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Everything posted by Momling

  1. Between illness and Nutcracker and Christmas, we've cut back to daily math and either writing, Latin, history or science. After the holidays, we'll return to a more rigorous schedule.
  2. I looked over aops pre-algebra and Lial's and DM 7a and decided they would not be a good fit for my daughter. So, following SM 6a and 6b, we are now working through a combination of SYRWL Maths 2 and Algebra Survival Guide and workbook and some MM7/alg1 worksheets and AOPS videos. It's been a good choice so far and gives us plenty to do and is very non-threatening. I think she'll be very well prepared to start Algebra next fall. I do have to explain things first because instructions are not as explicit in the MM worksheets or SYRWL as they were in SM, but that's okay with me since I love teaching math. I also like skipping around to focus on areas of interest or struggle, so home-made pre-algebra turned out to be the right choice for us.
  3. We've got 5 shows starting next Friday to get through. My 10 yr old was called back for Clara, but didnt get it. Instead, she is a party girl, gumdrop and Chinese corps. She's super excited and loves having three roles. This is her 5th season.
  4. I love Smartwool too, unfortunately it's not enough for my toes outside in the winter. Maybe I need to wear winter boots, even when it's not snowing? With smartwool in my regular Keen shoes, my toes are either painful or numb. I'm just tempted by the idea of heated socks. Maybe I'll give them a try and report back. I do stick those handwarmers in my ski boots when I ski, but they tend to be really bulky and I worry that they may get too warm and I won't notice (I also have some peripheral neuropathy in my hands and feet and I worry that I'll get blisters or burn myself and not notice.) I only have real trouble in the winter, so I kind of conveniently forget about this problem until the temperature drops...
  5. I have mild Raynaud's that affects my toes worse than my fingers and I'm not looking forward to the winter. I wear mittens for my hands and can keep them from freezing by massage and swinging my arms and such... but how can I prevent the pain and discoloration and pins and needles in my feet? Has anyone tried heated socks? Insoles? Thoughts?
  6. We're big fans here too! We've done Excavating English, Cells and now Botany (free). Soon we'll try the human body worksheets and the Brain unit. Next year we'll give the elements and Carbon Chemistry a try.
  7. What about doing a music theory or music history unit for those two weeks?
  8. I'd be really tempted by this cool engineering toy aimed at girls: http://www.goldieblox.com/products/goldieblox-and-the-spinning-machine I think you can pre-order now for April.
  9. About 10 years ago I taught middle school in a pretty poor farming town. One of my 7th graders came to me with an application to a prestigious summer program in another town and asked for a recommendation. I looked at the form she had filled out and it asked for name and nickname. Under nickname she had carefully written "Bubble Butt". Despite informing her they wanted to know that she went by "Sammy" not "Samantha", she insisted that all her friends knew her as "Bubble Butt" and that was fine by her. I was not able to convince her to change it... I don't think she was accepted.
  10. We've had our little guy for 6 months and the time has come to transition back to bio mom. This wasn't covered in the training and I'm curious if anyone has suggestions for how to make it as smooth and painless as possible. At what point should I tell him? He doesn't have a good sense of time and has some language delays, so I don't know how much he'll understand. I'm concerned that when he does understand, if it backfires and doesn't happen in two weeks, as planned, that he'll be disappointed. He's already having unsupervised weekend visits, so he's getting used to being with her already. Anyway -- any ideas?
  11. We'll be doing Ellen McHenry's free download on human anatomy. Not exactly a coloring book, but I love her materials.
  12. My older daughter and I went to a mother-daughter camp at age 5 and 6 and she went alone to the same camp at 6 for three nights and loved it... My younger daughter and I went to a mother-daughter camp at age 6 and then she went alone to a camp for four nights at 7. Both my girls adore resident camps. They'd like to go for as long as possible...
  13. Any tips for dealing with thyroid problems? I'm suffering from subacute (DeQuervain's) thyroiditis and I'm so jittery and having palpitations and out of breath and it's been over 3 weeks and I'm still suffering. Propranolol and Xanax make it better, but I've had enough already. I understand the thyroid hormones are not infinite and will bottom out at some point. Any idea how long it takes for a non-functioning thyroid to dump all its hormone? Thanks!
  14. We're also cobbling together pre algebra this year. Zaccaro, DM, SYRWTL Maths2, Aops videos. Every day we also do one page of "Math Minutes". It's pretty easy and very quick but assures me my daughter won't forget basics. Galore Park Mixed Maths Review is the other one I'm toying with when she finishes math minutes.
  15. We're happy with Pentime. It is very pretty. I have my kids copy different poems or writings if I find the text too mennonitish. I think my older, more sarcastic/jaded daughter gets a kick out of the sappy copywork about the joy of obedience. I don't care as long as they have nice handwriting.
  16. Study grammar in the context of writing mechanics... Or study it in the context of learning a foreign language or study it to learn about linguistics... But there is no need to make grammar it's own subject.
  17. I bought a cheap used copy of Lials PA to check out as a possibility for after SM 6b, but didn't love it. I just gave it away... It was too busy and distracting for me. We'll either use Galore Park 2 or DM 1 (7) with a lot of supplementation.
  18. Twice a week - 3 hrs plus an hour of independent work in the evening. Three times per week - about 5 hrs plus an hour of independent work on two of those days. I think that adds up to around 25 hrs per week. It feels plenty. Plus ballet 4x per week Plus sewing class 2x per week
  19. We always do math first since my girls are freshest and most willing to work in the morning. Also, after lunch is when we do anything that involves watching a video, reading something fun, or doing a project. Other than that, the order isn't essential.
  20. My 5th grader is doing: -Renaissance history portfolio with OUP books and Story of Science (Newton) -Finishing SM 6b then on to pre algebra -Latin Prep 1 -Lyrical life science, Ellen McHenry Cells, botany, anatomy, brain -Intro to academic writing, pentime 5, Sadler Oxford vocab A Plus fashion design and sewing at school and lots of ballet (4 classes/week)
  21. Our ektorp lasted 3 years before the armrest section detached itself from the rest of the sofa. You do get what you pay for... Though Ikea beds and mattresses have always worked well for us.
  22. I don't have an idea about diagnosis, but I have an aggressive 3 1/2 yr old foster son. The thing that has helped us more than anything is an evidence based therapy called PCIT (parent child interactive therapy). In our county, this therapy is free through county mental health, and our family resource center (respite nursery). Also, have her request an IFSP evaluation (like an IEP) through the special Ed or child development agency in her county. There may be services available to the family to help!
  23. My 8 yr old loved Mercy Watson. She's also not a big fan of reading... She's reading Charlotte's Web now and likes it, she also liked a book called "Pie". The only other books I've gotten her to read voluntarily are the Rainbow Magic Fairy books. They are total drivel, but she loves them and right now I'm eager for her to just gain reading fluency.
  24. Besides multiplication, I have had my kids memorize: Common conversions (oz/lb/ton, in/ft/yds/miles, cups/pints/quarts/gallons, every common metric measurement etc..) Common fraction to decimals (half, thirds, fourths, fifths, eighths, tenths) Pi Formula for circumference and area of a circle Formula for area of a triangle (rectangles, etc... are easy enough to figure out) I can't think of anything else, though I'm sure there is more.
  25. We're finally done with McHenry Cells and have loved it. Hakim's Story of Science is also wonderful.
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