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Everything posted by Familia

  1. Thanks, got 5 people checked off my Christmas list now due to these books!!
  2. Thinlicious by Ruth Soukup. Life changing & feels so good!
  3. I have a floral arrangement and had planned to put more. I’m liking the minimalism of our newly painted all white kitchen (island dark taupe) and think I may remove it. An arrangement can go on counter/sill. What I do like about it, though, and why I initially was going with floral arrangements, is the sound proofing. Our kitchen is cavernous & loud.
  4. Yes, I am sorry to admit that I began that thread here, at least 5 years ago, likely more, about how to clean walls. I further implicate myself by stating that I did indeed clean the walls as per the directions that the model housekeepers gave to me in that thread. The walls, I attest, have been left to fill with dust since. Why exactly do our walls get dusty? Like hairy dusty? IDK, but I do not plan to do anything about it anytime soon, so am I welcome to the club?
  5. Originally 2004. These boards (old & new) were so beneficial to our homeschool journey…and they benefitted so many of my friends through my sharing what I learned here with them. From teaching to read to dorm move in, WTM boards helped me navigate it all!
  6. Liking the Boden dresses I’m seeing on eBay. Thanks @Arcadia
  7. I used a iPhone 6s for 10 years. Before I’d fly, I’d be dumping apps so I could re-load the airline app and other travel apps/audible/etc. That was a pain, but on a day-to-day basis, it met my needs just fine. Just upgraded to a 15pro because there was a good deal when we (finally) got high speed internet service way out where we live in the wild blue yonder. My DH’s employer upgrades their phones every 3 years.
  8. I’m too tall for empire waist in the torso or something. But, I sure love me a fit & flare poly dress. Do you all have recommendations for one that does not hit my ribs? Is it really too much to ask for a dress that hits the real waist?
  9. All of these replies are incredible – your stories so helpful. It was surreal at the time that my mom and ILs were not ‘normal’ and helpful like our friends’ parents seemed to be. And, although I knew it was happening to them, I just couldn’t imagine what it was like. You have all painted pictures for me. I learn by example & borrowing ideas from other women has helped me do everything from raise & homeschool our children, clean & manage my home, and now: give postpartum care to my daughter. @dirty ethel rackham I understand. Different experiences early in life, different struggles currently, but remembering some of the good stuff has gotten me through so many times when the bad memories want to take over. The example of your parents & FIL has resonated with me more than anyone’s for some reason, so hats off to them for helping me, too!
  10. I feel this way, too, wanting to do all our kids will let us do. Although it’s off topic, as OP, I’d love to hear what your grandparents did that made you feel so loved. I am guessing this is not postpartum, but while you were growing up. Since your mom didn’t carry on the awesome-grandparent tradition (were they her parents?), how do you think she saw them/their behavior? Was she appreciative? Thanks
  11. Thanks for feedback, will change that entry. I love the no need for extra help. It’s so interesting to me how differently we all go into the same experience. Bringing one’s first child into the world is a huge transition & I can see how being organized is helpful. I was so loosey-goosey in life leading up to first baby, and I was 100% gobsmacked by the fact that flying by the seat of my pants (or at least my style of it) did not work well with family life. It was a steep learning curve. Having more btdt stories or watching someone interact with baby would have helped me a lot.
  12. Let’s see, when I was 11 I was in 4th grade. I walked to school each day, about ½ mile. I played outside with friends or by myself most days, either walking or other active play – probably average of an hour a day or a little more.
  13. After we had our first baby, my mom was only as helpful as sending a meal. I appreciated the space at the time, thinking my friends’ experiences (with moms staying at their home) was too intrusive. My DH was super helpful…up to a point. He knew a lot less about my needs than I did, and I didn’t know at all what I needed. In retrospect, we could’ve used more help (and loving care/wisdom) than we received. I’m also curious: if your mom helped a lot, what does the dad do? I can imagine that this runs the gamut, as some men are clueless about what needs to be done, cooking/etc, while some are quite involved in home/baby care. Thanks for sharing your experiences! Oh, although I want to isolate the poll for maternal grandmothers, feel free to share about other caregivers in your comments.
  14. What LC said. I use the cap one app or site to go to points area, then do a re-wind on the charge. Travel purchases that are eligible will be available for rewind after they post, so a few days sometimes. I rewind for flights, Lyft, hotels, Airbnb, etc. HTH ETA Yes, I make the the purchase as per normal, so it’s a reimbursement. They have a way to book through them or look at offers, but IME they were not as good a deal, points-wise, as booking wherever/however I wanted to then using the purchase rewind.
  15. So, I was of the thinking of the original poster on the thread of the potential misogyny of coloring hair that doing it all the time will be a PIA, but I am *also* of the thinking stated by @Carol in Cal. that dark hair is one of my things and this grey highlight stuff is not working. When you said it was so worth it, that influenced me to consider again. Well, I want to know how all you dyers do it…do you DIY mail order (like Madison Reed), DIY from grocery store, salon? Curious the options and opinions. Thanks
  16. Pancakes for Breakfast, by Tomie DePaola
  17. Funny, I don’t hang around much, but came in to see the discussion du jour. I was thinking, “That’s what I asked a few years ago” lol…here ya go: And, @Kassia your husband’s remark is funny!
  18. Interesting that sweet potatoes won out…did you ever try baby prunes? I forgot this ever happened, and I have zero idea where I got the idea, but I went through a kick many years ago of using baby prunes in place of butter or oil in recipes…I’d be at the checkout, with 20 jars of baby prunes and the checkout person would invariably ask, “Is your baby ok??” Haha, funny memory.
  19. I’ve had bad luck w/butter in somethings when it separated, making the final product heavier. But, could be user error=) I really appreciate your & other’s experience because I’ve always kept veg or canola on hand for baking myself. They aren’t avoiding olive oil.
  20. @Just Kate, Thanks, the one I use imparted a strong flavor, but maybe it was when I was sautéing with it? And, I purchased a very expensive brand…I bet Costco would have a more affordable alternative in volume.
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