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Everything posted by Danae

  1. Just so everybody saying “Same!” is aware, “Jesus Christ is Risen Today” and “Christ the Lord is Risen Today” are different hymns. Same meter, often sung to the same three tunes and (obviously) similar theme, but not the same hymn.
  2. I’m guessing that most extremely wealthy people are people most of us have never heard of and won’t notice when they die.
  3. For the eulogy I would just say “puffs, which were puffs of fried sweet dough.”
  4. Our local high school allows kids to carry and self administer OTC meds if they have a note from their parents. They don’t need to have the note on file, just have it on them if they are asked. Although one kid told me they are cracking down on lots of things, so who knows if that policy will last.
  5. The only possible issue I see in what you said is that if you used the words “didn’t get good feedback” they might have interpreted that to mean that you were receiving negative feedback on your work rather than that the other person wasn’t communicating well. So you might want to be careful of your phrasing.
  6. I saw canned banana blossoms used as a fish substitute for fish & chips on a cooking show recently. The British cooks were very pleased with the result. Moot, since you already decided, but maybe for next time.
  7. I’m still not seeing what you think would be embarrassing. After a big loss the coach made a movie reference about triumphing after a big loss and someone wants to include that reference on a hat he would wear at the upcoming tournament. Which they’re hoping will be a triumph after their previous loss. It sounds like you’re putting 2 & 2 together and getting negative 4.
  8. No. It will help to reframe this in your head. She will be mad whatever I do. That does not mean I did anything wrong.
  9. I think it's more that a revival indicates changes that last after the exciting part is over. If it's real it's not about setting a record for how long you can keep one gathering going.
  10. This was definitely why I sent mine to preschool.
  11. No, this is a terrible idea. You can’t invite people without telling them ahead of time if they are going to be welcome to spend the night or not. Her DH should tell his parents now that they will not be staying overnight. Not doing it is just kicking the can down the road and it will be much worse to tell them ‘no’ after the baby is born if they’ve kept the ‘maybe’ open until then.
  12. The only people who should be deciding who can visit and when are the new parents. If they want to delegate the actual inviting to grandma, that’s fine. Grandma should communicate to her sister that she would like sister to join her on a visit and that she’s cleared this with her daughter. If long distance sister refuses to visit unless the new mom personally reaches out, that’s her loss.
  13. Because those quotes don't read to me like someone coming to a revelation, they read like someone regurgitating McA's talking points. And the ghostwriter in question is his communications guy. I am glad for her that she won't be pressured into more kids than she can handle, though.
  14. Nope. I am making no assumptions either way.
  15. Assuming she’s read the book written in her name.
  16. We did a college visit in elementary school. Obviously not the formal tour, but we visited the museums and bookstore, walked through the buildings that housed the departments that matched the kids then current interests, and ate in the cafeteria.
  17. I know someone who had a shotgun wedding at 50. So you never know.
  18. Maybe plan on a good shower cry before yoga class?
  19. There’s no appeal in people not knowing how to address me. There’s a lot of appeal in people not having to take note of my gender in order to address me. Which is why I said I’d like it downplayed in general, not just for me. I think it’s absolutely ludicrous to have to determine (or guess) whether someone is a man or a woman in order to talk to or about them. That’s a feature of language that I’d like to see die in fire.
  20. I’m 51 and I would be delighted not to be identified by gender. I would also be delighted if all identification by gender in society was significantly downplayed. I don’t particularly want to not be a woman, but I’d be happy if that characteristic was in most situations not considered any more important than my eye color or the angle that my toenails grow.
  21. Danae

    Just FYI

    I don’t think anyone has said your original post was a mistake Communication is, as you point out, a two way street, and pointing out where it broke down isn’t an accusation.
  22. Danae

    Just FYI

    I don’t really see the point in saying people shouldn’t have misunderstood the sentence. It’s not a matter of seeing two possible meanings and choosing the kinder or less kind one, it’s a matter of reading the sentencing and thinking you know what it means but finding out later that’s not what the writer meant. And no, it was’t obvious to everyone. Obviously.
  23. Danae

    Just FYI

    I mean, yes, probably? “Little Chinese school classmate” if you parse it the way at least some of us did sounds a lot like Uncle Bob (hypothetical name) always referring to the only non-white kid in the neighborhood as “that little Chinese girl.” So (at risk of stepping in for Pinball!) I read her response as suggesting you consider whether your phrasing was racially biased.
  24. Danae

    Just FYI

    As a point of reference, I also parsed @PronghornD’s “little Chinese school classmate” as “school classmate who is Chinese” not “classmate at Chinese school.” That seems to have been the drop that set off this particular tangent on communicative ethics.
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