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Melissa B

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Everything posted by Melissa B

  1. We have that here. It is called Southern Comforts and targets the college students. They do - laundry house cleaning car washing pet sitting plant sitting/care computer repair shopping typing tutoring party set-up/tear down etc.
  2. It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live, remember that. Book 1, pg. 214 It is our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities. Book 2, pg. 333
  3. I don't pay the kids for anything. However, my dh has been known to pay the kids for the following services: Car detailing Boat detailing Finding (his) lost items (keys, remote, phone) Repairing/sewing buttons on his clothing (In the beginning he thought that was my job, but then he started running out of clothing :D)
  4. I've never seen them here (FL) although I have seen car magnets with that info. My youngest sister is in high school in MI and her team is required to put a similar sign in their yards. I was visiting this summer when she came home with her sign. I actually thought she was joking when she told me she had to put it in the front yard.
  5. Another thought - do you have a local Tramp & Tumble team? It is an off-shoot of gymnastics that only works on floor and trampoline. Even at the competition level our local T&T team only meets twice a week for 2 hours. And the rec classes that meet once a week for an hour or two are very challenging.
  6. Do you need to stay at the gym with her? None of the parents in my dd's class stay for 3 hours. I drop dd off, check her in, make sure she is set, wave to the coach and come back 2.5 - 3 hours later.
  7. Does your library have any Teaching Company or Modern Scholar lectures that he could watch? The Teaching Company's series, How to Look at and Understand Great Art, alone would cover 18 hours.
  8. If I were in a good mood I would probably say - Good eye! Grab those too. (Or Don't forget to put those away while you're at it., etc.) I like to maintain a home where everyone helps one another without complaint and would not throw a family member under the bus due to a lazy moment (or even a bad habit.) If I were a little grumpier I would likely say - I hope you are not trying to imply that you work harder around here than your father? I doubt there has ever been a week in their lives where that is true and I expect them to be aware of that fact. They can certainly put away an extra pair of shoes or clear an extra plate without complaint.
  9. Dh generally takes all of the kids out for an afternoon once every couple of weeks just to give me some time to myself (and of course because he enjoys spending time out with the kids.) Three or four times a year he takes them for a whole day, often get-togethers with his family that I have chosen not to attend.:tongue_smilie:
  10. I would imagine any time. We pulled our eldest out of kindergarten at Thanksgiving (or fall) break. We wanted to give it enough time to make sure we weren't being too reactionary. Schools are always rather hectic the first couple of weeks. We decided to wait for the first parent/teacher conferences in October and to wait and see if any of our issues were resolved (they weren't and some escalated.) But then I also had a baby that November so that factored in as well. :) When we felt confident the school setting wouldn't work and homeschooling was the right decision we pulled her.
  11. We are doing the ACT in 7th and 8th followed by the SAT in 9th. My reasoning - you can opt out of the writing portion (which we do) there is no penalty for wrong answers it is cheaper it seems more straight forward
  12. I've never used Lively Art of Writing so YMMV :) but I would think that the antithesis to Riften being the worst of all cities would be ways in which Riften is yet the best of all cities.
  13. My dd isn't nearly as busy as most, however, we do longer days on MWF as we are out of the house on TRS. M, W, F She's the first up, around 6:30 school work from 7-10 break from 10-11: snack, most days she walks about 2 miles and takes outdoor photos schoolwork from 11-2:30 break from 2:30-4: lunch, walks another 2-3 miles, takes photos, reads, listens to music, writes poetry schoolwork from 4 - 7: also responsible for watching her 7 yo brother on M and W during this time After dinner she watches/listens to any educational program her sister (12) is doing in school and usually spends an hour or so on school work of her own. T sleep in until 7 leave for DE classes at 7:45 in class until 11:30 - has an hour on campus to do as she chooses home around 1 - school work until 2:30 break 2:30 - 4 school work 4-7 after dinner: educational program and 1 hour school work R up at 6:30 school work 7-8:30 leave for DE classes at 8:45 in class until 12:30 home around 1 - school work until 2:30 break 2:30 - 4 school work 4 -7: also watches younger brother after dinner: eduacational program and 1 hour school work S Archery in the morning (still trying to obtain) volunteer hours at the library in the afternoon usually at the movies in the evening I don't really do any of her school scheduling at this point. I leave it to her what subjects to do when and whether or not she needs to spend time studying over the weekend. She has been spending 5-6 hours each weekend on school work thus far.
  14. We hope to start Algebra I in 9th (actually the summer after 8th.) Sorry, but what does MEP stand for? Thanks!
  15. Basically, labs, homework, quizzes, etc. are required in order to take exams. Exams - 100% of grade
  16. We plan for dd to graduate high school at the standard time (age 18) or perhaps one year earlier. However, here dual enrollment is free so it makes sense not to graduate earlier. We also do online AP classes through the state virtual school and have been pleased with the level of the classes so far. With four years of dual enrollment at the local university and four years of AP classes, dd will actually be only a couple of classes short of her BA when she graduates high school, but her plan following high school is to apply as a freshman to a program that doesn't allow DE (Creative Photography) and then graduate around the same time as her age peers with a double major in English and Creative Photography. I'm not sure how useful either of those degrees will be in this economy :D but she has a plan and we are very lucky to be in a state where she can earn both degrees at almost no cost to us so dh and I fully support her in this path.
  17. I am looking for a math program for dd that struggles in math, but needs a very solid college prep math program. Of all my children, she is the worst at taking direction/instruction from me. She works slowly and (I feel) still doesn't have a solid grasp of the basics. I think she is willing to put in the time needed to progress, I just need a good program. I was thinking Chalkdust. We could begin with Basic Math this year (7th) and work through one level per year, taking whatever amount of time needed to work at that pace. She really loves science (especially chemistry/physics) and we are both frustrated in that her math skills are holding her back. She plans to dual enroll (part time) for the last two years of high school and is truly looking forward to taking a college science class each semester. I've watched the video demonstrations online (as has she) and they seem to me to be very thorough yet clear. Chalkdust seems to have a good reputation. So basically, would Chalkdust work for a struggling, but determined student? Or are there other programs I can consider? What she has used in the past: 1st-5th: Singapore 1-4A (with IP and CWP) + some Saxon 6th - Saxon 65, LOF Fractions, Key to Fractions 7th - currently planned, but struggling - Saxon 76, LOF Decimals, Key to Decimals
  18. The only things I remember, although I'm sure there were more: Don Quixote - loved it Secret Sharer and Heart of Darkness - loved them Moby Dick - (I actually never read this, not even the Cliff Notes, but still got quite a bit out of the weeks of discussion. :))
  19. I like this TOPS booklet: Rocks and Minerals.
  20. dd 7th grade, Fall Term: 7-8:30 English: M, W, R, F (out of the house on T) 8:30-10 Science: M, W, F (out of the house on T, R) 1 hour snack break 11:00-12:30 Math: M, W, F at home, T, R at library 12:30-2:30 History: M, T, W, R, F 1.5 hour lunch break 4:00-5:30 Spanish: M, T, W, R, F, 5:30-7:00 Electives: M, T, W, R, F (Music Theory, Music History, Creative Writing, Art)
  21. My dd is taking it through FLVS, but they do not use a text. The two texts recommended if the student would like additional study material are the same as those listed on the AP website.
  22. In Florida, both homeschoolers and public schoolers can use the public virtual school for as many or as few classes as they like. The homeschoolers are still homeschoolers and listed as such with the state and the public schoolers are still public schoolers. Perhaps she is a homeschooler using the virtual school.
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