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Everything posted by Boymama5

  1. We switched to Jacobs after spending too long on AOPs. It’s been such a better fit for DS and though MDS wants to go from BA to AOPs I’m somewhat reluctant as k like Jacobs so much.
  2. Glad to know I’m not the only one to find a random axe in a teens closet. Mine said he forgot to put it away after clearing part of the forest 🤔 I also wouldn’t have thought looking near the toilet but then there was that day I found a form there. I didn’t ask questions on that one cause I honestly didn’t want to know.
  3. Well if I were a fork as the title states, I’d be in the drawer where I belong. Since my kids still live here and feel as if cutlery is an object to hide throughout the house, I’d say the possibilities are endless. Behind the toilet, in the bathroom drawer, under the mattress, in their coat pocket, in the clean laundry basket, middle of the floor.
  4. But practice only helps if done correctly and with feedback. If my son does the homework but does it all wrong, never gets the feed back and questions aren’t answered it really wasn’t practice. Whereas the homework grade should be based on completion IMO (and how I graded when teaching in ps), it is used as a learning tool to assess of students grasped the lesson. There needs to be answers given in some form and then questions answered to truly practice what was learned. perhaps I read the OPs question different but that’s what I was trying to say.
  5. When I taught ps (middle school) I did have the kids self grade daily while I read the answers. I walked around the room checking for completion and answered questions. I’d expect similar if I was paying for a homeschool math class (as I do the same currently with my DS). If there’s not grading or answering questions the homework was pointless.
  6. I drink Ryze and do like it. I have noticed a lot less bloat and stomach issues since starting it a couple of months ago. The flavor to us is a mild hot chocolate I’ve also enjoyed more even energy and less caffeine spike than drop which made me feel faint. I do still drink one cup of regular coffee a day and one cup of Ryze, sometimes two. I’m drinking it more so because I like it, wanted to drink less coffee and in the end I like my personal results from drinking it. Not sure if the other promoter things actually happen.
  7. We did this last year for our kids then 4-15 and all loved it. We took them on a trip, they picked out a souvenir at one of the destinations and no other gifts. They all enjoyed it and the memories. They weren’t disappointed on not opening gifts but then we were on the trip a couple of days before Christmas and when our DS had his bday (though he did get a couple small gifts and extras). perhaps for DS get his a gift card wrapped in a large box to open and ads for the trip locations. Then spend some time planning the trip with him. What does he want to see, where does he want to eat and so on.
  8. If it’s just for wearing for outdoor type stuff I like the hiking skirts. Super comfortable on a summer day! Otherwise I’m no help since I like leggings for working out.
  9. I really think this will be area dependent and even specific to the districts. We are blessed in our schools to have extremely proactive and supportive staff. We were able to get children evaluated and IEPs within 2-3 weeks. Though I was in education I know that’s not the norm and was surprised at the ease and speed with the followed through support.
  10. I’m larger and it’s more comfortable. If I’m just staying around home I prefer a sports bra. I even prefer sleeping with a sleep bra
  11. I’ve rented a lens before to see if I liked it before purchasing. I thought that was well worth it as I found it wasn’t what I wanted. It was awhile ago though so I don’t recall from where. depending on the brand/quality of the glass you have it should still be ok. I have a few from 2005 that I still use today. They just have to be calibrated to my newer cameras. if you are looking to invest and are talking a nice camera you’re shooting in manual I’d suggest mirrorless. That seems to be the trend in the industry and slr are somewhat phasing out. I’ve not upgraded to a mirrorless yet so no suggestions there.
  12. My aunt gave us her leather sofa and chair. At that point they were at least 15 years old and we’ve had it for another 3-4. No dogs but we have a lot of kids who were rough on them. Still looking nice. She got them from Walter E Smith (is that even around anymore). Not sure if the brand from there.
  13. Not at all. May will say that they expect payment in 12-24 hours. And that they keep as a set unless after a week it doesn’t sell. I had someone local buy a book for $5 (haggled down). Then complain my house was too far away…fine I’ll do grocery pick up in the next town over and meet her there since I needed groceries. It was a severe thunderstorm that day/time. I went and waited and waited. She didn’t show. When I contacted her, she said she forgot and then wanted me to meet her again. No way! I told her she could pick up or I’d send. She didn’t want to pay the $2 for shipping or drive 20 minutes for the book (retail $30). Sometimes it’s ok to realize it’s not worth the ordeal and move on.
  14. I’d buy it solely on the fact that if you stay you’d want it. I wouldn’t want to regret not grabbing it now on that case and someone else does.
  15. That didn’t work for us, but I joined eMeals and that simplified our weekly meal planning and grocery shopping. Though I switch out meals at times on their plan it still makes it simple, quick and since groceries go directly to store pick up less time overall for me. Then we just choose what to make based off that list and our time to cook.
  16. Depending on the item I will use olive oil, coconut oil or avocado oil. All have turned out well, but IMO avocado oil is the more mild taste for baking. Coconut is second and olive oil (as it typically has a stronger taste) is last choice.
  17. We each keep our personal legos in our rooms. So mine are all complete on a shelf in my closet until I build a shelf for them in another room. My boys each have their own. Only my 5 yo has complete sets and plays with them. The other kids just have ikea bins of them. Each do have a kallax shelf in their rooms with space to display if they’d like
  18. I guess I’m of a different opinion that when I was asked to be an emergency contact for a YA by their parent I thought nothing negative of it. I was happy to be there if they needed help with anything by chance. I do think the response he gave you was off even if he didn’t agree with you.
  19. I have. I went to return something that came in a different size than I ordered and it wasn’t there, even through a search. I ended up being able to give them to someone else who could use them so I didn’t investigate further but gone. Also last night I found a random thing around our house and went to search when I bought it, not in the history either for the last 5 years.
  20. When we had aggressive roosters they became dinner. Save a lot and filled bellies.
  21. It’s all going to depend upon location and the zoning. Tillable farm land vs wooded land vs in town is drastically different. So anywhere from 200,000 to well over a million. There are so many factors to consider.
  22. Yes to this! I was coming back to add this in. As someone who also had the dream and is living it, there is so much more time and money involved in keeping up the dream than we anticipated. The advantage for us is that we are planning on being here long term (at least 20-30 if no longer), we purchased smaller than we wanted so we could better afford it and we purchased a property that was maintained (house, septic and so on we’re good). Still there are added costs with caring for property that sound like they aren’t in your current budget that would give me pause. It’s the reason we had to pass on so many properties that were what we thought the dream. So glad we didn’t go that route!
  23. Before doing anything I’d check with the local zoning and see what you can do in the land. Just because it’s there doesn’t mean you can build a new home. Or move septic and so on. Personally I understand the dream but wouldn’t do it. Cause this really isn’t the dream land for you right not!
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