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Everything posted by SonshineLearner

  1. You can... it's like... a 3rd grade level. Big lines for writing and all. ;) Henle was good for my daughter; she started in 3rd with LCI and then 4th with LCII and then Henle with Units 1-3 the first year... online for Henle 1-4 or 5 the next year... then she begged out. But, seriously she had a decent grasp of most of what she'd studied... BUT, alas... she hated it and after 4 years of pushing, I stopped. :(
  2. yup, it's memorization :) lots of it. Now, to whether it's the best sequence... that's another story. I hear that latin for year after this... will be changed for CC. I personally think that "Latin's Not So Tough" makes it well... Tough.. :)
  3. Well, disclaimer... My father... has taught several years at Summit (the Colorado one) My step-daughter would have returned each summer, if we had the $$$ for her to go back. We've promised one year for each. It's well worth the money to us, and nominal in price, considering what our local camp charges. They had a blast and listened to seasoned speakers; speakers I'd love to hear!! It's a very safe environment, and they do about 3 really fun activities while there as well as playing games and such each night. Of course, if she goes to Summit... and is there on July 7th (I think that one starts June 26??) Have her say "Hi" to Maggie! and her g-pa Wayne House :) PM if you have more questions... :)
  4. My pup likes raw eggs. (You just need fresh ones... or... well... it's probably not a problem to use any... especially because he's sick) Whatever I had... I'd try some raw and some cooked (as long as cooked is ok... ) Is he drinking water? How old is he? The liverwurst might be good... Did he get into anything? Is he throwing up? How long has it been without him eating? :( Sorry!! :(
  5. Oh.... and even though I said chants... songs work, too!! Preferable with the info "said" then "sung"
  6. Nope, don't want CC's. I want something like maybe Kathy Troxel's? But, for all the history cycles.... at least over a 4 year history cycles... What's important to me is... easy to learn... and accurate. Thanks!!:bigear:
  7. We are charging $105.00 this year, per student. (Also, parents will help teach/help/set up/break down & clean) This will cover the money we pay to the facility, insurance and supplies. It's a ton if you're broke, but understandable if you pay the fees that we as the leaders have to pay. I think that around $1000.00 for the building.. little more ...little less.... and $350-$400 for insurance.... and then around $50 or so... depending on if you're doing things like.... detailed Science experiments... The upper grades are a bit more, as they are getting more Science supplies/equipment. I don't feel that this is out of line with doing it at a "nominal charge"..... It costs what it costs.... We are not trying to actually make money at it... rather to cover our costs... We will have classes that are taught by "Master Teachers" offered.... those the instructors will set the fee. I'm thinking that they'll be set between $250 and $400 depending on what is being offered. (But, for those I'm merely opening up space... they'll have to see how and if they fly :) I'm excited!!! It's promising to be a fun, wild, learning kinda ride :)
  8. These are so cute!!! I had really wanted one... but got my sweet black dog from the humane society instead. Enjoy!! They are a cute handful from everything I hear :)
  9. We serve all over the greater Salem area, including Dallas , Monmouth , Keizer , Molalla , Scio , Stayton , Silverton , and Woodburn .
  10. Well, being Protestant, I don't have an issue with a "protestant group" BUT if you want to think that you're providing a service that is for Protestants and Catholics, then some of their choices aren't the greatest. BTW, you NEVER go over the VP backs of the cards in class.... So, it's really just the front. But, VP is very reformed... and though I agree with some of it... I am NOT reformed in many areas.... I think it's awesome that there are different programs out there. I also think that memory with context is best... But, that's another thread... BTW, I've looked at the samples for both of these, and they look good. BUT, I would NEVER go with a program that has anyone other than "local" in charge.... EVER again :)
  11. Hey Dolphin, I invited you... do you see it? And... Joyful.... I'm glad you're here, too!! I sent you a private message to have you email me with your email addy :)
  12. Well, I can tell you what my child is... He's registered as a 1st grader, but for all other reasons... in 2nd. I saw everyone else holding boys back.. and didn't want him tested against kids who were sometimes way over a year older than him. So, you can call him whatever grade he would be at "age wise" for Sunday School and such... and then... "test wise/school registration" put down where he is educationally.... :)
  13. Let him :) You brought him home as a baby, right? So, understandable that he wasn't able to have Korean as his first language, but I always think that for children whose heritage is pretty much straight from another country... dual makes perfect sense :) At 7 he should be able to pick it up... hopefully!! If not, at least you let him give it a go :) :)
  14. The "rule" is that if a child is 4 or older, and on campus, they have to be enrolled.... Just a thought. :) You could use the $$$ that you'd have them there and choose a Christian preschool program. OR, do a preschool co-op. I always said that you don't need to start till at least you would be only completing the 3 year cycle twice.... which is 6 yrs and 1st grade. I can see doing it less... but that's the most I'd do it for. Really, if I had not been directing... then this year we've just completed or next would have been my son's first year. (so, 6-7yrs old:) Plenty of time for memory after a Preschool co-op. At our up and coming co-op, we'll be doing more "age appropriate" memory work and play time. :) Learning Mother Goose and the poems from say... Andrew Pudewa.... are just as good to get the memory going... IMHO :) (It's not a question of if they CAN learn the material... just a question of if it's the best for that age)
  15. That's so great!! HOPE is important when faces with challenges :) I really wish for your family, that this is the start of an incredible journey of speaking! Let us know! :)
  16. There are actually whole classes of children who decide to wait a year for Challenge A. I think that 2 years of Essentials is more than enough to move on..... It's a ton of writing and grammar!! And, for Essentials, it's literally YOU being in the class as much or more than your child. :)
  17. There's one by Classical Academic Press, too. (for teachers) I think that may be interesting, and I happen to know someone who is thinking of purchasing it. ;)
  18. I just heard this Wednesday!! I think it may be good for us to do some sort of writing in to the school. I'd love to hear specifics...
  19. A secular version, would be extremely easy, especially if it were for someone who likes.... say... SOTW. CC material really can be used by anyone. If not trying to go through CC, then taking out the "Christian" parts to make it secular would be... a piece of cake. And, seriously.... the 4 year cycle would be good. It's hard to pick a curriculum.. if you want to pick one... and do a 3 year cycle.
  20. Yes, not sure why they copied the "3 Year" cycle rather than developing four, but..... yup..... it's there :)
  21. Joel!! That's an awesome name :) Or, if you want people who don't speak french to mumble through.... do Yves or Edouard or... actually any of the others. I'd be stuck with "Hey little buddy" for him.... and mean it with all the kindness in the world :( But... just none of them would work out for me to comfortably say... although... I could probably spell them just fine. I liked "Natan" for my son... but added the "h" in there so it'd be spelled correctly :).... here.... Just a thought.
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