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Everything posted by hsbaby

  1. My kids love this: Chicken Lettuce Wraps: 4 chicken breasts 5 cloves chopped garlic 1/2 chopped onion 1/4 cup soy sauce 1/4 cup white wine 1/2 tsp. Ginger 2 tbsp. Balsamic vinegar Cook on low 8 hours, shred chicken, serve with rice wrapped in romaine. Yummy:)
  2. We prefer chicken soft tacos so I usually throw some chicken covered with Herdes red salsa in the crockpot and shred it.
  3. I don't concern myself too much with it. I mean, I wouldn't allow body parts falling out of clothes, but we don't avoid shorts, two pieces, or tank tops.
  4. I am not too conservative when it comes to clothing, but that's too short IMO. It's cute, just too short!
  5. Well, I usually do my shopping on Tuesdays anyway, so that works for me:). It makes me think a little harder about what I need to get while I'm out (prescriptions, gas, library books,etc.). I do like having days dedicated to certain areas of the house. Like on laundry day, I go crazy grabbing everything I can throw in the machine including rugs, misc. family room blankets, bedding, etc. It's easy to focus on one area when I know I will be getting to the other areas a different day and still jeep up with daily maintenance stuff:). Good luck! None of it is fun....haha!!
  6. I use Bootcamp for Lousy Housekeepers. I printed out all of her lists/worksheets and keep them in a binder. I just open it up to the day if the week and work through the list. It helps keep me on top if things I usually forget to do (cleaning out cabinets, baseboards,etc).
  7. I am currently reading In the Woods by Tana French. I want to read the new memoir by Jaycee Dugard next. I have been amazed by how well adjusted she seems in recent interviews. Good for her!!
  8. Oh geez....that is too funny!!! ETA: I don't advocate her actions...but it did make me giggle. I understand that they are just doing their job.
  9. I can't get past the duck lips she does in every picture. Who told her that was cute. The whole thing is disturbing...
  10. I have three. One on my ankle (star/moon type thing), a sun on my lower back (off to one side), and a moon with clouds on my upper back/shoulder area (glad I can't see it because I have been told it looks like a sheep straddling a moon....nice). I have no regrets. Even if it is not representative of me now, it is representative of me in the past. Does that make sense? I would like one more. Our last name is an animal and I would like said animal tatooed somewhere, just not sure where yet:)
  11. Aspirin. I always end up hunting down a gift shop to overpay for the stuff.
  12. My best friend was Catholic and I went to church with her family frequently. Another good friend was Mormon. I went to church with her a few times and remember going to a lot of the church dances in middle school. I am Christian and the exposure never impacted my faith. I always thought it was interesting to find out how other churches believed.
  13. Jammies with no underwear? What in the world:confused: I have never heard of such a thing!!!
  14. My dd has food allergies and has thrown up in the past from an allergic reaction.
  15. I'm sure they would be happy to have them. I would rather have older clothes than a lot of the "newer" styles I see there with stains all over them! I don't think baby clothes have really changed all that much and my oldest is 14!
  16. Nope, you're not the only one. I'm not a big Aldi's fan. To be honest, the only thing I liked were the frozen green beans. I tried, honestly!
  17. Nook for me because of the library books:). Once I read that, I didn't even look back. If the Kindle gets that feature, I would look more closely when time for a replacement. But, I'm happy with my choice:)
  18. That sounds awesome. I think I would prefer eating in the screened in area. I can't imagine it would look bad either way!
  19. Great. Now you have me on there. And I thought I was done with buying for next year!!
  20. I hear it a lot. I can't say anything negative since I use the word "seriously" in the same way. Have since high school:)
  21. They have been horrible here too! I had to empty out our food pantry because they were everywhere! I used all the tricks. Bait, peppermint oil, and cinnamon. They seem to have gone down in numbers:)
  22. This past week I read For Laci written by Laci Peterson's mom. I think that after the Casey Anthony verdict I wanted the reminder that sometimes our justice system works....even in a circumstantial case. It was heartbreaking. I also read Stealing Faces by Michael Prescott. It was a gory, disturbing thriller. It was tied together a little too neatly at the end for me, but it was a fast paced, page turning read. As for finding time to read, well, I just make time. I sneak in a few minutes during the day, read while putting my youngest to sleep, and read a little when dh gets home from work. I do end up staying up late at night reading. Not because it's the only time I can find, but because I am the type that starts a book and NEEDS to know how it ends. Unless it is an unusually boring book (I've been reading The Trial by Kafka for months now...ugh!), I will read it in a day or two.
  23. I hated my name growing up. It was different and always mispronounced. Still is. In fact, I have some good friends that still call me Tuh-mare-uh. Uh, no, it Tam-uh-ruh....rhymes with camera (well to me anyway, they probably don't rhyme according to the other thread:tongue_smilie:) I also get Tam-are-uh. I give up after correcting them a few times and just go with it. As long as they don't call me Tammy, we're good:). Growing up I wanted to be Dorothy (from Wizard if Oz) or Susie (no idea why). I'm glad I wasn't given the chance to change it. My name has grown on me.
  24. Am I the only one looking like a crazy person saying all of these names out loud trying to hear a difference? By the way, I don't hear a difference in Laurie/Lori, Kerry/Carrie, Erin/Aaron. Apparently I have been walking around offendin people my entire life:tongue_smilie:
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