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Everything posted by SonshineLearner

  1. Oops... not over $2000. It's approx. $442 for Foundations.... and approx $442*2 for Foundations and Essentials. And, it's not more than say... Ballet or some of those extras.... is a great experience... and if Tutoring is your thing... you have an option of that sometimes.... :)
  2. I'm allowed to share the best whole wheat bread ever.... if you remember that it is.... Nathan's Grammy Bread:) Cute huh? My very picky eater wants this bread over all others..... And, though you don't have a breadmaker... You can do this in one, if anyone else is looking. Stop it after the dough cycle, take it out to rise in a bread pan... and bake in the oven. Either Pam spray or lecithin and oil mix is what keeps it from sticking to the pan. Enjoy:) WHOLE WHEAT BREAD NATHAN’S GRAMMY BREAD Main Ingredients Whole Wheat Flour; Honey; Yeast Category Bread Source Leta *Nathan's Grammy :) Serves 5 1/2 - 6 lb. 350/30 min. Ingredients 1/2 C Oil 1/2 C Honey Made Recipe 3 tsp. Salt regularly 1 Egg (opt.) 4 C Water (125 degrees) 7 C Flour (I use freshly-milled whole wheat flour. Unless pre-milled flour has been refrigerated, it will not taste great for more than a few days. The germ and oil go rancid soon after being milled. The freshness of the flour determines the result.) 2 T Yeast 4 to 5 C additional Flour I preheat the oven to 400 degrees before putting the bread in the oven. Then I turn the temperature down to 350. Instructions 1. Mix well the oil, honey, salt, and egg; stir in water slowly. Temperature of mixture at this point will be about 110 degrees. 2. Add 7 cups flour; mix until well blended. Add yeast; mix very well. Any kind of mixer may be used for this step; the dough is more like thick batter. Let sit for 5 min. 3. Add additional flour until dough pulls away from the sides of the bowl. Knead 8-9 minutes. Let rest for 5 minutes. 4. Shape loaves; put into greased* pans. Let rise until doubled or until a finger indentation in dough springs back. 5. Put into preheated oven; bake 25 - 30 min. Remove from pans immediately, and place onto cooling racks. Note: This recipe is made using the Bosch Kitchen Machine. If one isn’t available, at step 3 add additional flour to make a medium-stiff dough. Knead 12 min. or longer, until gluten is developed and dough feels smooth and elastic. Rest 5 min.; proceed with step 4. Notes *I use a mixture of half lecithin and half canola oil. Bread never sticks to pan. Other oils would probably work as well.
  3. I have to say, I don't care about her story. I wouldn't want to see a movie, about how she's making money off of causing her community... including her husband... horrible pain. I don't want her making money off of me!! Too bad she's not being shamed!! Shame on her!
  4. Yup, I had a road trip to NJ. I actually lived in Leonia, Manalapan, and Somerset... during my early 20's... I was a... Nanny! I drove from here to there with my best friend, at the time. We had tons of fun... going to NY on the weekends... saw some great shows.... had fun walking around NY and spending all of our money... I actually drove around a bunch in New York City.... (I wouldn't drive around until one day, when I was in a cab... the cab guy bumped into the guy in front of him... before we left the curb. The driver at fault... got out... and yelled at the other guy!!) Anyway... after that I just drove the old car I got to use from nannying... over in NY. What fun!! SO.... great memories of NJ!! (even if not of the families I nannied for...)
  5. :grouphug: Sorry! I had a friend who was extremely overweight. It was a hard life that she had! I'm not sure how it went for her... as we eventually... after 20 years... went our separate way.. :)
  6. I'm lucky... my cat doesn't walk on our counters... or our table for that matter. Our dog... well... he counter surfs.... (all food is for him... if he can reach it!) But, I don't put food on our counters. I always use something, and did before I had animals. Regretfully, my step daughter has never accepted the dog, and is put off by him. He's 60ish pounds.. and a bundle of energy. Unless you're in his way... when he's running out to the back yard.... everything's good. I love him so much! He's a great dog! He's gentle with all the people, except the drunk guy next door, that he seems to want to devour! I think that animals have germs... but so does everything else! I did find this tool... the furminator... and that helped a bit.. :)
  7. http://livelearnandlovetogether.blogspot.com/2010/03/how-i-plan.html I think she explains how she does it well :) Course, not exactly having it planned... http://academicrecords.net/crossware/transcript.nsf is pretty cheap... (like $15 when you get ready to print it) :)
  8. Well.... hmmm... they are set apart and judged at a higher level of responsibility .... if they are preaching... so... isn't it partially just an acknowledgement. I, for one, think that it's great to set apart... and respect... the leadership position that they are willing to take... knowing that their judgement is harder... because of the fact that they are taking leadership responsibility. :)
  9. I think you have to decide at that time, whether or not to take the tax break of not contributing to SS. So, it can be a serious tax break for all that money that's coming from the church... or ministry. You still would pay tax on say... Kroger's for a side job. Also, does it have anything to do with a housing allowance? I know my dad has been ordained... and I know that he had to make some $$$ decisions way back when. I think it's a "once only chance" to decide on the tax stuff... :)
  10. She will be in Salem, if everything works out for us... (But she doesn't know... it's depending on when she's back from other travels) Pm me with your name, k? I'm the Oregon Practicum coordinator.... so... I'm just curious what your name is... and make sure to say "Hi" to me. I'll be at the Salem one... which is the one I'm assuming you're coming to.... Beth... I've thought of going to an SWR Seminar... just with you going... makes me wanna go more!! We have to have an Oregon get together... (which you would pop over for... right?? :)
  11. Hey Beth, Living over here, you have the possibility of going to one of her seminars. :) They aren't too expensive, either. Also, the Classical Conversations Practicum in Tigard, is having her as one of the afternoon speakers. (Only a bit of each of the 3 days, but I think it will be interesting.) At the practicum, she'll be talking about the importance of English Grammar for the Christian. (perhaps about her program, too??) :)
  12. I don't think you have to disapprove of spanking, to not want Ezzo's at your church... I don't think that's the easiest way to have the seminar... not held. I believe that spanking can be a useful tool in the box, and can't stand their position... or books... :)
  13. I don't think you have to disapprove of spanking, to not want Ezzo's at your church... I don't think that's the easiest way to have the seminar... not held. I believe that spanking can be a useful tool in the box, and can't stand their position... or books... :)
  14. So, I would ask about some herbs to take after or even maybe from now till after... from a naturopath. I would also drink a beer or wine or something to help me kinda "relax". Rumors have it that some hospitals... give a mug of beer to help their moms relax. I think the darker and purer the better. Of course, you'll want some help making sure you don't get too relaxed... but sometimes just getting it flowing will get you off to the right start. If you haven't drunk anything... and are not to tired, I found that warm baths were great for nursing. (no, you don't want to go in if there's any chance you're too tired.) Also, at night... you can sometimes nurse easier. I guess that I'm one of the ones that would say... always try, try, again :) Good Luck!!
  15. lonepineclassical.com has a class I really wanted my daughter to take. It uses a "whole to part" book Lingua Latina, and is a great price, compared to some others. :)
  16. http://www.tinytrekker.com/DuallieJoggingStrollers.aspx These look like good Bob doubles.. :)
  17. What a pleasant end to your family! So happy for you, and they do grow up fast... when looking back! :)
  18. I thought this was the difference between two vowels, and at least one vowel and one consonant. Hmmm (so ow would be different that oi)
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