I had a very successful VBAC in our local hospital. I followed the Bradley method throughout my pregnancy and had a very healthy happy baby. I'm wishing you the same.
  11. There is nothing like the great outdoors, right. Sounds scary. We have a patch of woods behind our home and those big old trees falling is always a concern. Nothing was damaged, I hope.
  12. This sounds so good. I'll have to try it. Just curious...Anyone else having trouble finding Bread Machine Flour in your area?
  13. We have a number of Farmers' Markets locally. Even with so many local farms, we still have lots of booths that aren't locally grown. Their prices aren't great and the produce can be from as far away as Mexico.
  14. Is this what you are getting for $35? I'm speechless.
  15. Strider, You deserve a nicer than mom award.
  16. LoL...Ours didn't eat Legos either. She did love to chew on a good Barbie leg now and then.
  17. I'm not sure what the best is, but we've been very happy with Norton.
  18. More than once, I've wanted to call and thank the mom of so and so for the delightful gift of the stomach flu. We keep our vomit, fevers and crud at home. My goal is to let the stinking virus die here...:confused:
  19. One of our local community colleges has an outdoor production each year.
  20. Thank you. The Christmas download was a hit here.
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