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Everything posted by SonshineLearner

  1. the extra book to go with the textbook and HIG (the workbooks?) are essential. There are so many supplemental books that you can do, too. I am having my daughter do the books we're on... and some practice from the extras .... from the year before. I think you could start that as soon as you hit 2A and 2B. This is what I'm basically doing for my son, too. I'm not really that consistent with my son yet. he's doing 2A... and then some extra work in 1A and 1B and some of the supplementals, too. We also work on the Japanese Abacus, a bit. Of course, it's not every day... and we don't do it all when we do math. Oh.. and the number bonds... very important for me! :-)
  2. :grouphug: I wanna remember these posts. I wanna be a good MIL, a good DIL, a good gma...... It's so sad that the ones we grow up around... are the ones who can just stab us in the heart. I'm sorry!!
  3. I think that submission to each other is important, submission to the husband... is important. I also know that if my husband said he was leaving the laundry on the floor for me to pick up, I'd first honestly ask if that is how he'd treat his mom, how his mom would have him treat me, how he wants his (potential) son to treat his wife... how he'd want his daughter's husband to treat him... And... if all this didn't work, I'd probably tell him that we'll see what he looks like in his last of last clothes, because.... I'm gonna trust that "as Christ loves the church" is going to reign in this instance. I might even offer him a change of MY clothes.... in the event that a clothes fairy didn't materialize for him. I might pick up his clothes, but you can bet that it wouldn't last for long. :D
  4. I got the new Liping Ma book! Yay!! I'm soooo excited... but nice enough that before I finished it, I lent it to a friend.... (with a kinda selfish reason, I suppose.... she's doing Math with my daughter next year.) I also like the yellow book with purple print for the title...Hmmm what's the name?? I think it's by a Chinese Man.. :-) I really like reading all the discussion about theory when it comes to math. I also tried to make it through the book that Singapore sells. :-)
  5. You can buy the ear planes at drug stores. Buy that brand... there is another... but my mom swears that the Ear planes are the best... Walgreens, I think... spots like that... :-)
  6. The pimsleur method is what my husband used. He listened to it in the car on the way to and from work. I'd suggest looking into it. :-) There are pimsleur vs rosetta stone searches available if you google them:-)
  7. Mounce is suppose to be good. My dad had him as a prof... so that's who he learned his greek from.. :-)
  8. If I were to cook for them, it'd help me to have a list of ingredients that you think they could have.... :-)
  9. I'm sure you know.. to derust :-) You just fire it up in a woodstove or in your oven on "self clean". I prefer to bake off everything and start fresh... :-)
  10. My mom made some for our kleen water kanteens..... Clean socks work for just givine a "sleeve" :-) You can cut out the bottom and serge... or just leave it on... hmmm :-)
  11. You know, we have a 17 yr old and a 14 year old... (and an 11yr old and 6 yr old....) I think that whether you spank, ground, time-out... just talk everything through... or a combination of all of that and more.... the hardest time comes when you transition to the child growing into an adult. Really, our 14 yr old is being transitioned already. At 17, I constantly remind my husband that his daughter is almost 18.... (well... the oldest two are with us half time.. because they are "his" ..and we have to share them...) Even our 11 yr old is transitioning.... They are responsible for their actions as they move towards adulthood. After all.. that's the whole think we are doing is getting them ready for the rest of their lives. I think that everyone else is right. Sit down with her, explain that you haven't given her enough freedom. With freedom comes responsibilities. Even the $$$ thing. I'd take her name off before she's 18 and put it up for her.... (Would her daddy be happy with his adult daughter blowing his money?? hmmm) She needs to earn her money... pay for what she gets... and choose to deal kindly with you... or get a few hard life knocks around the way... I'd deal with some of the things that she's being unwise about, that could kill her... (texting) and deal with... and encourage her to use her independence to purchase things... (food~drinks included) She's an adult... help her transition into that role. Do it now... it's easier than waiting. Clear the air.... tell her you love her... but you were hugging her too tight... Let her fall on her butt... Give her a shoulder to cry on... even kleenex... but yank the money.
  12. I had a Marathon and loved it... bought it for my baby before the Britax one specially for infants was out... anyway, one day out of frustration when he was a couple of weeks old... I went over to Toys R Us and bought an infant seat... (with a 5 point harness) There is one specially for infants from Britax now... BTW, my son was 10lbs 3oz at birth... and he was just swallowed by the Marathon... http://www.britaxusa.com/car-seats http://www.britaxusa.com/car-seats/chaperone For bigger kids... This would be mine.... http://www.mypreciouskid.com/car-seat-safety-radian80.html
  13. How about something like a nail care set?? Or, a manicure at the salon? Ours can do it for about $15.... :-)
  14. I'd like to know if you have really good info about the lyme disease thing ..... My cousin had~has it... and his mom had to go to war with everyone to get him treated... :-(
  15. I'd like it separately, but I'd also be surprised if you could do this without "permission". Cool though... :-)
  16. You know, the last two days have been good. I've adjusted what I think of as "good". My daughter still gets absolutely mad... and says things that are just plain ugly. BUT, she's done school work, practiced her ballet, not been "too" mean.. done her math (yes... her MOST important school work.) She did her latin online... She then slipped and said that she translated her Latin without thinking in English, first. (Yay, that's pretty good!!) Her 17 year old sister and she were translating more Latin... get this... for fun!! And... I saw them doing the abacus that I purchased for my son... learning how to use it. Some days you feel good when you just make it through... and remember to let them take some responsibility for their own work. Yay!! Maybe she will make it to Highschool!! :-)
  17. Yes Heather:-) I agree that you're correct. I just mean that I think... you could use CC order... Veritas Press curriculum in CC order... with a little help from VP. That's all.... I understand they're not going to do it... and I also know that it was a hard decision to have my kids memorize the cards in a different order than the VP>. knowing that it made VP not a good choice as far as history for us... I don't know.. I wish I would have been able to more easily mesh the two... It would have been a nice way to blend a curriculum and the cards... :-) And... I do like purely chronological for actual memory... Wish I could have the best of the 2. :-)
  18. But, since CC did.... I have don't understand why VP won't do a "purely chrono order". Especially because besides Classical Schools.... CC is the largest user of VP cards, I think. It wouldn't be that hard. I think it's kinda like a hold out. Which... if that's how they felt, perhaps they should have just not sold to CC in the first place. :-(
  19. Does the history song just cover that one card? Or... is it a list?? I am using Classical Conversations, which takes the cards out of VP order... I would love it if it was possible to use the VP history... out of order... Carrie:-)
  20. I have these slated for 2nd grade. Who has used these, and do you like them? Thanks! :-)
  21. My favorite spot to purchase Iron Skillets is the Goodwill. I only purchase ones that say "made in the USA" and then I bring them home... fire them off in the woodstove and then season them up. To wash... no soap... put them on the stove with a bit of coconut oil. Wipe out with paper towel.... set aside... And remember, don't store your lid on top... without something in it so that the inside can breath... :-)
  22. Cloth at night with a good cover is best. I'm trying a trial cloth "pull-up" from Antsypants.com ?? :-)
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