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Miss Tick

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Everything posted by Miss Tick

  1. Maybe it isn't your hair that smells. Did you accidentally snort a dollop up your nose? Have you gotten outside confirmation on the source? jk. I hope it isn't making you queasy.
  2. Homer Price and Centerburg Tales by Robert Mcclosky Richard Peck's Soup books Pippi Longstocking What is the name of the book by Sid Fleischman about the almost magical farm? Got it - McBroom's Wonderful One-Acre Farm.
  3. Interesting Blog to browse through. I stumbled on her in the past when I was trying to something more hands-on for math. Like her build your own text book but for 4th graders. I gave up eventually. :001_rolleyes:
  4. Oooh, that really burns me up! I wish she would name the school or the city or even the state so we could let people know how we feel about that kind if sexism. I think it would serve as an example and get a wider audience. I probably need to go read the thread about public shaming from a while ago before I get too high on this horse, but really, in this day and age??
  5. We did GSWL mostly orally and I added un some days for English to Latin translation. We spent a year and a half doing that and just started Lively Latin. My kids are enjoying the different format and it seems easy since there is a fair amount of review. I imagine we will continue on to book 2, and after that I'm looking at Latin Book 1.
  6. Also, after the fact, you can call the non-emergency police number and they will deal with him to the extent they are able. Might save somebody else from that kind if disturbing encounter. Sorry you had to go through that AND with your kids.
  7. I say don't worry about it until it actually becomes a problem. In 2 or 3 years your youngest may have forgotten enough to want to do it, or perhaps will bee interested in specializing and want to do something different, or a science co-op will open up down the street, or... In the meantime I bet they are all learning something from each other.
  8. Holy cow, people! It would never have occurred to me that there might bee a teacher's guide, and if I stumbled on it I would have been skeptical about whether it would be helpful. Instead, I've been planning to have youngest start the SOTW cycle with my olders following along but doing deeper reading, oral narration, and occasional writing assignments. I was going to have to devote some of my summer to reading through the OUP books I have to see if they would be suitable, how to divide then up, what kind of writing assignments would make sense, etc. Now, thanks to my devoted, habitual (some might say obsessive but he is on a business trip right now) reading if the forum I have found a magical-sounding resource that will last out all that ground work for me. Plus I have found validation that even if I can't pull off my whole notional, pie-in-the-sky plan, they can do oral narrations and still be successful. Thank you ALL, but particularly TKDmom and Flaura. What a nice way to start my day.
  9. Me too. Except slightly different in a few important respects, BUT I don't want to hijack.
  10. One thing that helps that type of situation here is if I can totally lay it out, "look, I want you to do the work and you don't want to. Obviously this is not working, so we are going to (whatever you want, take today off to reset, back you up to fact practice in case this is too hard, switch to a different writing program in case this is too easy..)" That way you acknowledge the struggle and why you are making a change, as opposed to "giving in". I would also ask for his thoughts on how we can avoid this in the future since it it's so unpleasant for me and reduces my ability to plan fun things.something like that. Trying to avoid slipping in passive-aggressive statements (blush).
  11. Are you going to have him scaling up one side from his little boat and then falling down the other? Perhaps she silk be mud in quicksand to get waist at the top? Sorry I'm no help with the practicalities, but boy it sounds delicious!
  12. I love the picture book version of "When I Heard the Learn'd Astronomer" I Had Trouble in Getting to Solla-Sollew Where's the Cake? Mrs. McMurtry's Pumpkin
  13. Not the OP, but thanks for everyone's responses! The Hive always comes through for me. My 6yo slid down a percentile curve at her check 2 weeks ago and the Dr wants to see her at 6 months, but wasn't clear to me about why. Glad to hear some actual stories.
  14. Wee Free Men was great. There are three books, so less of an undertaking than what I'm sure that chart shows, but still related! Boy, audio book would be great!! Off to check the library. I bogged down somewhere in the chat, but I intend to get back.
  15. Strawberry-rhubarb Cherry Chocolate Cream
  16. If you are comfortable with math, I don't think you have to decide now whether to use a program that will continue through high school. You have enough knowledge (and the backing of the Hive) to get through high school no matter what you choose to use in elementary. I also think it can be hard to choose "mastery" or "spiral" until you've had a chance to watch your kids. Do they need to see specific examples once in a while in order to remember how to perform an operation, or do they get frustrated with seeing things again once they have already learned them. For just starting out, I think you need to find a program that excites +you+ and try it out. If it is going too slow you can usually speed it up, if it moves too fast through a topic we can help with suggestions for supplement or review. The best program to start with is going to be one that appeals to you as the teacher. If you are happy with it, that sentiment is more likely to rub off on your student.
  17. You could clear it with the facilitators that she will have it for emergencies but that it will remain "off" the entire time. If they say no you are back to where you started, if they understand then great! You could say something like, "of course I would expect it to be confiscated if you did see it during the program," if that seemed appropriate or soothing to them.
  18. Could he work for longer days and stay nearby and then be home on the fifth to recover? Some variation on that make it tolerable for, say, a test year, or six months?
  19. I think I read your blog! Or maybe I bought something from you on Etsy? Perhaps your toilet paper was featured on Regretsy...
  20. I admit that I got it done in a crazy busy of inspiration that is not reliable, as witnessed by the umpteen unfinished projects I have lying about. It sounds fancier than it is, though. Imagine rolling out a roll of contact paper, laying your timeline pages on it and putting another sheet of sticky paper on top. One caution is that it can be do veryhard to line up that top sheet. Much gnashing of teeth.
  21. Strategic Air and Space museum in Omaha was cool. Aurora, NE has the Edgerton Explorit which I haven't been to, but my parents have it good marks. We will be stopping at the Brookings, SD children's museum this summer. Nice, and newish.
  22. I didn't get the "wasting coffee" part because does that mean some people don't drink it all? That does not compute for me. Grandma grew up in the Depression, we drink ALL the coffee.
  23. I made one like that with a timeline printed on card sock and then "laminated" with Contac paper. I then went through our history program and made a timeline card for each section. We use repairable glue dots to stick the cards up. Mine folds up into a "book when we aren't using it. The cards I made in powerpoint with pictures from internet searches. It worked out really well and gave me a good preview of what was coming in history. I made up about a quarter of the cards at a time.
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