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Everything posted by Tammyla

  1. Ah, ha! I suspect it was Ms. B in the study with the lead pipe...strike that...tire iron in the bedroom. Sorry J, but it was too good to pass up.
  2. I love the new styles too, but pass on another wedding. The first one was a keeper for me.
  3. Does he snore on his side? Prop a pillow behind him if he doesn't.
  4. Ornaments are nice with a card. You might find one in the shape of a piano or other instrument. Our piano teacher LOVED a big batch of home-made piano shaped cookies. She always loved fresh baked goodies and breads.
  5. My first was a mid summer and second was early summer, we were out with both of them early on, but my c-section kept me near the house longer than the vbac. Flu season would cause me to use caution going out with a newborn.
  6. Try it and see how it works. I've got a high school student, who is a morning bird. On average she has one or two classes done before my ds is even up. Ds would be a night owl, by nature and sleeping in a bit and running off much of his boy energy before lessons works for him.
  7. I think your price would encourage a lot of families. I was crunching the numbers and you are being very generous. Tutoring goes for $20 - $50 an hour around here, but a real class...wow.
  8. I focus on the 3 R's and cover the remaining subjects during reading.
  9. :grouphug:Wow, I think you are nuts to allow them back. jk, but wow.. I could not deal with that more than once.
  10. Happy Birthday, celebration marathon. :001_smile: Timeless, she was.
  11. Think of it as mother nature's all purpose cleaner. I think it shocks the virus out, but strep is a different story.
  12. Get well wishes:grouphug:. Sounds like a pretty productive morning for you. I'm washing all the bathroom rugs as my project and did manage to scrub the tub. My dishes await me, but I'm thinking of paying someone to take my turn.
  13. My ds would love the class, especially the Life of Fred exercises. I'd choose the twice a week option vs. three hours, but hope the meeting time worked within our schedule. (End of the day is easiest on us.) A monthly fee might encourage parents to participate if they had an available exit.
  14. Check out the fine print...We have options here, but lots of hoops, red tape and REQUIREMENTS if you do participate.
  15. Poor kid... Stress has never caused me to cut a kid's hair... Lame old excuse, I think the kid should get to cut the teacher's hair...in front of the class. Due to the stress and all...
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