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Everything posted by Familia

  1. Thanks. It is asking me for my provider - which I do not have. I also do not have local reception (not that FOX is local) b/c we live too far out. I will listen instead. Enjoy the game!
  2. Embarrassing to admit, I do not know how to watch it! As I said early in the thread, I am not a sports fan, but I watch this game, so exciting! DH, the lucky ducky, is out of town and has great viewing choices. I have Fox Sports pulled up on my iPad...there is a "Countdown to Watch" screen happening. Will I be able to stream for free? (apologizing for my antiquated knowledge of watching anything)
  3. Is this what you are referring to? I don't even need this anymore, and I am in love with what I see. You have to keep me out of car dealerships, though, because I am a sucker for shine!
  4. Just adorable! I saw one like that in our garage last evening. Given that the cat was playing with it, it did not have such a good end. It was so cute, like yours=(
  5. Always enjoy our Airbnb experiences. I always limit my search to 'super hosts' and read each review very, very carefully. Have fun - NYC is just wonderful!
  6. There's always the classic choice: Gregorian Chant.
  7. All of the above. Usually, if traveling with DH on business, I purchase the one-step-above-bargain-basement ticket so that I can change tickets for a fee. (his schedule frequently changes) For example, I pay a little less than a hundred more for the 'privilege' of changing if needed (for yet another fee). Read your ticket email carefully, it may say their policy. Calling, though, is the way to go, no matter what your ticket says. When I went to NYC with DS in May, an opportunity sprung up for him to go early and participate in a program with his Alma Mater. When I called the airline, the gentleman asked why we were requesting a change, then informed me that he would change the ticket for free...despite the fact that we had paid for the no-change bargain seat that time! So, call. Even if your ticket isn't changeable, it never hurts to ask.
  8. Chicken broth? I am not a fan of the name ''bone broth" - but, it is best made that way. Once a week, in the winter, I boil (or IP) a whole chicken. When the chicken is finished, I take it out, shred the meat and place the bones back into the water with what I have on hand (onions, carrots, celery) and a tsp or so of vinegar. Boil that longer (or IP for an hour) and strain the broth. With a little dash of salt - yum all week!
  9. It is my understanding that lots of layers on top are better than on the body. The rationale being that you are your own best heater! When the body can touch itself - leg to leg, arm to chest, through thin light layers, warmth is preserved & shared. In contrast, when one isolates each limb, those limbs become cold little 'islands'. So, I recommend flannel sheets, which will feel less cold to the touch, and light nighties.
  10. ...goodness! That was a lot of money!! 😁 But, I just rushed to order right away, because you get a few free items & free shipping for life if you place your order within a quick time frame. I have been meaning to try it, thanks for the reminder. Ordered the bacon as @itsheresomewhere's friend suggests, and pleased that my IP baby back ribs will be a monthly staple since my box will likely not change each month, and I made sure to add them in.
  11. Ack!! Maybe Myvelopes is more what I want...I hate to jump ships too soon. The items you mention (that I didn't quote) about reimbursements and roll overs are items that may cause me problems, as well. I just love the look of YNAB - it is my Pages Document come to life, you know what they say: imitation is the highest form of flattery LOL, so maybe I will find a way to tweak it to give me what I want w/out it being an exact snapshot. You know, not tell it everything haha My brain may fry if I do two trials, YNAB and Myvelopes at once. But, it may just be the shot in the arm I need after not homeschooling in a few years!
  12. Listening in... I saw a few negative reviews re: temp of meat at delivery, last year when I looked into them. I have come to realize that no matter what the product, there are always going to be those scary, negative reviews. (scary b/c food safety is a big concern of mine) There is probably little validity to the complaints, or they were special circumstances, etc. Thanks for bringing this up, I would like to do this, too.
  13. This addresses the question that I ultimately needed to answer - WHAT do I want to see/know/do about our finances. When I realized that the old-school balancing the checkbook was obsolete for the way we now handle money and transactions (electronically), I no longer needed to make sure that everything balanced once a month...I realized that I needed to be checking every day or two in ALL our accounts (checking, CC, HELOC) to make sure there were no errors. I hadn't been doing that. I do not want to rely on the CC co or bank to alert me to trouble, I want to check for ourselves. I also know that DH wants to see charts or reports that show where our money went, like you want to know @Jentrovert, but I want to see what I need to pay and have coming up. Recently, I had set up a plain hardcopy doc that shows 4 charts on one page - our monthly, flexible, 6 month, and yearly spending. I love looking at it all on one sheet - so when I realized yesterday that YNAB shows me that same sheet online and shows me LOUD and CLEAR on that same one page sheet whether it is paid or not/how much is left to fund that bill...I was blown away! I could see how that is just overkill if you do not want to see that. For a 'where your money went' chart or list, another program probably does that better. I think Mint has good charts to see spending trends, from what I remember.
  14. That is exactly one of the questions I asked in the webinar - whether you could enter manually if you are a sync-er. If anyone is considering, take a free webinar, they are offered the same day, multiple classes scheduled. Although my class was about variable income, I was welcomed to ask any questions, and I did. Watching him work with the program was perfect and led to questions about the general use of YNAB. He graciously answered every one.
  15. Oh.my.goodness! I am super excited about the YNAB. The heart of YNAB being taking your income and assigning it right away to your bills/savings/rainy day funds. Spending just 'what we had' each pay was how we miraculously made our part of college payments (student paid tuition, we paid room & board, but anyway...) - I am happy to see it work that way...so different than any other budgeting app we have looked at. Makes our variable income completely workable and makes the timing actually irrelevant. They offer free webinar workshops that are super short, and you can ask questions. Worth the money for the free trial so far=) And, @Jentrovert, I am wondering about the syncing as well. Is your problem that it only partially downloads transactions? The webinar was so easy to attend (I have never done a webinar in my life!) and easy to type my personal questions as I went, maybe that could help you get going better with it. Hopefully others with experience will let us know how their syncing goes...
  16. Determined to at least wipe down the loo's today, hopefully includes mopping. But, this budget stuff takes precedence. With a project like this, now that I have all gathered and ready to do, it must be done now, or I will have to begin all over again next time I get the idea!
  17. So grateful that the ladder is gone. The ladder was bugging me.
  18. I always root for the underdog, so I was super excited to hear they were going to the World Series. I am not a sports fan in the slightest, though!
  19. When we were putting everyone through school, we survived by looking at only two weeks at a time. I had a master list of monthly bills in a simple chart by date. First column was blank except with a big, fat 'A' for the auto-withdrawals, Then, when I wrote the next two weeks plan (a blank chart/list style), I listed the auto withdrawals first, then the other bills needed those two weeks (including a little savings...that was a miracle to save during college), then figured out how much for food or gifts, etc from what is left over. (BTW, some of those non-auto bills got pushed to the next pay period if there just wasn't enough for food=) That is overkill for what you need, but a master list of your monthly bills (with Autos highlighted someway) posted on the wall near where you pay your bills may help you not forget?
  20. Ok, @MeaganS and @Attolia I am looking at YNAB now. I just want to see where there flexible spending is going...I'm a numbers person. I want to see if the water bill was high (daughter's barn critters drank a lot this year!) or the groceries came in low. I hate to pay for something, because we don't want syncing, though. Maybe I should just give Spend Tracker another chance. I tried to track everything, and even that simple platform (much simpler than Quicken) got too complicated because our income is so varied. If I only track certain spending categories, and forget income, it would give me the charts I want. There are three things here: Planning where money will go, observing where it went, and how much we have today. The planning where it is to go ahead of time, and sticking to that, is the only way we survived college expenses. Money seemingly crawled out of the woodwork when we strictly followed a plan laid out ahead of time. Balancing the checkbook doesn't give much of a snapshot of how much we have today w/CC use anyway. For checking on accuracy, I can see it is obsolete - too little, too late.
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