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Everything posted by SonshineLearner

  1. Take out the phone... check for what's needed next. Tell my kids to watch from inside.
  2. I'd prefer not to get flamed for this, if possible. When my son was 3yrs and 2 months I started to change him... again... and realized that it was something he could control. He was old enough to go in the restroom and go by himself. I just... without any anger... said, "When children are your age, their mommies stop buying wipes. The wash them off with water." (And yup, it was a bit on the chilly side. No real guilt feelings here... It's not pain... just not pleasurable... warm water... Just cold enough it made him hate it.) I washed him... maybe 2 or 3 times. And then he decided that he'd prefer going in the potty. I then used... the "little kid wipes" for a long time to wipe him there. Some may say it's mean to put cold water on your child, but I was starting to feeling kinda angry about changing a child. (versus a baby) I'd had enough. (And I cloth diapered... etc.) This is all with a child I knew was capable. SO, all things being equal.... I agree with you about spanking... there are just other more effective ways... and more of a "logic" way... to do it... for this situation. BTW, He was sick the next week and it was the only time I can remember him just having accidents again. That's fine... I explained "sick boys" get different treatment than "well boys"... no problem. I do have compassion :) (PS, sleeping through the night dry is/was totally different...)
  3. I would check and see if that's legally binding. I don't think that they can legally obligate you to not reuse it. Perhaps not copy it :) but just not "reuse" it? I think that's just a desire.... Not a right that they have. Just a thought...
  4. There were "connections" and the reason your director doesn't believe in it <at least the possible reason> is that VP isn't allowing CC to do an official song. When they come out with their own cards, which is around the corner... we'll see if there's a song to those :) Gotta admit... songs make it better! ;)
  5. Flouride that's added to the water, isn't even the one that was tested. It's basically poison, and I believe it shouldn't be added at all. Flouride for your teeth... say... the one at the dentist every 6 months... probably could be seen as good... maybe... Flouride in the toothpaste... isn't what we choose to use. :(
  6. And.... btw, that song was a "no-no" and not suppose to be.... Half way through last year... everyone was "suppose to stop using it".... There were actually a few out there... at least 2 ;)
  7. And, CC and VP order are not the same. Of course, for those not doing CC that doesn't matter. I prefer VP order, and then you could do the month free of Online Scholar?? :) It's where they do each card, in VP order, for the history cycle you're studying. I've thought of paying for my son to do this... just haven't decided if I want to depart from the (old) CC order that he learned (and we have a song that matched) or if I want to choose VP order... and get those songs.... (they are longer... and have card # and can't remember what else.
  8. I walked out of Children's place, with things hanging on my stroller bar, I had to walk back and pay or put them back... I don't remember what I did. I've had it happen multiple times, with and without children present. I've never tried to charge the store with burglary when they've over rung my items. And yes, I've had that happen multiple times, too!!
  9. I'm guessing you're not a morning person :) My brother woke up at 6am... forever.... That is until he was big enough for school :) I would try to schooch it forward just a bit.... at a time.... and put darkening shades on his windows. :)
  10. :iagree: Wow! This is it!! :) SpyCar for at least younger years... how far up does Bill like Math? Jan would be good for higher... Perhaps my son could have BOTH! Writing, I'm thinking that if we're putting SWB in here, that she should just do History and Writing :) Grammar can be taught through language and supplementing when necessary. Perfect... Ester Maria first (this year!) and then picking up Latin with Plaid Dad :) I'm sure there are others that would be wonderful. I FULLY intend to use others for the upper years, and wouldn't mind even more days at a cottage school to work through materials with a "Master teacher".... I'd love him to learn languages with people who know them. Wait... my dad knows Hebrew... what am I thinking?? :) Funny how you don't think of the people right around you. :)
  11. If your homeschool group is cordial, I'd just continue on because.... you can help to take away their bias. Some homeschoolers are just "different"... some Public/Private schoolers are, too. ;) Everyone has a "first impression" but it doesn't mean that it'll last :)
  12. Know that you should find a good dog trainer, first. The trainer trains you... and teaches you to train your dog. You should plan to tomato stake your dog for a few weeks... to maybe months... so it can't get into "bad habits". Remember that humane society dogs are ones you adopt, but make sure that works for your family. For my next dog, I want one that doesn't shed. I have one picked out (the breed) I'm purchasing it from someone who shows dogs and has a litter... and has them tested. I don't want to be sweeping hair up at 60; they still throw up some food, spit up some water, and need to be taken out when it's raining. My dog does love me, is loyal, and when he gets out... he runs to the front step to be let inside. BUT, none of that is promised.... it's just his personality. I did spend some decent time training him, when we first got him :) Good Luck!! (PS, the smaller, the more careful you have to be... with kids... I suggest at least "almost" a medium sized dog.)
  13. I'm in the Salem, OR area; I'd love to just have a Salem meet... and anyone from Washington that wants to come over.... (hint, hint Beth) I'd be up for finding a spot if people wanted to do this... and I could meet in Salem or Portland :)..... although maybe those in Albany or Eugene could more likely meet in Salem :)
  14. Yes, there are, but usually they do a "love offering" and also... who is responsible for injuries and such if there are problems? Someone is going to be responsible if there are problems. Even if the parents are ok paying for injuries... the insurance companies that have to pay for problems won't be. And while my son is fine at the park and such, I want him to have a day of concentrated learning. We're doing projects each week for science and history and having a "learning time" is a different atmosphere than just "come to the park when you want". I am doing this partially because when they're older, students start going back to school, because their parents have a harder time getting them to do academics. I think.... that by starting this group while he's younger, I'll have an advantage when he's older. :)
  15. (and maybe see communion a bit differently?) Weird question, but do you have people at your church who don't believe in infant baptism? There's an EO church about 1/2 hr and I've thought about going there for a visit. I have been to an EO church more than once, and the service is beautiful. I think I must be Catholic or EO at heart. I just don't believe in infant baptism, and communion... I see a little different. But, are these more important than the fact that I like the service? ok.... sorry to be off topic...
  16. We have "Men's Fraternity" at our church. IT's a bit hard for me because he has to wake up early, and it puts him in a bit of a "sleep deprived" mood. But, the time can be set at whatever time the group wants. For our church, most wanted like 6am so they can get back for their families. I'd rather have it so that he got back at say 9 or 10 and had been able to sleep in a bit. (he has to wake up early every day for work) Anyway, he enjoys it and they've been doing it for 3 years, I think. They had a main group, then did the same study again for "new guys" and I think they're moving it to the next series. It helps keep him accountable and motivated. It makes him want to back to church.... we'll probably end up going back there. I just don't feel much connection to the church, and don't have an interest in doing things with the ladies of the church. Oh well :(
  17. I think you have to remember the facility/insurance fee. For our co-op, I charged about $30 too little for each student. We're gonna have to fundraise to make up the difference. The bldg is $80 a week for us and the insurance (hopefully, haven't "settled" the acct yet) is $500 for the year. SO, it's not like it's cheap to have a spot. We're hoping for 10 kids or so per class.... which for us would end up with 80 kids the first year... and up to 150 the second. We'll have to have a bigger spot for that... We'll see how it goes. We've done tons of planning. (not charging anything for us) I have NO idea how most people spend enough time to do start a co-op. We've spent over 100 hrs putting it together, I'm pretty sure... This was started by 3 people... We also put in all of our own curriculum. My friend had a Science curriculum for 1st-8th... and we're using SOTW. Parents just have to purchase the student pages for the classes.... and then the other classes. It's a TON of effort... now I'm just hoping that it runs smoothly, and it gives the students a "class" to grow up with. :)
  18. I named my fish when I was young :) That got out some of the names. I actually didn't think she was fake, because... well.... I just thought... "lots of kids... tons too many :)" When she wouldn't share her house info. that was off. Anyway, Names :) I liked Caitlyn Grace; Chad, Stephen, Lindsey, Katya of Katja Clarity is cute (Clare) Elisabeth like my doll when I was young.. and then the ones I used... :)
  19. No one would "not like" you Pam! ;) I forgot about Cadam, as she's not posting anymore....and you've met Beth in WA, too, right? I bet there are some that we've met, and they haven't told us who they are. I bet they come out when SWB comes here :)
  20. My grandma and her brother (my great-uncle) were 1/2 Native American. We had a pic of my Uncle right before heading off to war; he was totally lookin' just like an Indian :) But, I hear that at the time people didn't make a big deal about the N.A. part, although I'm confused about that since he had long braids. The records were all burned when the bldg holding them... burned down :( My mom and I aren't registered. I know I'm part German and part Irish, as well. I'm pretty much just mixed at this point.... I'm part of the "melting pot" :)
  21. I think it probably says how crazy your parents were, and what part of society they may have been. I believe that the kids who name their children in the vein of Doug Phillips will all "know" each other by their names... Providence, Valor, etc..... Yup... Amazing. And the parents always seem to have "normal" names.
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