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Everything posted by hsbaby

  1. Interesting. My dd seems to fit that physical description.
  2. My son learned to read using HOP. I didn't supplement with anything. I plan on using it with my 4 year old next year:).
  3. I host a group of kids twice a month. We have learned about different countries in the past, but this year we are tackling the states. In order to get them all in, I have divided the country up by regions. At our first meeting of the month we talk about the region and the states and do a fun craft or game. Last time we did a state fact scavenger hunt. Then I assign a state to each family. Each child researches the state and gives a short presentation at our next meeting. The kids ages vary so we have everything from simple poster boards to powerpoints. Every family also brings a traditional food from their state and we end up sampling a lot of great food:). I have been hosting the group for 3 years now and ithas grown to almost 20 kids (yup, I'm insane as we do it all at my house). Anyway, it's been a fun way to learn geography, researching, and public speaking all in a two hour block twice a month.
  4. I always read aloud during lunch. Otherwise it would never get done. If we sit on the couch and do it, I want to fall asleep! So, I just eat during independent work time.
  5. It's just a joke:). They do it with a bunch of other words too:)
  6. Thanks for the tips. We will give them a try. Ds seems to be worse off, but I'm wondering if he could possibly have a cold and it's just a coincidence. He has been around cats before and never had issues.
  7. Well, we gave in to the kids and adopted two cats from the shelter yesterday. They are 6 months and 3 years old. We picked these two as they were on the urgent list and didn't have much time left:(. So, the kids love them but we have discovered that all three are VERY allergic. I'm not sure what to do. If I take them back they will likely end up being put down. We could keep them and make a nice setup in the garage. Then the kids could go out and play with them, come in and wash their hands, and not have the dander in the house. I guess we could let them outside too, but I know it can be dangerous. But, it would be more detrimental to them if I take them back. WWYD?
  8. Little Hands to Heaven AO Lifepacs CLE Reading SOS LA grade 3
  9. My hand gets extremely sore and painful when I write. I hold my pencil incorrectly, hold it too tight, and press down too hard. Computers are a blessing:)
  10. My dd just turned four. She loves all if her dress up stuff.....dresses, shoes, purses....all of it. Even better if it's a Disney princess dress:). It's the one thing that is constantly played with among her and her friends.
  11. I take D3 and Chlorophyll daily. Multi's when I remember and when I feel I can stomach them:) The Chlorophyll is one I never forget. It has worked wonders for me:) I had some, ummm, "bathroom issues" and it really helps.
  12. I HATE our side by side. We have a perfectly good bottom freezer fridge out in the garage. Problem was, it had no water/ice feature. Unfortunately the space for our fridge would only accommodate a side by side (of those with with the water/ice). So, we bought it and it's awful. I don't know where I would store half of our stuff if not for the fridge in the garage!!!
  13. I finished Regret by Dan Dawkins today. Just an easy thriller type. I enjoyed it. So, that was book 40. Not sure what 41 will be. I'm feeling like I need to read something less "fluffy" given my last few choices:)
  14. Investing in a good primer for under your foundation and eyeshadow is definitely worth the money! Your makeup will stay fresh looking all day.....not greasy, cakey, runny, etc. It wasn't until the last year that I started using a primer......best investment!
  15. I feel bad for the boy! Prosecute? No. Complain? Definitely. I would be furious if I got up on stage and was kissed by someone I didn't know. I have seen A LOT of stand up shows aimed at the 21 and up crowd and have never seen an audience member touched in a sexual way by the comedian!!
  16. My 14 year old self would be shocked that I am not a famous news anchor living it up in a big city. I NEVER wanted to be a stay at home mom like my mom was. I figured my husband would stay home:). Oh, and my 14 year old self would probably be completely confused about homeschooling. I don't think I had ever even heard of it at that age. At least not involving "normal" people:lol: Everything changed after my first child came along. I had never loved someone so much. There was no way I wanted to be gone all day! My life is nothing like I envisioned it...thankfully!!
  17. I agree....doctor and definitely no co-op, even if it's just a cold! What is just a cold to some turns into a cold with severe Asthma for my dd.
  18. I wear mascara on my upper and lower lashes. I don't use eyeliner on the lower lashes, but eyeshadow applied with an angled brush. It looks softer IMO.
  19. I find that for every negative comment I get, I usually get a positive one as well. My last positive comment came from a sweet Amish man. We had gone to our local Amish community to buy some jams, fresh fruits and veggies, etc. and he asked if the kids had the day off school. I told him that we homeschooled and he said "Well, God bless you. What a wonderful thing you are doing for your children!". Needless to say, I ended up buying more than just a few things at his house:)
  20. Well, we have awesome neighbors next door. Love them. The neighbors that are members of the HOA? Yeah, not so much my favorites.
  21. Oh man...I am so guilty of the over use of the word "random". However, I have said it for 15 years now...before it was trendy. Thus, I am a trend setter....right?!?!? The only phrase that really gets to me is "own". For example, when eating breakfast with dh in Las Vegas a few months ago, we overheard these twenty-something group of guys saying to each other "We OWN this night!" Yeah, we are old and were up eating breakfast before the "cool" people had even gone to bed. Anyway, I have heard it used in the same way a few times since and it is so irritating to me. It sounds like a line from The Hangover or something.
  22. That's ridiculous! I never buy whips at homeschool conventions. Way overpriced.
  23. Mine actually goes down. Our summers are so busy....playdates, camp, VBS, gym, etc. Starting school seems to calm things down. I have also started cooking freezer meals every two weeks which has been awesome in giving me extra time in the afternoons. Oh, and I filed everything this year and, as if week 3, it is a tremendous time saver!! Maybe you just need to make your summers crazier so school seems less stressful:)
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