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Everything posted by SonshineLearner

  1. Hey There, I was looking at these. Who has an opinion about this series by Joy Hakim? Thanks!
  2. Between those two, I'd say Math Mammoth. I really like what I've heard about it, and I've seen her explanation of how to teach multiplication tables. I think it looks strong and the reason I didn't look at it... is that I needed a higher level than what she had... only about a year after we would have started it. :)
  3. My son got it from a friend... who absolutely got it from his vaccine. (So, he got the shot... contracted chx pox... gave it to the little girl... and my son got it from her.) Course, I wanted him to get the Chx Pox.... And I'm happy that... whew... it's over!! :)
  4. I have to say, that with Chicken Pox, I think that it's safest to stay away from children who just got vaccinated, within the time that they are potentially contagious... and kids with Chicken Pox. Which means... if you think about it... you are potentially exposed all the time... And.. things like this are all around... all the time... from Chx Pox to Fifth Disease... which is another "Pox" thing that was going around when I was pregnant... (That's what it's called, right??) So, although I'd stay away if I had kids that had the chx pox... those are probably the least contagious... and all the exposed are the "most contagious". Just a FYI, if you get the chx pox... you can get meds... (not the varicella shot...) but the one to help you get over viruses quicker. It's awesome. My son was getting a secondary issue from the chx pox and it cleared up straight away!! (If only it had been offered earlier...) :)
  5. I looked at a few levels and got level 7, because once my son memorizes it... I don't see the need to add more later, I'd rather memorize the "older" jingles first. So, I'm gonna just go in increments with him... (He's in 1st right now) I just looked at a few levels and decided.. I can pick it apart... Course, that's just me and my laid back ways.... And, I figure that we'll be tackling Latin soon... so.... Carrie:)
  6. I've always thought that if I adopted, I would try some of the "attachment" things I've heard like sleeping with the child. (sleep time "connects" you, it's one of the things I've heard recommended by specialists talking about children who have autism) Course, working with the state... but... on my side... hmmm
  7. I take care of a little boy that's from Thailand. He's a cutie! I only take care of him on Fridays. So, I don't know a lot about it because... well... his mom doesn't speak English well at all. But, he's SOOO smart, really a product of a care for his schooling. He reads Thai and English, and they do cursive for English words, so he has beautiful cursive. (well, for a 5 year old... heck... after reading the threads... for some much older) I just read about Thai culture and realized that rubbing his head was most likely a "no no". Not sure how much extra money you could make... but it seems like if you can make good money and live inexpensively.... :)
  8. Thanks for the review! How are you finding the error rate? My dad knows Greek fluently, but of course if there are errors in the cd.... I am thinking of starting my 6 year old with Greek before I delve heavily in Latin. Thanks!
  9. You could always try a true abacus program. (Nurtureminds.com) She's young, right? Learning the abacus is great for transferring to visually being able to do mental math. :)
  10. :lurk5::lurk5::D This was someone whose children had sung these songs in a Christian private school. They ended up finding out that they could purchase them for about $100. I want them now! :D
  11. I would suggest looking at your closest store like Foley's or nice department store. Ask what the best deal for it would be... with coupons... and whatever else they can think of... Then make your decision. I know for me, the handles would have to be riveted, and the bottom layers not just layered... but actually enclosed for me to spend that much. (didn't take another look to see) Also, Ross dress for less sometimes has nice pots..... Just a thought. Then... if all that failed... I'd get it. :)
  12. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: I'm sorry that it's kinda stiff for a visit. I have little to suggest, except for lots of games and ipods for your kids... Perhaps your husband could pick up some teenage hints... (you know...where kids listen to the ipod while nodding to adults) :D Anyway, here's hoping that others have good hints!!
  13. It's the decision of the Director, but... Christian, Homeschooling, Graduated your children from Homeschooling, or you were homeschooled.... :)
  14. (I don't think that fire all the teachers is the answer but.....) Well, I kinda think it's more like... get some local control. I think it's Fire the heavy government and let parents talk about what they want. Let the parents be back in charge, and then "fire" them if they don't rise to the task. Remember education is the parent's job. Make them feel responsible again! Have those parents come in and sit with their children in the classroom. I don't know... I guess I feel like everyone wants change... and no one feels like it's possible. :(
  15. Remember the thread about the Timeline cards and cd from their Christian School for about $100? I'd love the info... Carrie:-)
  16. For now, but soon you'll have stiffer rules to follow. You might be given a "how to raise pigs" and "what to stuff in 'em" I am so glad that she has a safety net, I was worried as well. I may have to come check on her, as you have a life displayed for her makes me worried you're not taking good enough care of her. I mean, what if she wants more antibiotics? Have you asked her? And free range? Does that mean you don't know where she is all the time? Hmmmm... Free range... :)
  17. Don't forget the $20 cart that was just on here today.. perfect for home school conferences.. Take some extra pocket change. You'll want to get some kitchen things... and maybe lunch! And... the snack area is incredible. Ligonberry jam and all sorts of really yummy foods.. :)
  18. Discovering Mathematics Textbook 1A I'm wondering who's using Discovering Mathematics Textbook 1A. Thanks!! LMK how you like it, what age your student is... etc :) :)
  19. I think that 3- 4 months at a time is a good commitment. Kinda talk about how you see taking care of babies. Chances are, they're asking you because they've seen you parent. Even things like..."are you planning to nurse?" are you ok that I feed babies determined by their desire? (or, are you ok that I try to schedule babies?" whichever way you go...) Are you striving for "sleeping schedules"? are you ok with having me put them to bed at set times, but with flexibility? Ect... everything you feel like it should go one way... you should ask how they see it going... Are you ok with pacis? ( I mean... I'm crazy, but I LOVE pacis...) I also wear my babies a lot.... Just ask lots of questions... make notes... agree. The only think I can see... is if you don't agree ahead of time.. there could be problems. Remember... the closer you are to someone... means that you should closely write EVERYTHING down, so there are no disagreements.... Also, take pay a month ahead.... because... that's a good business way to do it... :)
  20. Oh yes, you want to mill, so your flour isn't rancid. Ever tasted yucky tasting wheat bread? With an "off" taste? It's likely due to wheat flour that is rancid.... Once the wheat berry is broken (ground) the oils in start going bad. So, you're literally eating rancid bread. ick... :(
  21. Yup it sure is! My mom's mill has lasted for almost 30 years.... You want a good mill... and you want nice wheat berries :-) You can make loaves of bread, once at a time by using a bread machine.... just set it for the dough... take it out... form for loaf pan and bake in the oven. YUM!! :)
  22. When ours got old... I got rid of it and told everyone no. I find that things warm quickly in an oven or a pan... and I didn't want another one. I may get a small convection oven someday. (We have one in our oven... which is old... and when it dies, we will get an oven with convection...for sure!) :)
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