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Everything posted by SonshineLearner

  1. However old your parents are, I think that's when you think, "REALLY too old." My parents are 60 now, and I would never get close to that with dating or marrying. I married someone 6 years older; it's not a huge deal. More of what is different for us is how we were raised. I was raised in a family that homeschooled, went to a non-denominational church...and he was public school all the way and Catholic. He was raised in a family that was more blunt, mine was not. On the other hand, my Uncle married 25 years younger...his 2nd wife. They seemed happy enough. They were married maybe 25 or more years...and he died of cancer. :-)
  2. Living Math Books (Greg Tang, and Cindy Neuschwander etc..) Counting as we go along our daily life. CC memory work....skip counting the squares and cubes are his favorite..go figure! We read history books about the sentences we study in CC...we listen to cds of people or events in the history period we're studying. We have a timeline that goes around our front room. (so much for ever decorating in a "formal way"!) We go through the phonograms that are included in SWR (cursive) and a manuscript version of the phonograms. He does Bible memory with Awanas, but we just started a chapter to memorize. He's starting to read, but I haven't taught him to write much. I tried cursive, but he just wasn't ready, yet. He plays outside some and complains that we don't have other little friends. Oh well. :-)
  3. Negotiate! They would have received less if they had to deal with insurance companies (did you have insurance?) and only received 1/3? if they had they had to take you to collections.... ("Hi There, We're trying to get all of our bills paid, and we'd be able to clear the bill with you if you could come down to a lower amount.) When you pay it off, be sure to write, "Paid in Full" on the front of the check. It'd be fun to hear if this works... :-)
  4. Toddy...It's yummy. You brew it and it keeps for a while. You just take about 1/3 or so of the toddy, put some Italian Soda or similar and milk over ice. Yummmm! Carrie:-)
  5. Thanks, I still welcome other suggestions, and sorry about the tenses of is and will be. She is 10 now, she will be 11 or almost 11 when we start Greek. Carrie:-)
  6. Just remember not to let your kids watch the one with the r*pe. At least I wouldn't... Carrie
  7. http://www.theportablebaby.com/toddlerpatapum.html http://foxdenlane.com/store/baby-backpacks-patapum-baby-carrier-c-4_17_18.html These are two sites to look at that have Patapum carriers. Note that they are similar to Ergos and have two different choices, infant and toddler. I almost bought these, but wanted to have one that infants would be ok in, too. Carrie:-)
  8. I have to say that I believe our minds were meant to be stretched past their limit and then allowed to relax. Much like you use your body to work until exhausted and then relax. My dad is what most would consider a Scholar in Theology and Law. He use to say that he thought until his brain hurt. BUT, this is how he covered so much material and digested so much. It's not all easy; I don't believe it was meant to be. You can't truly be fully educated unless you are willing to work as hard with your brain as you should be willing to work with your hands to contribute and provide for your family. Work when you're young is just different than work as an adult...although of course as an adult you continue to educate yourself. When you're an adult, you use the material that you've obtained as a child to provide for your family, and to live your life in such a way as to celebrate what God has gifted you with.
  9. I loved reading WTM; I'd say that LCC 2nd edition is what you want...and if you want to use it...I would just buy it. It's worth it! I have the 1st edition somewhere....but I really like the 2nd better. I can see using it all the way up. I am planning on Classical Conversations' Challenge program for my now 5th grader, when she's in 7th. But, I will add many things from LCC, because educationally...I don't think it can be beat. I have the book, and am happy to answer direct questions...whenever I get it back. I think that one of the best things that I'm going to try to do, especially with my just starting son, is to make him have a "language centered" education. I've had my daughter doing Latin for 2.5 years (she's in Henle) and I'm going to try to start her in Greek this next year... With my son, I believe I will dedicate more time. LCC, to me..not saying this is what HE:-) meant to be saying, is about keeping curriculum"simple." BUT, not easy material. Teaching in a way that's more of a classical curriculum, rather that teaching many classes that you're trying to teach in a "classical" way. I'm also reading Climbing Parnassus. These are very interesting to me. Worth the money:-) BUT, you can check out your library, too. :-)
  10. WOW, This is great. Can I use it? I want you in Oregon:-) You do an additional coop with different families? Does that have memory work/ outside work, as well?? Just for those who may be curious; this is the time to see if there are Open Houses happening in your area, information meetings are happening now, and practicums are just happening now.... http://classicalconversations.com/ Click on your state and you can see some of what's happening. Feel free to pm me if you want help finding out what's brewing for the area you are in.... Carrie:-)
  11. We use our front room which is where our dining table and couches ...and wood stove are. :-)
  12. Here's a thought. How much money do you have to allocate to this? If you have enough, perhaps a Montessori kindergarten or something similar. OR, do you have 3-5 friends who are like minded? You could give up 1 day and switch with them. Sometimes I think people get all wrapped up in "home-schooling" and what they can't do. I love homeschooling. I plan on hs all the way through highschool, even if we do more of a coop in highschool. BUT, those little ones when they don't have playmates. It's not that you can't make them behave, it's that it would just be nice for them to have some "little kid" time. I feel for you...course...I have a 5 year old that I would love to have some sweet friends to play with during the day. Not everyone gets to have little playmates built into their family. :-)
  13. Heather in NC, What Greek Program did you decide to use...and do you consider that it's working? Carrie:-)
  14. I've sopken with my dad and received the breakdown of the different "Greeks" and I believe that I've chosen Koine. I have a 10 year old, who will be almost half-way done with Henle I when we start. (she'll understand grammar better than me!) I plan on doing Greek with her. My main goal is for her to learn Greek well enough to read the New Testament. I do want her to be strong enough in it to expand her vocabulary enough to read Attic, if she chooses to in High School. I plan on us spending at least an hour a day between Latin (just her) and Greek (both of us) I would love, like Heather in NC mentioned, to have a "Latina Christiana" type program with a DVD. Since I can't get that, I'd love suggestions... I don't care for Latin's Not so Tough...so I don't want her Greek... Carrie:-)
  15. In my free time...I'm here:-) This is considered doing research for homeschooling, right?? Carrie:-)
  16. I had never really looked at these. Thanks for the thread! :-)
  17. Very Nice:-) I too have a spot for my library books, although I'm cut off at 50 books, by the library. And, there's only the normal time to check them out for. (Two weeks?) I do renew some of them. Anyway 200?? You're lucky! Very nice spot to put all of your learning materials! Carrie:-)
  18. My children have loved School House Rock videos/dvds etc... My five year old has a ton of info memorized including the Preamble... :-)
  19. Seriously, Since they're doing this without you okaying it first...I'd just say..."We're staying ??? nights?" and then Total amount divided by 7....and times the amount of nights you'll be staying...No biggie...act like they're expecting it...because it's right that they should. Figure this out now, while it's still negotiable. No reason to pay for an extra night that you're not there... (Or you could all stay there the one night that is overlapping...that could be your relatives decision...you just ask..."Are we all overlapping for a night?" Don't let things go.....that will build resentment. Carrie:-)
  20. Thanks for the list! Did you get it from somewhere, or is it compiled from various sources? We're doing Ancient History in 6th (next year) So, I'll look at your list. I'm also thinking I can check some of them out at the library. Carrie:-)
  21. Ohhh...sorry....Hope it's just an infection...let us know! Carrie:-)
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