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Everything posted by Tammyla

  1. Bravo~ Now, Melissa-Dear I want your knit socks I want them here As I sit in my computer chair I want them in the winter I want them near Please, please send us socks Melissa-Dear. Last weeks sermon was on coveting...I think I need to go back and study that commandment a little further.
  2. I remember the "Welcome to the new board jump." It always felt strange jumping back and forth and then there were those date mix ups. That black hole was too much fun, sort of like an alternative universe.:D
  3. Oh, you've got them by the buckets full.. hugs, support and prayers. :grouphug:
  4. They must be the two stupidest ac men on the planet. I have no words...:grouphug: Keep your hubby on this.
  5. Do not feel guilty. Some of the very best husband's need the hissy fit or cold hard facts (those temps.) to go into action. You hubby sounds like a great guy, I hope he's able to find a livable solution one way or another. I stand by my statement that the temp bologna the office is selling is phooey. It's unacceptable and hundreds of thousands of people, right there in Texas have AC units that do work. It may be time for them to replace if fixing the old unit(s) doesn't cool things below 80'. You deserve a working ac.:grouphug: PS...some of the new window units don't have to be in a window. They just have this hose that needs to vent.
  6. We've had the 3 at a time unlimited here for years, and we're very happy with it.
  7. I second M's question. Which one of those darlings is more like you...the reader or the warrior?
  8. (((Tammy))) I sure wish I had some helpful suggestions. You can love her without giving in and making it easy for her to continue this path. Some ideas are taking her id card, it might be a string you can control. Also, as a mom I'd call Mr. Wonderful's boss and ask for assistance. You and your dd need the real information on what is going on right now. It sounds like your dd is living for the moment in denial. Also, the Chaplin's office would be an idea for you. They have so many resources, will have seen this before and know which options and channels are available. Hugs to you. Eighteen is still so close to not being an adult and one day this time will be behind you all. Many prayers for your family.:grouphug:
  9. Lessons first here too...However, not all homeschoolers are morning people. kwim? I've learned to be flexible and stick with my responses..Our schedule is set for ... lessons first, this time works better for us or we love this time or simply..no thank you. I don't get offended that they are looking to take more students and make money. In fact, I'm thrilled there are more options opening up as more and more people realize there are so many families homeschooling.;)
  10. Window AC units are $89.00 at our local Walmart. Send you dh out in that car with a message not to come home without one. :grouphug: Your apartment air is NOT WORKING if it's 80' inside. They are feeding you a bunch of phooey claiming that outside air temp. bull. :grouphug: You stay safe, excessive heat can be so dangerous.
  11. I hope and pray you all have a restful night. Those after shocks always drove me bonkers. Stay safe everyone. We used to tape the cabinets closed.
  12. "I am having hot flashes that make me look like Baby Jack Jack on "The Incredibles". I'm there with you...crazy hot! Do not allow your family to start a song-a-thon of songs with fire in them. Mine are forbidden to even hum, Come on baby light my fire.;) I agree with EL, do not shave your head tonight.
  13. Oh, I have one of those 11 year-old-boys;). I'm working on this with him by explaining the value of a conversation and respecting vs. correcting the other speaker. Listening skills are important for us all and he often needs reminders that he is not giving a lecture. Toast Masters or another debate forum might be right up your ds's alley. I'm looking forward to more responses. I'm the oldest of three girls and have no boy raising experience.
  14. I've got nothing to say but, yummy. Wish I had your problem.:001_smile:
  15. (((Jill))) I'm so sorry, what a heartbreaking loss. Prayers:grouphug:
  16. You did such a good job, I really like the look of it. I'd pay for one of those.:001_smile:
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