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Everything posted by hsbaby

  1. We use Vocabulary Cartoons. Quick, fun, easy. And the kids like it:hurray:
  2. Well, my dd is now 14. We are creeping up on your average graduating age of 18. Yes, I know, I've got four years......but, it just goes by so fast! She is on the spectrum and currently working at a second grade level across the board. Obviously she won't be graduating with a real diploma or GED. I think she will get a certificate of completion. My question is, when do you stop formal schooling? When she's 18? I can't imagine stopping in four years. I guess I have not come to terms with the possibility she won't progress much past an elementary level education. It would feel so weird to give up. What in the world would she do? I guess we could look into adult services such as life skills training, job placement, etc. I apologize if I am making no sense. It's late and I'm in one of those panicky "What is going to happen to her as an adult" modes. Anyone here graduate a special needs child yet? If not, do you plan on schooling them past 18?
  3. I'm white and have no clue if it would offend a black person. However, when Naomi Campbell opens her mouth I just can't listen. Like the boy who called wolf. Always drama. If a concern were raised by someone I respected (and that didn't seem to be in the media only when having a temper tantrum), I would have a lot more compassion.
  4. I can totally relate:(. The lack of organization in my house really gets to me. I can't just look at it, shrug, and be happy knowing that I'm putting what's important (loving and educating my kids!) first. It really frustrates me and I have to work VERY hard at not letting it control my mood. It just feels so hard to concentrate on schooling when there is laundry everywhere, toys strewn about, dishes waiting to be loaded up. And the kids rooms.....oh, just no words. I could go up and clean them right now and they would be a mess by mid-morning. Anyway, sorry to ramble. But you are not alone. I don't know how to feel content with chaos around me.
  5. http://www.essentialsinwriting.com/faq.php
  6. Well, I'd be swayed by the fact that it's a search and rescue dog:). He's a little hero and deserves to roam freely:) In all seriousness, I think pets should be a black or white area.....no room for gray. So, you accept pets (and accept that most people treat them like family and don't cage them up) or you simply say no.
  7. I talked to him at the Ohio convention and looked through the samples. I was impressed and pre-ordered it:). I think he has recently put some sample video lessons on the website. I can't remember what I paid, but remember I thought it was very reasonable....
  8. Well, that's a thought....just might have to try it. It makes me sad to hear how many other moms feel the same way:(. It was so much easier as a kid. A simple "Wanna play?" and you had a new bff!
  9. I must be overly emotional today because this post made me cry. No, I don't have a best friend. I grew up with a very tight knit circle of friends. I adore each of them. However, they are all in CA and we are in TN. I miss them like crazy. I have friends here, but it's not the same:( I miss having close friends that I can tell anything to without feeling judged. I miss being able to laugh with them about all the crazy things we did growing up. I miss being able to totally be myself. This has been a real struggle for me lately. I don't think I'll ever connect with other women the way I did with them. We are still in contact, of course, but email and phone calls aren't the same as sitting on a couch with a glass of wine laughing uncontrollably for hours. Ugh....I really miss that.
  10. http://www.lilmelon.com/baby-knee-pads-product-info.html I plan on getting these for my niece when she is crawling. they are so adorable!! They have hardwood in their house so I think the extra padding will be nice:) ETA: Just noticed you already posted these....oops:)
  11. I love my laminator. I've laminated a ton of stuff....number lines, multiplication charts, "work with mom" cards that go in their daily schedule, file folder games, bookmarks, preschool bag activities.....I could go on and on. Did I mention I love laminating?!?!:)
  12. We tried them and disliked them. The kids thought they were boring. I didn't think they were thorough or challenging enough. Edited to add: We only tried LA and Math. We made it through 3 Lifepacs of each and switched.
  13. I would pass. But, I'm weird about stuff like that. I'd be okay most of the time, but once it was dark.....mmmmmm, no way. I think I've watched too many ghost story movies and would freak myself out. Irrational? Yeah. Still wouldn't live there:)
  14. We are in Middle TN. We have a weather radio and a storm shelter in the garage. People thought we were crazy when we put in our shelter, but the peace of mind knowing we have somewhere safe to go is worth every penny to me!
  15. I don't know anyone locally that uses CLE for anything. Most have never even heard of it!!! Yet, it's pretty popular here. As others have said, most people I know use Abeka, Sonlight, BJU. Apparently I am the line curriculum hoarder in my area:)
  16. Welcome!! There IS a lot going on, but it's great because you will always have your questions answered:). Not so great because it is addicting:001_smile:
  17. I've bought notebooking pages, Hands of a Child stuff, unit studies, and we've dine a few of the live classes. I haven't committed to a semester class yet, but would like to at some point. We have done a few of the one time live classes.....one on Easter and one on St. Patrick's Day. I know we have done others, I just can't think of them right now. The kids enjoy those and it's a fun break from routine.
  18. Someone here mentioned the Trylle trilogy by Amanda Hocking a while ago. I was skeptical after reading the description, but I totally was sucked in. Such fun reads:).
  19. I don't find it tacky. I assume they are just excited about their third baby as their first. I would send a small gift....my go to is a Halo skeepsack just because I loved them:). I didn't have a shower fort third (we had just moved to a new state and didn't know anyone, but it meant a lot to us when people from dh's work, church, neighbors acknowledged our new baby. As we didn't know them well, we received a lot of blankets, outfits, stuffed animals....but we were truly appreciative of everything.
  20. Asking for hugs is always cool, never dorky:tongue_smilie: so...:grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:!!
  21. Okay, this is going to be gross. But, my dd had, what I thought was, chronic bad breath. Seriously, for months it was so bad and I kept making her brush her teeth multiple times per day. I finally took her to the doctor because it was just gross. She said that if people have a lot of sinus issues, build up can occur and cause a terrible smell. She recommended we get a saline spray to clear out her nose. So when we got home I sprayed the saline stuff in her nose and told her to blow hard. I can't even begin to describe what came out. It was so big and the smell was horrendous! It looked like grainy, dark baby poop. Oh geez, just thinking about the smell really makes me want to gag. Anyway, that was definitely where the smell was coming from!!! It was 10 times as bad upon release:ack2: Dd never complained about pain, so I was skeptical that it was her sinuses, but the dr. was right. You may want to give that a try and see if anything comes out. Just prepare yourself to want to vomit if anything does:tongue_smilie:
  22. I've done this in the past. We don't use any of CLE's writing or spelling though. I just crossed those sections off and used WWE and Sequential Spelling:)
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