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Everything posted by SonshineLearner

  1. Is there something wrong with the kitty? Maybe I missed a post?? :(
  2. Yes, Because I would figure that the leaders of the church probably aren't educated about well... the goals of Christian Education and how World View is so important. Also, I would assume that they believe that public school is meeting the goals of education... at large. It depends on WHY you homeschool, partially. For me, the reasons are intertwined and can't be taken apart... To be knowing God... and study about His world, you have to acknowledge that it is His world... and if you know that it's His world... you want to be more educated.... Academics are not a "neutral ground".... :) (Oh, and our Pastor... a former Missionary... never talks about academics... except to pray before the start of the year for the kids and teachers...and it bugs me to no end..... I really wonder if he has NO thoughts on Worldview and how they are taught in Public school...)
  3. Which, is why since I live in Hunter's country... I should always remember to ask about guns!!! I'm a bit paranoid.... and though my husband can win about tons of issues.. Guns are not one of them... Not coming in my house.... Not gonna happen!!!!! He can have them at work... but seriously... it's non negotiable. I'm really sorry... wish it was ok... but it's not. Course, anyone who knows us... we're still protected... he has a serious knife inside his nightstand... and maybe a bat somewhere up there. He was a marine... the person would be dead...
  4. Oh yes, it's not like it's always been perfect. There has been one infection, which thankfully I figured out how to "fix" as the Dr didn't know about uncirc'ed boys. (I point blank asked him when he got back, why he told me to do what he did... It was wrong.. oh well) Anyway, it oozed green... nasty!!!! But, three days of meds... applied... (without doing any pulling away of the skin...) and then once more, when he had been too long without a bath... after he "could clean" it... he needed one day of some med for it... EASY! Surely not worth cutting it off. I think he will thank me... his wife will thank him..... and his kids won't be the "first in the family" going back to the tradition of leaving it alone. If DRs were able to be educated... it wouldn't be a problem. YES, I know that when older men are in nursing homes... there are some problems with hygiene. I'd be interested to know how other cultures deal with this. BUT, I don't hear of women getting things cut off so they can be clean... Heck... when I volunteered at a nursing home.. women's nails needed cleaned... They cleaned them.. instead of ripping them off... Novel. When I helped to make my best friend's g-pa comfortable... I helped make his whole body... comfortable... it was kinda gross... cuz I knew him... but that's just life.... And... he was old... (I just had to powder him... but still...) (He was dying.... and it was an all over powder that she was suppose to do for him)
  5. Oh... our 16 and 12 year old... pretty much go to bed when they want... and our 7 year old... around 9 or 10..... That's because my husband puts him to sleep... and he doesn't get around to it till then...
  6. Hey Peela, Your 16 year old is going to college this coming year? From home? Is that the "normal" age? Just curious!! :)
  7. Go ahead and take it to have the spine cut, covers laminated, and spirally bound. You'll thank me :) I bought some new... some used :)
  8. I really love LCC ;) It's a great book; I own both editions and consider it a "must have." Can you get pdfs on your kindle? You can cut the binding off... scan it and pdf it.... My dad has this scanner you can just stick the ream of papers to be pdf'd and then... do whatever with them.... Perhaps you could do something like that :) I really like a mixture of The Well Trained Mind, Teaching the Trivium, Latin Centered Curriculum..... and Carry on Mr Bowditch :) I do a bit of LCC, a bit of "this and that" and some Classical Conversations. As my son gets older, the core of his curriculum.... is the LCC recommendations. He's just going to be starting on Hebrew, as soon as we get our curriculum. My husband goes through all the readings of Myths.... and such at night... He listens to SOTW on cd... and Jim Weiss' other cds.... :)
  9. My kids would be so sad if we didn't allow sleepovers. There's a risk in everything.... BUT, it's the whole...... is it worth more to LET the kids do it... than to not let them experience the fun and experience. It's the same type of discussion as... "Do you let your kids walk to the store?" etc.... Age is important in the discussion... but I don't want my kids to grow up being scared.... Careful.... yes!! Scared, no!
  10. You should hear my two girls and their friends... it's all about fun... :)
  11. Well, it makes for ill formed letters. I treated it like "disobedience" and told him that he (my son) needed to obey. I also got dinosaur stickers to reward him for "trying his best" and let him put the little stickers on his "best letter". I also cracked down on "holding the pencil correctly". For him... it was only a few days... and presto... done :)
  12. My daughter has some jeans that are pretty much like that.. :)
  13. Nakia, What type of circ instrument was used? Was it "free hand"... don't know what that's called... I would ONLY do circ'ing if I was religiously held to it... and I would have it done a certain way..... etc.. One thing, while learning about whether I wanted to have it done to my son... that I learned... was that there are actually "different lengths" of circing.... SO... you can get a short circ.. or a long one... for lack of better terms... (I researched this a long time ago..) BUT, I've never heard a DR that asked for the Parent's preference. You'd think that would be a parent's choice, and not the Dr's. I'm actually not AS opposed to the actual circ'ing... as to the ripping the foreskin from the p*nis to be able to cut it off.... and the amount that they cut off.... I think that whether you're talking about a medical procedure like... abortion... or circ'ing (really I'm NOT equating the two!!) You should have to watch it... kinda like a disclaimer... before you have one done on your children. I don't know that people would carry through on either of them... if they watched one, first...
  14. Well, I think that sleeping over... at an age where the child is able to be "trusted" is great!! I love my daughter being able to have sleepovers. I think around 8 is a good age... if you know the parents. With just meeting the parents... and my daughter being 12... I'm fine with it. She's over 3 inches taller than me... and VERY strong :) That may help a bit... Of course I don't just "dump" her off anywhere... But... we live in a pretty small town... Also.. when we do sleepovers... my husband isn't ever left alone... so as to not have any "suspicions"... I'm actually more worried about (wrong) assumptions while kids are spending the night at our house.... Probably because I've heard so many horror stories... And... of course... in our town... there has been at least one public school teacher (male) and one ps teacher (female) in the last couple of years.... that m*lested a child. :(
  15. Take a day or a week off!! Get a handle on the thrush.. you know that whole thing about making sure all the things that touch the thrush are cleaned, right? Let your kids do whatever... don't feel guilty!! Call a friend to give you some time off... if you have one you could trade with later... or something..... Do anything that you can to get some rest!! You're suppose to be on MATERNITY leave!! ;)
  16. Look up a "Kopy Kat" recipe for the Potato breakfast casserole from Cracker Barrel. Perhaps someone here has it already typed up and ready to go! It's so... very good!! You could use veggie broth instead of chx broth, too... I think.... It's my favorite thing at Cracker Barrel :)
  17. Which is why I want to wait for a while before we get Netflix. I'm actually trying to enjoy the "less tv" thing for a while. Our self discipline in the "not much tv time" is less than commendable. :(
  18. Maybe try the ones with "Baked Potatoes" in them? I like them best :) It's been a while... but baked potatoes, cream and cheese... with some other ingredients... (we don't do bacon, but if you do... yum ;)
  19. Hi There, So, do I want to buy this through Amazon, or through the Roku site? Any benefits? Specials out there? Problems with this one? We have a Wii, but I guess a dedicated machine would be better? Also, If we have more than one tv, when you watch it on the main... is it on the others, too? Can you have a Roku for each tv? (and all watch separate Netflix... or whatever??) :bigear: Thanks!
  20. Yes, and really the themed are just so "cheap" feeling.... But you could handle them on a pillow... OR, you could buy a yard of the fabric and make pillow cases, or sew an end piece to the pillow case :) You're a sweetie for doing that!! We no longer co-sleep... but..... my son doesn't comprehend that... so HE co-sleeps with US :) I explained that the dog could sleep in his room... but he wants a human hand to hold while he's sleeping :) I told him that he couldn't sleep with us when he was in college... and he asked... seriously... "Why Not?".... I'm hoping someday... he'll wanna sleep on his own... without us having to kick him out of bed :)
  21. Remember the place where you could "pre-purchase" gasoline and use it as you needed it? That's what I want!! And.... 99 cents a gallon... for just a day!! ;)
  22. My son loves CC ;) (Yes, I'm a Director) Now, once the afternoon program hits... no promises... But the Foundations.... (Memory work, Art and Science) he LOVES that.... and he LOVES to talk during their classroom presentations. He just said, after Christmas Vacation, "I can't WAIT to go back on Wednesday and see all my CC friends". The afternoon is writing... and grammar... and I'm sure he won't be keen on that!! Lucky for me, he won't start that till at least 4th grade. So... two more years to enjoy, before the writing...and the grammar :)
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