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Everything posted by Heidi

  1. This is true. I've never eaten in Mexico, but I have found only three places in the states that served what I thought might be close to authentic mexican. Both were connected to a Mexican store, no one spoke English, no white people ate there,and it didn't look like a restaurant from the outside. And no rice and refried beans in sight. Amazing food. Same with Chinese food. I had some German Chinese food in Germany (it was served with potatoes) and of course American Chinese food, but authentic Chinese is something completely different. I suspect you can only find it in China towns in the states.
  2. Isn't it called a Kindle paperlight or something? I buy each kid a Kindle and load it up with mostly free classics as soon as they learn to read. Best purchase ever.
  3. Thanks for the tip. I guess that would be embarrassing. I haven't needed to name or school yet, but I'm sure the day will come.
  4. After living in Germany, I miss good Mexican, good burgers, and American pizza.
  5. I would just school them at separate times, first the 4 year old, then the 2nd grader. Both ages need you one on one. I've done desks in the same room and that worked well for my kids too.
  6. Expensive ones that I'm going to pass down, I mark in permanent marker on the front to not write in them, and I have my kids write in notebooks.
  7. I think I'm just going to have her finish the 4-6th grade list and then start on the next list on Mensa: http://www.mensaforkids.org/achieve/excellence-in-reading/
  8. WWE has the same kind of writing in it as ELTL, which is narration, copywork, and dictation in the lower levels. So no, I would not combine the two. If you want to add a different kind of writing practice, like creative writing or more traditional instruction, you could add that, but ELTL is enough on its own.
  9. I can't link from my phone, but my kids'favorite is "Michael bay's slow motion epic fail." They've seen them all. I love studio c! ETA their Hunger Games spoofs are awesome. I think those are my favorite.
  10. Exactly. This is what I was taught and will teach my children.
  11. My 4th grader will get grammar, poetry, short stories, narration, dictation, and copywork through ELTL, composition and outlining from Classical Composition, vocabulary from Latin, and we'll work on memory work and recitation as well.
  12. Everything! I'm just excited to be homeschooling again. I put my kids in school last year. I guess if we'really taking curriculum I'm most excited about Classical Composition and BJU science, both new for us.
  13. Or how long will it be before we have transabled people on the cover of popular magazines showing off their mutilations and being praised as being brave and beautiful? Probably not very long. I find it equally disturbing as Caitlin Brenner and the praise he is receiving. I look at those pictures and do not see brave and beautiful. I see someone who is deeply unhappy and in need of mental heath services. Yet his misery and mutilation is celebrated and encouraged. I see sad and sick in him and our society that applaudes it.
  14. Even if we were all born into the exact same circumstances in every way, we are born with varying talents, dispositions, ambitions, intelligence, or lack thereof. That's no one's fault. Death, illness, natural disasters, economic hardships, wars, and accidents happen unequally as well, and that's no one's fault either. LIFE is not fair. Being poor is not the fault of the rich, as some in this thread claim. It seems that some people claim the point of the comic is to encourage humility by recognizing success is mostly because of luck and that the successful should have compassion on the poor. I agree. But the comic is a hateful and insulting way of communicating such a high ideal, and obviously not effective. It's like someone screaming, "BE HUMBLE, @$$hole!!" Not effective. And lastly, and a little off topic, I agree that those who have more should give to those who have less, but forcing charity will always be the wrong answer. Always. The ideal is everyone having all things in common, with no poor or rich. That ideal must be based on freedom of choice and personal virtue such as humility, love, charity. And yes, that is a far fetched idea, but the pursuit of it, I believe, would lift society up. If forced redistribution of wealth were not an option, I believe we would rise to the occasion voluntarily. Forced charity to achieve the ideal is also far fetched, and the pursuit of it brings slavery, oppression, poverty, and death. Just look to the extreme example of communism. That's what I think anyway.
  15. We were Americans living in Germany, trying to get along with the people and culture and "blend in." We just moved back home so I'll be changing my avatar soon.
  16. I saw a lot of so-called peer-reviewed junk science on many topics as I was writing college papers last fall, so this comes as no surprise.
  17. My kids were complaining that it was too hot in the back seat of our mini van. I explained that they breathe hot air of their mouths, so if they would keep their mouths closed and keep the hot air from escaping, it would eventually cool off. It worked for a whole minute.
  18. I school year round. Every year is different. We always seem to have some major life event with military moves or a new baby, so i plan around those events, try to remain flexible,and at least finish math every year. This summer I'm speeding my oldest through the rest of her 5th grade math doing two lessons a day for the next 5 weeks, and catching up my first grader in math,spelling, and handwriting. The rest of the kids have no school. We'll be moving into a new house in 5 weeks,so as soon as everything is settled down we will begin the new school year. We take breaks when we need them.
  19. Just seeing if I can post frim crome.
  20. Going out to eat on our last day in Germany (sad). Probably bratwurst, spargel with hollandaise, and potatoes.
  21. I enjoyed working fast food as a teen. I liked the people I worked with; I liked the fast pace and business.
  22. Lots of reasons, many already listed, but the final straw was on day 2 of Kindergarten for my oldest, the teacher sent home a note with a frowny face for "not staying on task." The task was a learning station she wasn't interested in. I knew she would rather climb trees or play with our goats and sheep than sit in an overcrowded classroom 8 hours a day doing "learning" stations she didn't want to do. So I pulled her out and she has thrived.
  23. I voted how our situation was a year ago, when I lived in America, because it was crazy. We had over two years supply of food storage (beans, rice, wheat, sugar, and so on) and two weeks of water storage for my family. The purpose of so much, however, was to share with neighbors should something happen, not to keep us fed for two years. Then we moved over seas and gave most of it away. We probably kept about 6 months worth. I look forward to building it up again when we get back to the states. We gardened, raised animals, and hunted too. LDS are counselled to have a years supply of food and grow a garden if possible; we just got a little over zealous.
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