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Everything posted by SonshineLearner

  1. Hey there, My daughter is 10, too. We are short of some school, but we do Classical Conversations. It's a once a week program, where she does memory work and writing and grammar. It's not perfect, but she likes it and feels like she has friends there. If we did not participate, or if I was not a Christian (Which would probably nix this group for me if I weren't...) I would get the guide and do the parts that are mainstream. I would also purchase a cd (probably could purchase used...) I also like the Living Memory by Andrew Campbell, but I like the cycles that CC has to offer... Here's why, the CC group provides interaction...so that's great. But, the information gives a great foundation in History, Science, English, Math, Latin, and Geography. My daughter loves to listen to SOTW cds and has many times since we purchased them. I also 2nd the timeline. The VP cards that CC uses for it's timeline (160 cards) is a great source for writing out the timeline and then fleshing out different cards. This could be independently done, if your daughter wanted to.... Anyway, she likes the CC work and it gives her a base:-) Carrie:-)
  2. I'm wondering..."Who in your family decided which church to regularly attend? Why did that person get to "decide"? Do both of you like it now? Do your children like it? Thanks! Carrie:-)
  3. Asian....wow...I'd get them back into these. I'd look up adoption groups and see if there are any kids meeting together around you. Maybe this would help them get to speak with other children..... Of course, Latin's great...and I'd want it, too. But Latin, Korean and Chinese would be the way I'd go...Lucky you! Carrie:-)
  4. In Oregon, where we live, the schools have been very supportive. My oldest takes 2 classes back to back...walks home (2 houses down from the highschool) and then at the end of the day...back to school. She also misses each Wednesday, but for us it's worked. It's kinda a pain to have to set your schedule around the school day and then...year... But, since she's taking Chemistry and Forensic Science and Band...I guess it's worth it:-) Carrie:-)
  5. Remember that old Fiesta can have lead in it....I'm not sure how old though. We started selling ok Fiesta ware at Meier and Franks....15 years ago...so anything before that.... Just for those who are good at thrift shopping:-) Carrie:-)
  6. Yay...I don't know you, but I know cancer. (not personally, but with my family..) SO, I'm so happy to hear that you'll be winning! A great Dr makes so much difference:-) Carrie:-)
  7. Maybe she's smarter than you think and doesn't want to deal with the system! Sounds like she might want to come home:-) Carrie:-)
  8. Just a question...are you planning on CC for Foundations, still? And are you still doing IEW? Can you tell me what she likes more about Shurley? Thanks! Carrie:-)
  9. 1st, if you homeschool, teasing problem in the younger grades...and by the time they're in highschool...hopefully they're too kind to tease. BUT, I wouldn't name him Peter, if I were you, because you've already linked it to the teasing...and you'll always think someone is going to tease him. I want to get to vote on the next names, though. We have an Isaiah in our group...and Elijah... There are some great names out there that won't give you the problems you're anticipating. Carrie:-)
  10. Hey there, Ask your director for the suggested reading list... If that ends up not working...pm me. There's a list I can get to you, I think;-) How old are your children? I WOULD NOT purchase the memory work cd or the audio cds to listen to...as at least this year...the material is on the C3 community. If you don't want to do it the whole year, you can do it the first month the material is up...and then wait for weeks 13 on to be put on....It worked great for me...Too bad I already purchased the cd. PS, with a coupon code for the CC group...the C3 only costs $6 a month for the Foundations' level. Along with the SOTW, I also like Jim Weiss' other recordings for various cds that he offers on his site. I would wait to purchase other curriculum, depending on your kid's ages, until you get to talk with some others. Start CC and then wait for a few weeks. This might save a lot of money...and get you something that will fit you better. Carrie:-)
  11. Can you not elect to only participate in the music part at the school? My oldest takes Band and a couple of other classes. Last year, my daughter did half time..... Make sure it's not a possibility. You lose some flexibility.... But...it's sometimes worth it for the rest.. Carrie:-)
  12. The only one I really don't like is Day by Day...daycare... It reminds me of you thinking something like, "I just have to get through one more day." ;-) Carrie:-)
  13. This is encouraging! I'd love to read about this, if you've ever posted how you achieved this success. Carrie:-)
  14. My dad's a professor. He liked it so much...that someone else purchased one for him....at least that's the way I remember the story. He loves it! Carrie:-)
  15. Since he's probably got an IEP or whatever is similar there, why not record it for him? Or do a power point? (Depending on his reading level and if he feels comfortable.) I was thinking if you recorded it, it could kinda be like the card that you open and it talks... Except...he pushes a button and it "talks" about Amos Fortune? So he doesn't have all the pressure that he might have trying to give the speech live? Anyway...just my first thought! Sounds like you have a great idea! Carrie:-)
  16. Oh my! What kind of dog food do you purchase? Food is one of the main reasons I can't get another dog:-( Carrie:-) that's just for the inside dogs! :svengo: (I have two great danes, btw, and five dogs all together.) :D
  17. I think you just do what's best for your family. If you can homeschool yourself, great. If you have someone else that can homeschool, that's fine, too. You pick the best choices of the ones you have. Picking public school gives you the least amount of choices. Carrie:-)
  18. It'll be fine. Is she in 3rd? She'll get in on all the cycles:-) I think the C3 is totally worth it. It's like hmmmm$6 a month after the discounts. The "tutorials" are actually a fun way to practice the materials. If you choose to do Essentials, that's great, otherwise just make sure that you do a good job on Grammar and a writing program like IEW. My daughter just started it this year and she loves it! (She is 10, in fifth) Carrie:-)
  19. Does that mean that you bought the whole set again? And did they give you $10 off the package price? Carrie:-)
  20. As far as supplies, I'm sure your director or tutor will go over supplies with you. They might be available at your practicum...so ask before paying extra...(Although I think shipping might be free until the end of Feb) Anyway, You'll need the Foundations Starter kit, which should be about $150. This will last through when your child is about 12, with only a small amount of extra materials each year. Ask your director for the "extra" list. I purchased some of mine used. I would NOT purchase the memory cd, with the songs on it. You will be able to download it off the C3 community, in two 12 week downloads, for about $6 a piece.(in August?) Also, a warning about buying the Foundations' guide used...it's quite different this coming year. The laminating cards can be done quite inexpensively if you find someone with a pouch laminator.<OregonLam.com> I bought the 6x9 rounded corner pouches for a great price and flat $5.95 shipping. I purchased the rings from Flyboys.com They are great, because if you want to flip your cards as you practice, they don't "bite" the holes. Also, think about hole punching at the bottom of the cards. This way they fall for the next card, rather than you having to flip them over....
  21. Not a lot of good ideas, but this sounds wonderful! I've heard of it working in communities where everyone comes together to help care for little gardens! You might be able to buy seed in bulk, too! What a great idea! Let us know how it works:-)
  22. What brand are you using? What reasons do you need to feed your other dog organic? This might help people answer:-) And, how much does your Purina Dog weigh? For my 68lb dog, I purchased Taste of the Wild, no grains, for $8. a week. I measured it out. Now, I just buy meat and it costs $1.33 a day. Carrie:-)
  23. It's always good to hear how old your children are, so answers can be specific.
  24. Hey Astrid, First of all, I had never heard the name Astrid in real life until a few months ago. The Astrid that I know is a kind, loving Christian woman who is just a really nice homeschooler. The best of just about everything that I know about her. Her children rise up and call her blessed...and she lives on an organic dairy. First of all...see how I put "Christian Woman"? I think that's fine. I come from a long line of Conservative Christians... I think this post is interesting:-) I think the problem is when people start identifying with a person, rather than God. Gothard is scary to me, almost like people tend to drink his Kool-aid. Course, I lived in Texas/Oklahoma when he was popular...There are a lot of verified scary stories out there... The long hair thing...my daughter partly keeps her hair long because her bio dad loves it ( and sees her 3 times a year when she flies out there) and partly because my husband likes it. Of course, I keep my hair pretty short. BUT, it's not as short as most of the guys around where I am...and I'm pretty sure Jesus had some LONG hair.... I think it's how you act more than how you dress.... I don't go out of my way to dress like a guy. And, if we're getting to cultural of what guys wore... then where are those guys with long dresses and sandals? Carrie:-) Who wants to keep my eyes on Jesus;-)
  25. Hey Beth, Do you think it's too much to think that kids could watch this, even with a full day of school? One of the things that I'm hearing about doing classes with jr high/ highschool, is that they can't figure out how to study. I'm looking at doing this a few weeks before Classical Conversations starts, and then try to figure out how they could do a lesson every few weeks. I've heard good things about it, in the past, on here:-) Carrie:-)
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