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Miss Tick

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Everything posted by Miss Tick

  1. I'm a hot pad gal, myself, no sizing necessary and handy double-duty as a trivet. What a neat project!
  2. I'm going to throw out the website Progressive Phonics. It is free, you just print it. It is easy - little booklets you read with your student. OLD THREAD. Need more coffee...
  3. I'm not directly involved, just reporting as a customer here, but ours eliminates the "sorting and resorting". Everybody has a table (or shared one?) and each of their items had an envelope clipped on with their name and $ amount. Those get filled by the customer and turned in to the central cash box. So, no sorting, but it is more like a group garage sale, you need to check out all the tables.
  4. If you visit St. Louis and walk toward the Arch and the riverfront expounding on the Age of Expansion and the Gateway to the West, please explain that you are looking backward through the gate. So that even though it is called the Gateway to the "West", Illinois is east. Otherwise they will be scarred for life.
  5. BA is considered a stand-alone program, but it has minimal review of previously taught materials, so some kid may need that. BUT you expressed hesitation about switching math again, and there is no reason you can't just use it to supplement. The comic book format makes it enjoyable for my ds, and a lot of the material is presented differently and often more deeply than a traditional program. My ds uses MEP and BA, one as a spine, one as a supplement, although they often change rooms from week to week.
  6. I used GSWL for English-to-Latin. I lagged a few lessons behind so we could use it to review vocabulary at the same time. I agree with Laura that it was clearly hard in a good, thoughtful way. We started BBoLL this year and I haven't seen that in there, so I'm thinking I may add it in myself one day a week along with flashcard review or history our some thing.
  7. Beast Academy uses a demonstration like justasque's, but it just has the student tear off all three angles and then snug them up to a ruler. We had a lot of unarmed triangles to clean up last week.
  8. We do at least an hour's worth of work to let the sun get a head start. Then they can go out for break. They are usually done by lunch, so we can repeat in the afternoon if they want. We have a few, random days off sprinkled in our schedule.
  9. I think Aristotle lived in a smaller, more homogenous city than I do. I wonder what the "one end" is/was? This morning there was a news report about controversy being stirred up by new state testing. When was multiple choice invented? After Aristotle, obviously. So public education does not wholly resemble what it did during Aristotle's time, that might be a consideration. Interesting topic! Can't wait to hear other responses. Welcome!
  10. Love it! But we're going to have to use a really small font to fit it on the t-shirts.
  11. Search for "state books for children", or just "books by state". I found a couple lists that might work. Perhaps they will also have a "countries" one.
  12. We used easier Spanish books like Sapo y Sepo, moved to Geronimo Stilton (it was bearable with the added challenge of translating) and have the Allende books on tap. We also use the book El Español con Juegos y Actividades which is colorful vocabulary activities with some grammar interspersed. Also, if you are open to media, RTVEclan.es has a bunch of shows available on it's website, including some kids documentaries. We haven't used it much, I just discovered it via a link from... 121Spanish.com and languageconvo.com are two different sites that facilitate skyping with a native Spanish speaking tutor. 121 also had a link to BBC Spanish-learning resources. Lastly, the Annenberg Foundation has some videos of classes. We watched one where high school seniors were discussing Guernica, which we had recently studied in history. They also have a mystery/telenovela series for language learners I thought we might try. In our house, as you may have noticed, using a variety of resources helps keep up enthusiasm levels.
  13. I say she should adopt the "entitlement attitude" They accepted her. She is in. Just as qualified as the others to be there. If she has problems later, deal with them later. Obviously there is at least one incompetent person in the organization, so that may be an issue.
  14. My dc love the Mike Venezia books about the presidents. There is also a Disney-produced video series that covers the presidents. I used that as a review. It does them 3 at a time. I found it at the library and on YouTube. Will you be incorporating American history at the same time for pacing or just go through then sequentially?
  15. Oh! We celebrated after lunch with a trip to CVS. Happily surprised to hear that we are not alone in celebrating. Perhaps this holiday is on the same calendar as Festivus.
  16. I listened to news in slow Spanish back when they got started - I assume, because it was free. It was a nice variety of a couple current headlines, a story demonstrating a particular idiom, a section focusing on a grammar topic, then a travelogue or local legend. I'm tempted to subscribe, but not sure I would be able to follow-through at this time in my life. Thanks for sharing!
  17. I'm reading Emil and the Detectives. Definitely a positive spin on the city.
  18. Haha. We had the opposite problem. I got tired of folding all his extra blankets, so technology has now solved my problem. The future is now!
  19. Wow, I hadn't thought it through. Poor baby, silk getting overlooked. I guess I'm planning - Math: continue with Miquon and using MM to supplement Grammar: continue with FLL 1 Writing: WWE 1 History: SOTW 1 Science: BFSU Spanish: gentle introduction
  20. That's funny because I am using BFSU 2 the more intensive way by making worksheets for each lesson which was a brilliant, lightbulb moment I picked up from you! Gotta love homeschooling! Do it till it's not working, then find something else! :-)
  21. My youngest is using Miquon with bits of MM for variety, to dabble with the more traditional approach and to help her appreciate the different programs. My olders use MM and MEP/BA. So my plan is to move my younger from Miquon to BA with MM standing by if needed.
  22. I scheduled 30 minutes, but many days were shorter, more like 15. Of course, there were a few longer, now that I think about letter writing with my reluctant writer. Also, the diagram exercises aren't challenging enough IMHO, so I handed out scratch paper with the sentence written on top so they have to construct their own frames. That added to my prep time slightly.
  23. I will have two. Math: one MM, the other a combination if MEP and BA Science: third BFSU science book Writing: finish WWE 4, and the other supplements I've added in to spread out WWE. Then we'll move slowly into WWS. Grammar: finish the 12 week ALL sample then I'm not sure, AG? Daily Grammar? Grammar Revolution? History: I will also have a 1st grader, so we will start SOTW again and I will supplement for the olders. Latin: finish BBoLL1, probably move on to 2 Spanish: continue my mixed study of reading, reading comprehension, listening, and Spanish Now! Music: piano lessons Spelling: Spelling Power Plus soccer, ballet, Scouts, maybe a co-op this year.
  24. My oldest are in 4th this year (she said, sidestepping the issue of where we start counting). For me, in many areas of life including homeschooling, minimizing the number of recurring decisions is key. So I have a written routine and as much as possible I have do-the-next-thing curriculum. In the darkest depths of February or illness we just do the things that I planned in happier, sunnier times. For similar reasons we have eggs for breakfast Monday, Wednesday and Friday. :-)
  25. My son wouldn't let me override the sign when he was selling Cub Scout popcorn, so I can vouch for its success from the other side!
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