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Everything posted by Familia

  1. I liked quicken when our finances were all out of the checking account. Now, with CC's, it makes getting an overall financial snapshot too complicated (money going out of one account to pay off those CC purchases, etc). I couldn't figure out what to label ins/outs to make it actually balance. I do like seeing the graphs for spending categories, though. As @Plum said, my CC statement categorizes, but I like the pretty chart! Maybe I could use the app 'Spend Tracker' that I used for awhile to just put in spending categories, in order to get the chart, but forget about something external giving me our true financial balance.
  2. dog stretch/pray cat boxes birds more dog Learning some YNAB/checking balancing post vacuum tidy up still more dog wash loo's Learning some YNAB/checking balancing post dog yet again dishes & cooking did I mention the dog? thank you notes continue storage/donate project Learning some YNAB/checking balancing post Hope you all have a productive, happy day!
  3. This is driving me bonkers. Budget writing for the first time in years. With our financial goals, using a HELOC as our only mortgage with every inch of income going into it immediately, a complicated pay structure, and use of a credit card (paid in full each month) you may not be able to help me figure out how to get a solid snapshot of our finances in one moment in time, but... How do you balance your finances in this cyber pay/check-less world? In my past, I was responsible for keeping finances in tight line at work and at home. But, I don't do that professionally anymore, nor have i kept up with the old 'balancing the checkbook' personally, either. I just figured out how to balance the HELOC each month: checking for the few direct withdrawals, check credit card payment from HELOC for that time period, check that our multitudinous reimbursements went in and out as needed, and a few other items. But, what is the point of 'balancing' it anyway? The credit card bill is paying one months + old charges, direct withdrawals went out immediately. Is there a new system or term for balancing one's finances as a snapshot in time? Or, do those so inclined just log-in and check credit card/bank withdrawals every day or so? What have you taught your young adults to do? What do they do, if anything?
  4. I was thinking about this. Are you referring to a meme type post with only words? I'm sure there are apps for making memes, but you could just do this: type something, anywhere really, like in an email or make something fancier with pages or something, and take a screenshot of it. Then you would simply post that as your picture.
  5. I would take her in. Hope all is well!
  6. Just the other night: DREAM: I was looking through an old newspaper (25 years old or so) from a small town we used to live in. I had just found the paper in our storage area. Turning the pages, I see this headline (our names changed), "Jack and Jill and the No Small Cat" with a photo of Jack and I at a street festival. Jack was carrying a cat in a child-carrier backpack. The cat looked like our current cat just hanging out, enjoying the crowd. In the dream, I show the newspaper to DH, asking, "Does 'Jack and Jill and the No Small Cat' ring a bell?" He says, "Yes!", as in 'of course, don't you remember that?'. As soon as that happened, he woke me up to kiss me goodbye. We really chuckled over that dream! The only thing I can think of is that we had a similar photo (not in paper) taken at a street festival with eldest in backpack...the dream photo was just like it except cat instead of eldest=) Also, the cat we owned at the time was a very BIG cat and had the same name as current cat. Maybe it signifies that our pets have become our children LOL
  7. I haven't seen posts with only text. I'll ask Dd... She says you cannot. What have you seen? I cannot think of ever seeing this...
  8. When we outgrew a 4 place setting stoneware set early in our marriage, I replaced it with white plates of various designs. I collected a set of 16 mismatched plates (probably earthenware...stoneware usually is more solid and basic. I am not a fan of Corelle). The plates are all white with different borders on each. I picked up plates at garage sales, thrift stores, even one from Walmart that I thought was pretty. I never had to worry about them breaking, though, amazingly, they haven't! It took me only a month to collect them, and it was so economical and handy for extra guests. I have large dinner plates and about the same amount of mismatched white dessert plates. We use both sizes everyday for general plate use.
  9. This is an expensive one, but eldest received as a gift from grandparents. We have a home filter (2 gallon) by the same company. In our opinion, it surpasses all others.
  10. Hey, it is good to find (and share) your thing. I'm a great fan of enthusiasm! I am watching the movie, btw, thank you.
  11. I just talked to DH, and he is excited that I am excited! He knew I just wanted to go back to Scottsdale, AZ, where last year's conference was. Now that my whine is over, he is so happy for both of us=)
  12. Ok, so I must choose the actual day we are going to visit now? I think I know which one, though. Also, I just read somewhere that partial day passes are only available to patrons purchasing though a conference. That does describe me, but that doesn't make sense, because I thought that I saw late entry tickets available on Disney's site...
  13. I really love this advice. It was great that they were finally getting it, and we could share so much of the world together. 'Don't take it personally' is hard to follow sometimes, but their new found opinions are just a hop, skip and a jump away from being actions of young adults that you will have no control over. So, listen to where they are coming from. And, like @Farrar said, say Yes a lot, because there will be times when you just have to say No and you want them to know you have been reasonable with their new-found opinions. So, listen a lot and hug even more!
  14. I think I will enjoy Disney Springs after all. DH will have a fair amount of time in conferences, so I will have alone time, as well. A good balance. Really looking forward to shopping alone. Initially, I was disappointed that this years conf. was in Orlando, because other year's locations have offered historical homes and more interesting natural features (to me) in the local area. Central Florida wasn't a place on my list of dream destinations. But, this is shaping up nicely. You are all so helpful, and your enthusiasm is catching!!
  15. Fast Pass. Our hotel says that it offers this as a service to guests. We are to purchase our tickets, link them to our hotel reservation via the My Disney Experience App & it is then available to us. Does that sound correct? Meaning, I do not pay extra for the Fast Pass? I have not yet compared the so-called discount ticket prices for afternoon entry between the conference link, the hotel link and the Disney site itself. The picture you paint is why I want to go there. About food: now that I think about it, DH and I have smaller appetites than in years past. I will think on the main food, but something simple would be fine, since we are having elegant meals other nights. We will not miss Storybook Treats, though, ice cream is our thing. Chocolate feather? Fun! Oh, and I am sadly, prone to motion sickness, so I think Soarin' would be out for me.
  16. This is getting exciting! Funny, I just didn't see us as Disney people. This is our year to do new things. (Totally at off-topic update: I posted a few months ago asking about meal delivery services while DH and I enjoyed a beach vacation, a first for us. We chose Hello Fresh for just a few of the nights. There were elements that were fun, and I leaned a few new ways to prepare things...surprising, because i am a varied cook, but I wouldn't do it on vacation again. Not only did I have to cook in a new kitchen, I was forced to follow a recipe. For the same cost, I could prepare some top meals with my eyes closed, winging flavors & themes. With Hello Fresh, it was 'follow the card, open the mini packages of ingredients/seasonings, measure the oil exactly' etc, b/c, being unfamiliar with the recipe (and with DH 'helping' me cook) I felt compelled to follow their card exactly. So, those who recommended against it were wise. But, overall fun, and we had a stellar time!)
  17. @PeterPan Your tips are just awesome, thank you!! You had me excited for the Mickey's Christmas Party, but, alas, it is not on the dates we are going to be there. From the ideas I am getting, I do not think we will do a special meal there, because we will have a lot of nice meals out of the theme park area. Also, I do not feel the need to do a lot, I just don't feel left out when I only get a taste of something.
  18. The street performers (...barbershop? Would love LOVE that!) do sound great. It isn't that I was really against Epcot. It seemed that the overall excitement from people what the 'wow' of the things they learned, the natural/futuristic displays...I just want a flavor of that Disney Magic everyone talks about. Just a few hours of it=) We will be attending a lot of adult functions where we will be wined and dined nearby, so I don't feel the need to do more of that, I want my inner child attended to for a few hours. We're staying right in Disney Springs (formally Disney Downtown); what does that offer? Shopping only? Nightlife? Entertainment? We can be there quite a bit during downtime, although, if we have a good view, we are just as apt to enjoy alone time while watching the world go by.
  19. Was it just dirty or where the exhibits not in good shape? On the main Disney site, which I hadn't explored, mostly reading forums & looking at conference ticket options, I see so many show choices in each park - the Epcot food & wine looks great, but since this will probably be my only time to go, I keep leaning toward Magic Kingdom for a classic experience.
  20. ...tell me about Food & Wine. We will be there during those dates. Is it a street festival of sorts?
  21. We are traveling to Orlando for a conference in early November. It will only be DH & I, and we have an afternoon/evening of free time. I have searched Disney boards, TA, and WTM threads for days and my mind is a whirlwind. Is it possible to have a more simple, short Disney World visit? DH went there for an evening work event once, stuck with a gentleman who knew the park well, and rode only one ride that he remembers: a ski-lift type ride with wonderful scenes all around. Not very descriptive, sorry. But that type of ride would be the extent of my desire for a ride. I would like to just be immersed in the atmosphere, maybe have a nice meal or snack - are there cafes around? I have been to other theme parks and do just enjoy the festive atmosphere. I don't need to be entertained, I just like to be in an entertaining environment. Although, a show would be nice. Must we plan a show, or can we just wing that? The planning that everyone says must be done seems overboard for what I am envisioning, but maybe that just isn't how Disney works. Also, I do not think I want to go to Epcot, although I previously thought that I would, because I really don't want to be educated LOL, just 'wowed' and soak up the place. Any thoughts? (ETA - does that ride, i.e. ski lift with scenes, describe a lot of rides? I only want one ride...a scenic, gentle one)
  22. As an update, I will say that DH thought it a little too crunchy with mixing right before eating. Of course, when we have had it at potlucks, even being mixed immediately before the event (leaving home?) would mean that the noodles had a little more softening time. Also, there just wasn’t time for the noodles to soak up the flavorful dressings, so it sat more on the bottom of the bowl. So, there you have it, way too much opinion of the experience with ramen slaw=) Thank you, everyone!
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