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Miss Tick

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Everything posted by Miss Tick

  1. I would crack it into a separate bowl, beat it a bit with a fork, eyeball half, then watch in surprise as it all slides in en masse, mutter some $.25 words and then proceed in denial, making half the recipe with ask the egg.
  2. Wait, did you say cold, *sweet* tea? I'm pretty sure you can use dust for tea if you are adding that much sugar! :-)
  3. I think it is rude of them not to invite you. Do you WANT to be there? Maybe this is better, more peaceful, a time you can do something for yourself.
  4. I'm not on Facebook either. We've loved all things from SWB, so I'm sure we would use it. Even if we are beyond the age week probably get it to read through. I like the idea of a blended history. In our house, we did American history lightly over three years while doing SOTW. Now that we are on modern in both, they will just move together.
  5. This thread reminds me that mancala can be fun for a while. Just be clear on which rules you are using before you start! :-)
  6. Is this one of those annoying situations where a manufacturer makes an equivalent but oh so slightly different version for different retailers so everybody feels special and no retailer has to price match? I noticed that when looking at chest freezers.
  7. Kung Fu Panda and I have a similar approach. In addition, this year, I am trying to occasionally cook extra for my freezer. The recipes have to have enough vegetables that I can just thaw it and heat it for dinner. I do this occasionally, but it is a nice break.
  8. I can never have enough bags - since I seen to have an unending stream of midway projects...
  9. The last historical fiction book I read was Agincourt, by Bernard Cornwell. Charles V and his "band of brothers" defeat a much larger French force. All wrapped up in a small romance.
  10. Hope things are going well Lanny. I'm intrigued by the idea of having a parrot!
  11. Speaking as a fellow engineer, can you involve him in this term resolution before the problem presents? Them a multi-prong approach. Explain the tension = not enjoyable for you, pick one or two things like all toys picked up at the end of the day and dishes done, set that as goals. Next prong - "could you please move the laundry?" Small, occasional, specific requests. Lastly, plan some time apart? Trip to the library, grocery, hardware, car wash, etc. Don't feel you need to rush home, spend a few minutes on you.
  12. There is also First in Space about the American-launched chimpanzee, and T-Minus about the space race. I haven't actually looked at either of these.
  13. Homer Hickam wrote the memoir Rocket Boys, but Googling doesn't turn up any junior versions, sadly. My kids recently read the graphic Albert II the First Monkey in Space. It is short, though. I know there are picture books written by astronauts, but those are probably below your target. Hmmm.
  14. I'll join in saying "thank you" to lewelma, mine is just more of a generic thank you. :-)
  15. Definitely cross spelling off your list of things to worry about. Once she is reading comfortably and writing spelling will be a lot easier.
  16. Perhaps $14,000 is what it would cost the hoi polloi, but actually famous people don't actually pay the sticker price?
  17. Plus, it is not complete, yet! I like it, but I would proceed with caution.
  18. Well, you could look at CSMP, which is also available free for the printing. If the problem is that you are losing computer access obviously that won't help. I wonder about what age your students are, if early elementary I would say Beast Academy has a nice mix of problems, word problems and games, but less continuous review. Of the 5 math programs we use, or have used, this would be closest. Perhaps you could just print MEP ahead?
  19. If you know how to knit I suggest casting on a cowl in chunky yarn and in the round so she can just master knit stitch, no need to turn, harder to drop chunky stitches, stop when you want to. If that is fun, for the next project you could work garter stitch (doll blanket or similar) or do the same project with purl stitches. Start small to keep up enthusiasm!
  20. We did narration based on our history reading. I let my two alternate day-to-day and I didn't write it down. Maybe you use the written narrations for something? In my family we trudged through spelling every year (didn't use AAS) but didn't really make progress until both were reading fluently and writing more, mid 3rd grade. So for my youngest we will do spelling lightly for the first few years.
  21. Just to further stir this pot, notice that starting in chapter 22, the second section of each chapter has the student write from a given, completed outline. There are grade-level suggestions, but I can already hear the sighs of anguish from my reluctant writer.
  22. We have a round one (J Fit, I think) that lives near the school table and gets pulled out occasionally. No one has mastered it yet.
  23. I used CSMP with my youngest. We used the K level in pre-k. With two older children I needed a stack of printed lesson plans to keep us on track. I didn't feel like I had to do all the lessons, but that way I had a plan. Even less pressure since it was free (but for the printing). For K with her we are alternating Miquon and MM, mostly because I had then both and to try to keep it feeling "new". Most of Miquon is in the worksheets. I read the Annotations if something looks unusual or when we get to a new section. Both Miquon and MM have games sprinkled in, thank goodness. They have helped keep dd interested and I can usually play then with half my brain while providing math help to others with the other half.
  24. We checked out two Jane Bull authored craft books this week and both include directions for knitted "Dude Dolls" cute and Perry straight-forward. Almost any kids' craft book will have from-the-beginning instructions and those paired with YouTube should put you in good shape.
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